Sunday, April 21, 2013


I am currently...

to Audrey Assad.  She's a Christian worship artist.  My dad purchased her album a couple of years ago, but I never really got into her music.  These days, I've been searching for quiet study music and I'm loving Audrey Assad.  She has a pure, sweet voice, and lovely lyrics.  Her album is a great way to maintain a spirit of worship even while studying for frustrating classes. 

I am also listening to this lovely rendition of a song I love on the piano.  It's so good.  My goal is to learn to cover this well over the summer.

I've played the piano since early childhood, but I've taken a few breaks here and there, and then I never did bring my keyboard to college, so I only play piano when I'm home.  Over spring break, I picked up the Pride and Prejudice song book and played through "Dawn" without as much difficulty as I thought I would.  Now I would love to improve on piano over the summer and then hopefully bring my keyboard to school in the fall. 

"Left Behind" by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins.  I've actually read this before several years ago, but since Nicolas Cage is apparently creating a movie re-make, I thought I would take another read.  What do you think about the idea of the upcoming Left Behind film?

Mulan.  A week or two ago, it hit me how much I wanted to see Mulan again, but I didn't own the movie.  After asking a ton of people, driving to four different movie stores, I found and bought the film and eagerly watched it that very day.

In sixth grade, I actually watched Mulan every day after school for a couple of weeks solid.  I don't know what it is about this movie I love so much.  The idea of a Disney movie with an independent female protagonist who needs no man to define her identity, but still ultimately falls in love of her own free will... I love it.

about this summer.  In only a couple more weeks, this semester will be finished and I will return to my hometown for a few months.  Last summer was a difficult experience.  Perhaps I'll write more about this another time, but basically, last summer I felt completely stranded from the Christ-centered community I had found in college.  I was lonely.

I actually have so much hope for this summer.  I feel as if the Lord is telling me, "Yes, you will be lonelier than when you're surrounded by a Christian community in college, but you are going to receive the sweetness of my presence over the next three months.  I am faithful and I am a sustainer."  Also, I will be heading to Kenya in June, which is thrilling.  I love where I intern over the summer.  I am trusting that summer 2013 will be a place of favor and rest.

for my fundraising to Kenya.  I am nearly there, as you can see from the counter to your right.  The Lord has been working so powerfully in advance for this trip.  His love is going to be shared in mighty ways, and I am honored to be a part of it.

If you would like to donate to my trip, you can do so directly through the Christian Relief Fund website.  Be sure to specify your donation is to go to "Emily's Kenya Trip."

What are you listening, reading, watching, thinking, and praying?


  1. Audrey Assad is my favorite artist to listen to when I am studying! I don't know what it is about her voice but it is so calming and easy to study to. :)

  2. Do you ever listen to Tobymac? He is one of my favorite singers. I love Steal My Show and Made For Me.

    I think I've seen the Left Behind movies once, I liked them and thought that Kirk Cameron did a great job, but never watched them again. I have seen Nicholas Cage in the National Treasure movies and I really like those too. But for him to be in the Left Behind movies is kinda weird to me. From what I've read he isn't a Christian, I'm not saying he's a bad actor or wouldn't be great in the movie but I think they should've got a Christian actor for a Christian movie.


    1. Haley, I do listen to TobyMac sometimes! I used to be one of his biggest fans, and now I still definitely enjoy his music, but there are other artists that have become my favorite. He's so talented though!
