Okay, there are so many people I can think of who mean so, so much to me, but I thought I would go ahead and list the five people in my immediate family. I miss them so much.
1.) Dad
Daddy, I admire you more than words can describe. When I am in a difficult situation, I often think, "What would my dad want me to do right now?" Your wisdom and faith are so inspiring. The fact that you've overcome every adversity in the past few years and you've still been an involved dad amazes me. These days, fathers are often not around, and yet I've been blessed by someone like you. You're not only "around," but you're an active and supportive part of my life. I look up to you so much. I'm so proud of you for being an elder at our church and a constant missionary at your job. The way you use every opportunity given to you to reach out and invite people to church and share your faith is so encouraging and inspiring. I am so thankful that you work hard to support us. Thank you so much. I love spending time with you and I cannot wait to be able to wrap my arms around you again and just hug you. I love you, Daddy.
2.) Mom
I don't think anyone has a better mom than me. Seriously, I talk about you all the time to my friends and the people sitting next to me on the shuttle. You've given me guidance and support throughout my life, but you've also given me the strength and encouragement to think for myself and depart on my own adventures. You'll always be my mommy and I'll always be your little girl, but our relationship has grown so much deeper than that alone over the last year. We're also friends. You're someone who I'll never be afraid to talk to and ask for advice. I love spending time with you, whether it's at lunch or the movies or shopping. I know I can always bare my heart to you and you'll be there with a smile and a hug and the right words to say. The fact that you've been such a wonderful mother has encouraged me so much. God has given you such a nurturing heart and you've blessed so many people. You've blessed me and Amy and Luke and Ali and so many others too. I love you so much, Mom.
3.) Ali
You have changed my life forever. There are so many things about our relationship that I can't even put into words. I don't think I've ever grown as close to a friend as I have with you. You encourage me with your steadfast faith and positivity. I'm so blessed to know you. You are beautiful and strong and you have so many qualities that I admire. Your forgiveness and your strength and your boldness and... okay, okay, the list could go on and on. I'd better be careful or you could use this against me someday! ;) I love our inside jokes and our multiple mini-social-experiments. I love staying up alllllll night with you, even though we'll know that the next day we're going to be blaming each other to the parents for making us tired. :) I love making videos with you. I love stalking people on Facebook with you and hearing about your adventures at college. I love watching corny movies with you and spraying you with a water bottle when you fall asleep (or smacking you... or pushing you over... or... okay, I should stop). I love YOU, Ali. I love you!
4.) Amy
I love you so much. I know we've had our differences throughout our lifetimes, but one thing will never change: you are my sister and I love you. It doesn't matter how often we spend time together or how many things we agree upon. We are sisters. I see beauty in both your heart and in your outer appearance. You have such a giving and generous spirit. I admire your boldness and your perseverance. I can tell already that God has amazing, amazing plans for your life. He's made you to be strong and brave and very stubborn. (You might get the stubbornness from me.) Ultimately, it won't matter how many friends you have or don't have. It won't matter how you look or how popular you are. When you look back on your life, the only thing that matters is Christ. He's given us such a beautiful family. It's so special to have you as my sister. I love you.

Lukie, you never fail to bring a smile to my face. I admire you a lot, you know, even though you're younger than me. Your unfaltering faith in God is so pure and wise. I love your innocence and your sweet, sweet spirit. I love the way you stand up for what you believe. It warms my heart when you cover your eyes or leave the room during bad scenes on TV and in movies. My friends often notice how sweet you are. I think every single one of my girl friends has come up to me at one point and said, "I want to marry someone like your brother," because they see Christ through your actions. Keep respecting girls the way you do now. Keep standing up for the underdogs. And keep your humility. I know you're good at a lot of things, but always remember that the Lord should always be the One to get credit for those gifts. There is so much in store for you, Lukie. You're so talented and I'm so proud of you. I love you.
And because I know you read my blog daily and we've hardly been able to talk this last month, I have to send a quick shout-out to you too, Naana. You're my hero in so many ways. You have a servant's heart that I admire SO MUCH. Without you, I would have never even found City Church. You've influenced me so much. It was in part because of your passionate example that I've fallen in love with mission work. When I was in Africa, I couldn't stop thinking about you and how I wished that you could see in person everything that the Lord was doing there. I think about you all the time here too. You've shown me Christ in so many ways. You are one of the most giving and loving and passionate people I know. I've missed you so much. I love you and cannot WAIT to see you in October.
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