Check out this car that I saw on campus the other day. It was absolutely covered in bumper stickers. Sports stickers, campaign stickers, funny stickers... There were so many that you could hardly recognize the color of this car.
I can't even imagine what got into the owner's head to make him (or her) want to blanket their car in bumper stickers. Wow!
Imagine what this will look like in a year. You won't be able to see the original paint color at all. Only bumper stickers. Hundreds and hundreds of bumper stickers.
I'm sure it's original and attention-catching for the time being, but it also makes me wonder, how will the owner ever sell this car? Is there anyone in the world who would ever possibly be interested in purchasing such a monstrosity?
I mean, look at it.
That particular session, the dogs got orange hair bows and jack-o-lantern bandanas because of Halloween. How perfect that Jack would get a "jack"-o-lantern bandana.
This is a cross one of my suite mates got me for my birthday. I thought it was very sweet of her. The main reason I'm sharing the picture here is because I like it... I think it's a pretty picture.
I like crosses. I think they're so pretty. What I think is cool about that is how they used to be considered something horrible and a symbol of death. Christ took something that symbolized death and horror and turned it into something beautiful that represented love.
How has your week been? Busy? Stressful? Relaxed? Has something great happened or are you struggling?
“The Cross, was the greatest symbol of death, failure, and shame. Yet, because of Jesus that cross now stands for the greatest symbol of life, hope, freedom, and love.”
ReplyDelete— Joel Houston (via nicamden)