Jellyfish Sandwich

Yes, this week's recommended songs are coming twice.  There will be no playlist next week.  For today's list of songs I recommend for you to put on your iPod, I thought I'd do something new.  I'm opening my playlist of favorite songs, putting them on shuffle, and the first five songs that come up will be featured in today's post.  Here goes.

Kate Nash.jpg"Caroline's a Victim" by Kate Nash
I nearly burst into laughter when I saw that this was the first song to come up on my shuffled playlist.  This may possibly be the weirdest song I have ever heard in my entire life.  For that, I love it and I listen to it occasionally.  But it's weird.  One of my best friends gave it to me on a CD as a joke.  It's not Christian, but it has no "iffy" or inappropriate lyrics, so no worries.  The lyrics are pretty simple, "Caroline sits in her room playing killer killer killer killer beats... Caroline's a victim...  Caroline wishes that she could meet all the boys and the girls who live down her street, 'cause she knows that they share that tapping of the feet when she plays that killer killer killer killer beat..."  And that's basically the entirety of the song, repeated over and over.  It's quite catchy and a bit startling when you first hear it, but sure, I'd recommend you to add the song to your playlist.  It's very fun.  I believe it's about a girl who lives in fear of being rejected, so she's a victim of society.  I love Kate Nash's accent.  You can have a look at the song on YouTube.

superchickk.jpg"Stand in the Rain" by Superchic[k]
This is an older Superchick song.  It's very pretty.  It's about a girl who is struggling to survive, but "stands in the rain."  I love the chorus.  "Stand in the rain. Stand your ground. Stand up when it's all crashing down. Stand through the pain. You won't drown, and one day what's lost can be found. Stand in the rain."  Very pretty.  It's a slow Christian rock song.  If you've ever been through a difficult struggle and possibly even despaired of your life, this song is perfect.  It's a song of redemption and healing.  Superchick is very talented.  Check out the song here.

David.jpg"Turkish Delight" by David Crowder* Band
David Crowder wrote this song after the Chronicles of Narnia's The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.  It's about Edmund's addiction for Turkish Delight.  The song is very catchy and fun.  I love it, even if the topic is weird.  Everything about David Crowder is weird, right?  The song begins by telling the story.  "Stumbled through the doorway to the strangest thing: an unexpected magic land with snow beneath my feet.  Came across a lady who was dressed in Southern white.  She took her coat to cover me and in a query cold as ice, 'What do you want?'"  Clever, really.  Check the song out here.
julian.jpg"Jellyfish" by Julian Smith
This is another silly song.  It comes from Julian Smith's YouTube video of the same name.  It's a funny song that kind of makes sense...  "Jellyfish... jelly fish... This world is full of compound words. Speak slower, bro, or you won't be heard. If you talk quick, you might sound slick, but I also might think you just asked me to make you a real jellyfish sandwich.. and you'll die!"  I would recommend for you to add the song to your playlist as a joke and to support Julian Smith, who is one of the funniest YouTube comedians I have ever seen.  Check out his videos.  They're hilarious.  You can see the video- and the song- here.
newsboys.jpg"Reality" by Newsboys
This song comes from the old Newsboys, back when Peter Furler still reigned and they still had their old style of music.  My favorite album of theirs, sniff.  Reality is a fun song.  It's basically calling crazy dreamers to turn back to God and follow His plans in order for your dreams to come true in a better, real way.  The first verse starts out like this: "Mom and Dad, I'm fine. How are you? I have joined a small circus, that much is true. I'm a little malnourished, but try to relax. Could you find a better photo for the milk carton backs? Send money."  I love the second verse just as much.  The old Newsboys were geniuses.  No one could think of funnier Christian lyrics than they could.  "Mom and Dad, I'm fair. How's life? Lent the money you sent me to the clown with the knife. My career as an acrobat hasn't begun, but I'm busy giving blood and shoveling elephant dung. Send money."  Check out this song and laugh along with me.

Well, this week's recommended songs were very strange, weren't they?  I enjoy them all though, so I still recommend them all for your playlist.  Check'em out.  Which of these is your favorite?

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