Monday, May 30, 2011

A Long Day of Airplanes

It's been a long day.  As celebration for my graduation, we are leaving for a Caribbean cruise.  The cruise isn't until tomorrow, which is a good thing, because it's a fairly long distance from Texas to Florida.  Thankfully, we didn't have to drive anywhere.  All I've seen today are airports and airplanes.  It's been fun, but it's also been tiring.
We got up early this morning and finished the remainder of our packing before (almost tearfully) saying goodbye to our dogs.  It'll be eleven days before we get to see them again.
As we loaded everything into the back of our van, I was scared I would forget something important.  After all, if I'm on a ship in the middle of the ocean, it may be difficult to get what I need.  Dad reassured me, however, saying, "The ship will be like a small city.  It'll have everything we need."
We finally left our home and went to Nawnie's house.  I'm sure I've talked about Nawnie on my blog before, but she is my very cute, very sweet, seventy-eight-year-old grandmother.  Nawnie agreed to come with us on the cruise this summer.  We helped her load up all of her bags--and she had probably double the amount of all of us together, including a walker--and then stuffed ourselves into our very, very full mini-van.
The drive to the airport seemed to take forever, since we were crammed into such a small space.  But it was entertaining, so we laughed for most of the time.
The plane rides were quick, but the layovers seemed to take forever.  We went from my small Texas city to Dallas and then to San Antonio, where we stopped and ate lunch from a sandwich place called Blimpie.  I have no idea why any "health food" restaurant would call itself Blimpie, but oh well.  From San Antonio, we left for Orlando... but then had to stop halfway in New Orleans to fuel up.  According to our flight attendant, it was because: "This plane is packed full of people who decided to bring everything they owned with them."
We arrived in Orlando about two hours later than we were planning, but it was okay.  We didn't have anything planned for tonight anyways.  Tomorrow is when the fun will start.  Where I live, there is absolutely no humidity, so the second we stepped out of the airport, it was like we were dumped into a sauna.  I could literally taste the air, which is an unusual experience for me.  But I love it.  I absolutely love heat and humidity since I'm so cold-natured.
We finally arrived at our hotel--the Hawthorne--with our huge cart of bags.  We had eight suitcases, around ten carry-ons, and a walker.  The rack was nearly full to the top.  My eleven-year-old brother Luke decided to step up, be a manly man, and take control of the heavy cart.

I'm writing this from our hotel room now.  Honestly, I'm not all that impressed.  This hotel is located very close to the airport, which is why we chose this place, but it isn't very nice.  It makes me feel even more excited about our cruise.  I'm ready for some luxury! ;)  But believe me when I say that on each bed, there are literally dips in the sagging mattress.  Kind of scary.
Can you tell?

Anyways, it's been a long day.  I'm exhausted.  It's funny how I've done nothing today but sit around in airports and airplanes and yet I'm still very tired.  Tomorrow will be an exciting day.  I'll be sure to keep you guys posted.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Packing for a Cruise: Miscellanious

I'm leaving on a cruise in a few days, so I've been working hard the last couple of weeks, figuring out what all I need to pack.  Earlier in the week, I shared what clothes and toiletries to pack and today I'll share some miscellanious items.  I hope these tips help you out.

Obviously, you're going to want to bring some money.  Everywhere you go, there will be places for you to buy souvenirs.  That's just how vacations work.  Be sure to bring at least forty or fifty dollars to buy on t-shirts and trinkets.  You may even want to buy some small gifts for family and close friends.  Try to hide your money in various locations so if you get pick-pocketed, you won't lose everything.  Be sure to bring some small bills as well, because you'll probably be tipping some of the help.

Also, be sure to bring photocopies of your identification, especially if you're going out of the country.  If your identification is lost or stolen, you want to be able to get back home without a hassle.  Be sure to bring extra copies of your passport, driver's license, and any other identification you might need.

You'll have a lot of downtime on the cruise, so be sure to bring some relaxing things to do.  Bring an iPod or your mp3 player and a pair of headphones for easy listening on the beach.  You'll also want to bring some reading material.  If you're going on the cruise with your family or a group of friends, bring a pack of cards or some small, travel-size board games.  You also may want to bring a little journal of some sort to record some of your memories.  Be sure to add a pen or pencil into the mix.

