Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter egg hunting is for big kids too!

Hunting Easter eggs at seven...
Hunting Easter eggs... at eighteen.
Yes, I still hunt Easter eggs when I'm a senior in high school.  I've hunted Easter eggs every year for as long as I can remember.  Sure, some of hte eggs are still filled with candies and goodies like that, but the older we get, the bigger the prizes become.  When I was a toddler, I got gum and tootsie rolls.  Now the big prizes are gift cards, cash, and little prizes.
We always have a separate section of the yard for the young kids.  They have eggs filled with little toys and candies and the eggs are much more openly hidden than ours are.
Our hunting grounds are much, much bigger.  In fact, we have about nine acres of mesquite and yucca bushes, tall grass, and shrubbery to search through if we want our prizes.  Under the beating glare of a hot sun, we searched for the 350 eggs hidden throughout our property for almost an hour.  Do you see us tiny specks in the distance, searching desperately for eggs?
Ultimately, we all go away satisfied with at least a few dollars and a gift card or two.  I lucked out this year.  Twenty bucks cash, a bag of candy, and four giftcards to Starbucks, Chili's, the movies, and iTunes.  What makes everything even more fun is that it isn't just my family who participates.  We celebrate this holiday with another family, so the morning is filled with laughter and fun.  We all enjoy eating brunch together and going to church and then we come home, the parents hide eggs, and then the kids rush to find them.  We can make great memories together.  Ali also got to hunt with us this year, which was fun.
Overall, today was a fun day.  After everything was over, more family came to visit and we all ate a big lunch and then everyone curled up on the couches and watched "The Passion of the Christ."  It's been a wonderful day.  I hope you had a wonderful Easter as well. :)
He is risen!

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