Haven't heard of the 30 Days of Kindness? Click here to find out more. Just starting? That's okay! Feel free to start this challenge right in the middle. You can make up the days you missed through November, if you like.
Donate clothes to a shelter. It's about time for you to sort through the summer's clothes and take out some shirts or shorts that you've outgrown or are going out of style. Once you've picked out some clothes that you are willing to give up, put them in a bag and donate them to your local homeless shelter. I'll give you some leniency on this as well. If you know someone who wears approximately your size of clothing, you can give the hand-me-downs to them... you can even leave them on this person's doorstep and run away before they know it is you.
This gesture is basically meant to help someone out who can't even afford clothing. Sacrificing a few shirts is worth it if it means giving someone a shirt that they could not afford otherwise.
Best yet, if you have old coats or long-sleeved shirts from last year, donate them. Many people are going to be cold this winter and you can help to prevent that.
I want to hear your stories! Leave me a comment and share what you did during today's challenge. If you have a picture already, feel free to send it to me. If you're blogging about today, send me the link and I'll feature it on this blog.
Stay tuned until later today to see what my friends and I did for today's act of kindness.
TOMORROW: Hug ten people!
I spent most of the day cleaning out my closet and drawers. I ended up gathering three bags of clothes to donate to a shelter. Around seven o'clock in the evening, I picked up Ali from work and we went to a homeless shelter in my city called Faith City Ministries. This homeless shelter has a drop off place where you can leave clothes and food and things like that. They'll use it to help the poor people in my city.
It was a great feeling to donate so many clothes to the homeless and needy. I love the good feeling that swells up in your chest. I also felt incredibly blessed as I drove through the poor neighborhoods and saw several homeless people wandering around. I have so many things. Even the three bags of clothes that I gave away were more than most of those people had to their name, and those were my discard clothes! God has blessed me with so much.
Me: Ali, what did you learn from donating clothes today?
Ali: It's just reminded me and Emily about how blessed we are, and just throughout the day, remember to thank God for everything you have.
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