Another no-brainer is a camera.  You will MOST DEFINITELY want to take snapshots of everywhere you go.  Bring your digital camera.  You may want to bring some extra memory cards or batteries, in case you run out of space (especially if you aren't taking a laptop).  Also be sure to bring your charger.  If you have a video camera, you may want to bring that along as well.  I recommend purchasing an underwater disposable camera ahead of time, especially if you'll be snorkeling or scuba diving.  I'm sure they'll have some available, but they'll most likely be double the cost than at your local drug store.

Go ahead and bring a miniature sewing kit (couple of colors of thread, a couple of needles), in case you have an emergency and need to sew on a button.  Also, be sure to bring some wrinkle remover and stain remover.  You'll probably need both of those things at some point.  Also, bring a trashbag of some sort to put your dirty laundry.  You won't want to mix dirty and clean clothes in your suitcase.

You'll want to bring a few extra accessories as well, like scissors and tape, for those "just in case" moments.  Also be sure to bring an umbrella and perhaps even a rain poncho of some sort, especially if you're going to the Caribbean.  Be sure to bring all of your chargers--you don't want to forget those--and a portable alarm clock.  You won't want to wake up late on an excursion day.

You'll also want to pack a fold-up duffel bag.  Depending on how much you pack and how much you purchase, you may not have room in your suitcase to bring home all of your souvenirs.  An extra bag, just in case, will be a great way to bring home all of your new goodies, especially if they're breakable and you'd like to bring them carry-on anyways.

For your carry-on bag on the way to and from your vacation, you may want to bring a few items.  Ear plugs might be nice in case you'd like to take a nap on an extra loud flight.  If you're flying a very long ways, you might even want to bring a sleep aid.  You may also want to bring a travel pillow and a light blanket, as sometimes flights get chilly.

The last thing I'd like to share are a few tips of what NOT to bring on your cruise.  Try to avoid valuable-looking jewelery, like diamond necklaces and etc.  These will pinpoint you as being wealthy and might make you a target for theft.  Don't bring anything that would absolutely DEVASTATE you to lose because luggage is lost sometimes.  Also, remember that your suitcase can only weigh fifty pounds without giving you a fine.  Be sure to weigh your suitcase ahead of time.  You don't want to be charged with any unexpected fines.

The last thing I'd like to say is... have a wonderful time on your cruise. :)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Being a high school senior is weird sometimes.

Shorter school days.
This isn't so much of a shock for those of you who are home schooled.  When I was home schooled, at times I'd be done with my school day at nine or ten in the morning.  But once I started school, I had to get used to eight hour days that seemed to drag on forever.  When I became a senior, I had finished most of my high school credits, meaning I had only four classes and got off at noon.  It was an absolutely wonderful feeling.

It was so strange to look around and realize that the underclassman had to stay in school for three and a half more hours than I did.  It was strange to see everyone else studying for classes I didn't have at all (like math and electives).  It was strange to see everyone hurrying to eat lunch in forty-five minutes, while I could take as long as I liked.

Believe me when I say that having a short day of school is wonderful.  It might feel weird at times, but it's absolutely wonderful.

Senioritis is REAL.
I used to always listen to the seniors above me talk about how they had senioritis "sooooooo bad" and I would chuckle to myself and think, "Come on... that's just an excuse."  But no.  Senioritis is real.

Right after Christmas, you start to get these feelings of: I don't belong here.  All of this is pointless.  I'm already accepted into college anyways.  Why learn any more of this nonsense?  Why come to school?  I NEED SUMMER!  It's not good.  It's apathetic.  But those are very real feelings.  It was a big struggle throughout my senior year to try to overcome that senioritis and continue to work hard at school.  But I'm happy to say that I graduated with straight As, even through my senior year.  Whew!

Teachers suddenly become much more lenient.
At my private school, all throughout high school, teachers were very personal in my life.  I'm someone who tries hard to make good grades, so if I started to slip, they would immediately pull me aside and talk to me about what was going wrong.  They'd push me when I struggled and try to give me harder and harder challenges.  Once I became a senior, I noticed that a lot of the teachers would say things like, "Here, you're graduating in a couple of months, so just write me a quick paper" or "You can talk during class today. You're seniors, after all.  Have fun."

I think this occurs for three reasons.

One, I think teachers start to feel like they can't teach a whole lot in a couple of months anyways... at least not much that will be remembered.  This happens especially towards the end of the year.  They've already gone through a lot of the books.  We all are suffering from severe cases of senioritis.  It can be difficult to think of things to teach.

Two, I think the teachers WANT us to have fun.  This was our last year of high school.  You're only a senior in high school once.  Ever.  I could tell that teachers would go out of their way at times to make sure we were making great memories.  I'm truly grateful for that.

