Before I spoke, when my grandma and I were praying and preparing in a back room that was completely painted pink, I practiced what I was going to say ahead of time... most of which I completely threw out the window when I actually got up there to speak. I'm really not much of a speaker, but I was shocked to see that everyone was attentive and listened, and some people seemed to be really touched by what I said, which is all I could ask for.
I told the story of when I was at a basketball game, hanging out with some kids that weren't necessarily Christian. While we were hanging out, a guy pulled me aside and said, "You seem different from everybody else... happier, maybe, I don't know... what makes you so different?" Embarrassed and shy, I replied, "Nothing makes me different... I'm just a happy person." I missed the opportunity, and I never want to miss another opportunity like that again.
I hope I didn't tonight.
Several teens stood up and went into another room to be counseled for salvation. A few more rededicated their lives to Christ.
I left City Church feeling encouraged by the smiling faces and the fellowship. I hope I made some kind of an impact.
On the way home, I heard a song by Nichole Nordeman called "Legacy," and it truly expressed what I am feeling today. It goes:
"I want to leave a legacy.
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love?
Did I point to you enough
To make a mark on things?..."
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