Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Evil Eye

Today, I went to the eye doctor.  Contacts are a crazy thing for me, and I am having allergic reactions to them (apparently), and so it has been highly recommended that I get the lasik eye surgery that makes everything better when I turn eighteen, which isn't that far away.

There is only one problem.

I am very sensitive when it comes to my eyes.  It took my three days to put in my first contact.  Isn't that ridiculous?

Even now, with me being a seventeen year old junior in high school, I have to take several minutes to calm down and relax in the midst of a nurse or two (and my mommy) in order for them to even touch my eye lids.  I just get scared and tense and shaky and faint and dizzy...

(I guess that's better than when I was seven and had to be held down while I screamed and flailed and hit people.  Yeah, I suppose that being timid and afraid is better than a screaming maniac.)

And they want me to have this eye operation.

My eye doctor told me that whenever I decide to get the surgery, I am to call her and tell her the name of my 'eye surgeon doctor guy,' and she will personally call and tell him that I need to be given a sedative.  A very strong sedative!  I am telling you a true story.

All I can say, I feel sorry for the doctor who ever tries to cut open my eye.  I think I may end up being the first lasik eye surgery patient to be put under total anesthesia for this.  I hope I'm not that bad.

I'm already scared.

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