Jack the Dorky... Parrot?

Lately, Jack has been spending a lot of his time in my bedroom.  I frequently hear a little scratching at my door and when I turn around to open it, Jack is standing in my doorway, waiting patiently.  He won't give up.  He'll scratch for several minutes at a time and if I still don't answer, he'll go to sleep with his nose pressed against the crack of my door.  Sad, isn't it? 

When I let Jack into my bedroom, he immediately hops onto a big green pillow I got for Christmas.  The pillow is his spot.  Sometimes he'll bring toys into the room and leave them on the pillow, but he often naps there.Sometimes Jack gets lonely or bored, so he's taken the habit of jumping up onto my lap and crawling up to my shoulder, where he'll curl up and actually fall asleep.  I honestly have no idea how he manages to balance on my shoulder while I write, but he does it.  He likes to perch on my shoulder.  It's the weirdest thing, but I can't help but laugh.
And finally, I'd like to share a picture of the face Jack makes when he really, really, really wants me to play with him.  This is an older picture, but I'm pretty sure I haven't shared it with you guys.
Oh, Jack.  There's just something about him that makes you say, "Awwww."

Be sure to check out Jack's YouTube channel at JacktheDorkyYorkie.

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1 Comment

  1. My yorkie (Roxie) also perches on mine and my mom's shoulder! How cool! Must be a yorkie trait.

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