Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy Birthday, Me.

Today is officially my nineteenth birthday.  Just thinking about it feels weird.  I used to think nineteen was so old.  (At this rate, I don't know how I'm going to react when I turn forty.)
I got to come home for my birthday, so I plan to spend the day with my family, which is going to be great.  I'm so happy to be home, even if it's only for a few days.  I finally get to see my dogs and sleep in my bed and hug my grandparents and eat dinner with my family.  Ahhhhh, home.
Because it's my birthday, I won't be posting anything more than this today.  (And I'm even writing this a few days in advance.)  Instead, I'm going to take the day off of blogging and spend all the time I can with my family.
I'm home. :)


  1. Happy birthday, Emily! Enjoy your day and have an amazing time! I hope it's the best yet. (: God bless!

  2. Happy birthday, Emily!! Have an amazing day with your family :)

  3. Happy birthday! I hope you get to relax from school. :)

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great time with your family. :)

  5. Happy Birthday!!! I hope you were able to have an awesome day with your family!

  6. Happy Birthday Emily!!!!!! :) Have a great day!
