Friday, July 23, 2010

40 Reasons to Eat (Part 5)

21. Do you want people to say, 'For ____ sake get off me, you're crushing me; I can't breathe!' or 'You are soo light.'? - I actually can't bring myself to say much about this, other than, "What on earth are you doing on top of someone in the first place?"

22. Underweight, a.k.a. perfect body. - According to who?  Barbie?  Being emaciated is not healthy, so it's not a perfect body.

23. Ballerina? Or beanbag? - This made me laugh a little.  Your reasons not to eat are getting weaker, so I'm not having to actually provide much of an argument to make them look silly.  Let's see.  No matter what you look like, you aren't going to be a beanbag... because a beanbag is an inanimate, cloth object with little white beans inside.  No matter how much you eat, you can't be a beanbag.  You can only be a ballerina if you take years and years of classes and practice and teaching.  And being a ballerina takes strength and muscle.  If you are underweight or malnourished, you cannot be a ballerina.  You won't be strong enough. 

24. I want to be light enough so a helium balloon could lift me and carry me to the in my reoccurring dream; I love that dream. - That is impossible.  You would have to be less than a pound for that to ever happen.  A seven pound newborn baby can't be carried by a helium balloon.  A little chihuahua dog can't be carried by a balloon.  A candy bar can't be carried by a balloon.  Once a teacher of mine gave everyone in my classroom a helium balloon.  They were each weighted down with a tiny DumDum sucker.

25. I want to walk in the snow and leave no footprints. - Again, even a tiny four ounce bird will walk through the snow and leave footprints.  This is impossible unless you are some sort of ghost.  So you will be dead.  Not good.

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