Three, I think everyone expects seniors to be difficult.  "They're seniors" is a typical excuse I've heard.  Seniors tend to be restless, easily distracted, and full of laughter and jokes.  We're excited for the new year.  I'm afraid that sometimes, adults use the fact that it's our last year as an excuse to be more lenient.

Emotions change on a daily basis.
I know I've written about this before, but being a senior truly is an emotional roller coaster ride.  One day, I'm on a severe high of joy and excitement.  The next, I'm scared out of my mind.  And the day after that, I'm sad and tearful because I don't want to move away from everybody I love.  There is a lot of change and anticipation of change your senior year.  It can be difficult to understand and control everything you're feeling.

Perhaps my experience was a little different than others because I went through a few extra trials and changes this last year.  I honestly believe the Lord was testing me and helping me to grow and mature so I would better be able to face the challenges I know are ahead of me my freshman year of college.  I'm truly thankful for the trials I've had so far this year.

Suddenly everyone is friends.
Especially in early high school, everyone often splits into cliques.  You have the mean girls and your enemies who you can't stand.  There are arguments and cat fights and a little drama, depending on how you handle conflict.  Senior year, it's like most of those conflicts are forgotten, especially towards the spring months.

Everyone is "one class" and absolutely HAS to keep in touch next year and we all have the same fears in common.  I've noticed that towards the end of the year, everyone started going to lunch together and arranging pranks and nights of fun together and just making memories together as a class.

Even if you don't know someone very well, when graduation is looming near, it seems like everyone clings to each other, desperate to make friendships during these last few months.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Packing for a Cruise: Toiletries

I'll be leaving for a cruise soon, so I've been constantly researching what to pack.  I thought I'd go ahead and share my packing list for any of you guys who will be going on a cruise this summer.  And please let me know if you can think of anything else.  A few days ago, I shared a list of clothing to pack.  Today I'll share a list of toiletries you should be sure to pack.

You may want to bring some shampoo and conditioner, but bring small bottles.  The cruise line will provide shampoo and conditioner for you to use for free.  The same thing goes with soap, lotions, and occasionally other basics like deodorant and razors.  You'll want to bring your own small container of shaving cream, however.  Bring your own toothbrush and a small, travel-size tube of toothpaste.  Be sure to bring some floss as well.

Also remember to bring your own hairbrush.  They'll probably have some for sale in case you forget, but they'll be overpriced, of course.  Bring a hairbrush and possibly a smaller comb or brush if you have long hair for when you're out on excursions.  Again, if you have long hair, you'll want to bring necessary hair ties, clips, and bobby pins.  Be sure to bring hairspray and mousse as well.  You'll probably want to bring a blow dryer, straightener and/or curling iron for when you dress nicely for dinner.

You'll want to bring a few containers of sunscreen.  Chances are, you'll be using it a lot.  Be sure to bring smaller, portable bottles to take with you on excursions.  You'll also want to bring some moisturizer for your face and a small bottle of lotion to use after long days in the sun.  You may want to bring some bugspray for certain islands.  In case you get sunburned, you may want to bring a small container of aloe vera as well.  Also be sure to bring a few containers of Chapstick or Carmex to keep your lips moisturized and protected from the sun.

Be sure to bring some nail basics, like a small pair of clippers, a nail file, and a pair of tweezers.  Be sure to bring your favorite bottle of nail polish (preferably the color you're already wearing), so you can continue to touch up your nails throughout the cruise.  You also may want to bring some nail polish remover and a few cotton balls as well.

For those of you who have vision impairment, be sure to bring an extra pair of glasses, just in case something were to happen to the pair you have now.  You don't want to be stuck in the middle of an amazing cruise without being able to see.  If you wear contacts, be sure to bring extras and a pair of glasses, just in case.  Also be sure to bring cases, contact solution, and eye drops.

Be sure to bring your makeup.  Avoid bringing a huge makeup kit, as it could be lost during travel (losing all of your makeup) and it just takes up a lot of room and weight in your suitcase.  Instead, keep things small, bringing the basics: a tube of waterproof mascara, eyeliner, a few shades of eyeshadow, and basic foundation or blush and brushes.  Try to fit things in a small bag.  Remember: you'll be spending a lot of time in the water anyways.  Your makeup will be washed off.  You'll also want to bring some makeup remover and cotton balls.

