Meg's Story

Day 19: A talent of yours

I believe that my biggest God given talent is my gift of writing.  I've loved to write ever since I was a little girl.  Before I could read, I would sit down with a picture book and make up stories from the pictures.  I would dictate my stories to my mom while she typed them out on the computer.  While my little friends jumped on the trampoline or played basketball, I would write stories about our pretend adventures on sheets of white printing paper.  I've always loved to write.  It's always been a talent of mine.  I'm not sure how God will use this in my life, but I know He gave me this gift for a reason.

You can read a book of mine on  It's called Before You

Before You 2.jpgBefore You

Book: Romance, General Fiction

In a heartfelt letter to her newborn child, Meg shares the story of her challenges as a teenage mom at a Christian school.

Before you were born, I was a junior at United Light Christian Academy. The school keeps a few rules: no drinking, no drugs, and no getting pregnant out of wedlock. If a student gets pregnant, she is kicked out and sent to public school. However, the father of the baby gets to stay, no questions asked.

I guess it's kind of obvious that I got pregnant. I'll most likely be kicked out of school. Your father, Ben, is an amazing football player. He has a chance at getting a scholarship to a prestigious university. I don't think Ben will let me start a new school without him, but if he leaves ULCA, he's going to lose a great opportunity.

I'm writing to you so that you can learn from my story. Ben and I have made a lot of mistakes in the past and we'll probably make a lot more. When you come into our lives, every regret will fade away.

But this story is about our lives before you.

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