Day 1: Smile at a stranger

Haven't heard of the 30 Days of Kindness?  Click here to find out more. 

I wanted to start off the 30 Days of Kindness with an easy challenge.  This will give us a chance to ease into the kind gestures. 

Smile at a complete stranger.  Make someone's day with your smile.  Make someone feel like you care about them.

You don't have to take a picture of yourself deliberately smiling at someone, because it should be somewhat spontaneous, but I would love to hear your stories in the comments below.  Answer these questions: Who did you smile at (description, boy or girl, etc.)?  Where were you?  What was their reaction?  Would you do it again?

Tune in later today to see what I did for today's act of kindness.

TOMORROW: Greet a stranger!  

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