To be safe, bring some Lysol or cleaning wipes to spray on common surfaces in your room.  Bring along some hand wipes or hand sanitizer to use throughout the days.

Be sure to bring a small, basic first aid kit with things like bandaids, basic pain meds like ibuprofen, and some neosporin.  You'll also want to be sure to bring some motion sickness medication, just in case you get seasick while on the cruise.  Be sure to bring any other meds you might need.  You may also want to bring a few generic medications for any emergency, like cold meds, stomach sickness, and perhaps a sleep aid of some sort.  

A few other toiletries you might like are: perfume or cologne of some sort to wear on formal nights.  You'll need Ziplock baggies to hold all of your liquid toiletries in case of spilling.  If you're a girl, you may need to bring some extra feminine products, "just in case."

I hope I've covered everything.  If not, please let me know in the comments.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Packing for a Cruise: Clothing

In a few days, I'll be leaving for a cruise as my graduation gift from my parents.  I'm very excited because I've never been on a cruise before and I can't wait to spend some time with my family.  I've been packing on and off over the last couple of weeks, but I've done a lot of research about what to bring to make sure I wouldn't forget anything.  I mean... I'll be on a ship in the middle of the ocean.  I'd better not forget anything!  I thought I'd go ahead and share a list of things to pack with you guys who are also going on a cruise this summer.

Obviously, you'll bring basic clothing items like shirts, shorts, capris, and underwear.  If you're going on a Caribbean cruise like me, dress lightly with cotton clothing and shorts (that aren't too short, because I've seen a few different cruise lines ask their customers to dress fairly appropriately while not in the water).  It's going to be hot outside--it is the Caribbean, after all--so you don't want to bring a whole lot of long-sleeved outfits, although you may want to bring one or two, just in case if there is a chilly day.

Although it will be hot outside, we'll be in the middle of the ocean at times, so I've heard it will be windy and chilly at night.  Be sure to bring at least one light jacket to wear when you're out and about in the evenings.  You also may want to bring one long-sleeved shirt and one pair of slacks or jeans. 
When you're choosing your pajamas, you probably won't want to bring more than two or three pairs if you're going to be gone for 7-12 days.  you may want to bring one pair of warmer pajamas, just in case your room becomes chilly at night.  You'll also want to bring a few extra pairs of socks to wear at night.

Bring at least two bathing suits.  I've heard that you never want to put on your bathing suit while it's still wet because it will stretch and fade. (And remember to rinse your bathing suit after each use!)  Be sure to bring a couple of swimsuit cover-ups as well.  You may want to make one cover-up a dress or long shirt of some sort and the other one a pair of long shorts and a shirt that can get wet.

Shoes are very important for your cruise because you don't want your feet to hurt wherever you go.  Try to avoid filling your suitcase with several pairs of shoes because that takes up too much room.  Instead, bring a few pairs that can work for several days.  You'll want to bring:
  • One or two pairs of comfortable walking sandals or flip flops.
  • Tennis shoes or sneakers for exercising, long-distance walking, or comfort.
  • Water shoes. You'll need these for the beach and a lot of water activities.
  • Nice shoes to wear on formal night.
  • A pair of sandals of some sort that you can get dirty... these you can wear to the pool and short-distance walks.
There will be a formal night on just about any cruise you attend.  Ladies will want to wear a cocktail-style dress and some low heels or nice flats.  Men will want to wear a nice suit or very nice slacks, a shirt, and tie.  You may want to bring some pretty jewelry to wear with your outfit.

You'll want to bring a watch.  Many of your excursions will only last for a certain amount of time, so you'll want to keep track of how long you're out.  Wear a water-proof watch so you won't have to worry about taking it off every time you get in the water.  You'll probably want to go with something inexpensive that you won't care about if it gets lost, faded, or broken during the cruise.

Bring a hat of some sort.  Lightweight straw hats are popular right now and they'll shade your face from the harsh rays of the sun.  You'll also want to bring two or three pairs of sunglasses.  I've heard some people suggest that you only bring one pair to save space, but I disagree.  My sunglasses break like crazy, so bring as many as you can.

Normally, you'll want to pack frugally.  Remember that you'll probably be purchasing t-shirts and random articles of clothing.  Bring one shirt for every day of your cruise or less, but no more than that.  However, I do suggest that you bring some extra delicates.  Remember that you may be taking a shower a couple of times a day, so you'll most likely want to change underwear each time you shower.  Just a thought.

Finally, you'll want to bring a little shoulder bag or fanny pack (if you don't care what that looks like) to carry with you on excursions.  You'll want a place to put your camera, chapstick, and small toiletries like that.  Make sure the bag is lightweight, able to hook over your shoulder or onto your person in a way where it won't be easily snatched when you go on sure, and has a hidden inside pocket to carry your valuables.

Check back soon to see tips of toiletries you should bring when you go on a cruise.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blogging: Finding Readers

As a blogger, you probably want people to read what you have to say.  If you don't care if ANYONE reads your blog, that is absolutely fine, but most bloggers do care... at least a little.  To gain followers, you'll want each of your entries to focus on a specific audience you already have in mind.  For example, my audience for this particular entry is new bloggers.

Decide before you start writing: who is my audience?  While you write--if you're writing something for others to read--imagine your audience reading what you have to say.  When you're reading over what you wrote as your own personal editor, imagine yourself as one of your readers.  Does what you have to say seem interesting?  If not, it may be time for a re-write.

Know ahead of time that it's very difficult to write something that EVERYBODY will want to read.  There are so many different kinds of people, making it nearly impossible to please everyone.  It's better to focus your blog entry on a certain group of people than on the entire world.

You'll also need to decide if your blog will be a way to share your faith as a Christian or if you are going to write from a secular perspective.  Are you going to share the gospel, encouraging new believers, or talk about things that ANY religion can relate to, like secular music or movies?

Remember if you decide to write about your faith, you may turn off some potential readers.  I've decided ahead of time I'm fine with that.  Getting more readers isn't worth suppressing what I believe.  Now, not everything I write is filled to the brim with Bible verses and references to the Lord, but I very openly discuss my faith when the opporunity arises.  I will not curb what I'd like to say just because I want to get more readers.  When it comes to what YOU write about, you'll have to decide for yourself.
Another example of the same idea: if the majority of what you write is about book reviews and writing tips, then most of your readers will be fellow writers.  Your audience will probably be limited somehow, no matter what you write.  Even very well-known blogs focus on certain groups of people.  A well-known blog I've heard a lot about called LOL Cats is limited, just like any other blog, because not everybody likes to look at cutsey pictures of cats.  Decide on an audience and focus what you write towards that group of people.

The best way to gain regular followers on your blog is to be yourself.  Focus towards an audience, but write about what YOU want to write about.  If you keep posting regularly and write about what someone out there wants to read, then you'll establish a regular group of followers after a while.
And finally, be patient.  If you're just starting out, then not many people will have found your blog yet.  Give it time and you will gain some readers.  No worries.

I'd like to give all of you a chance to advertise your own blogs and gain some potential followers.  I've gotten to know a few of you through comments and emails and I've enjoyed reading several of your blogs as well.  Whether or not you regularly read my blog, feel welcome to leave a comment and share the address to your blog with everyone, so long as it contains no inappropriate content.
Have a great day.

Monday, May 23, 2011

I am so blessed.

This has been an amazing weekend.  Nearly all of my extended family came from all over to celebrate my graduation.  My actual graduation ceremony is on May 27th, but today was the Baccalaureate, which is like a ceremony for the families.  I don't THINK I have any photos from the actual ceremony, unless my mom ended up taking some.  If I find them later, I may share a few with you guys on another entry.  I do have a video of my prayer, however, which I'll possibly share on my YouTube channel soon.  I gave the opening prayer because I was National Honor Society president this year and I was VERY nervous.

Yesterday, all of my family met at a restaurant and ate a lunch/dinner together.  It was great to see so many loved ones all in the same room.  I had a blast.  Outside of my immediate family, two grandpas, four grandmas, an aunt, two uncles, and two cousins showed up.  We all took pictures together, which I'm so glad to have.

Here are my four grandmas.  Yes, I get four because my family is crazy and complicated and wonderful. :)

God has blessed me with such a big and wonderful family.

Today, we went to Baccalaureate.  At the end, the families of each senior come up to the front and pray over us.  My family gathered around me.  All the grandmas (and my mom) were crying.  It was so sweet.  My dad said a wonderful prayer that will stay in my heart forever.  And then it was over.  It was such a nice experience.  Honestly, I think I had the biggest number of family members out of anyone show up to Baccalaureate.  It was great.

Later today, we came to my house and had a party to celebrate my graduation.  So many amazing friends came.  The food was GREAT!  We had beef tenderloin, a huge fruit and veggie platter, chips, lemonade, tea, soft drinks, cupcakes, and a giant cake with the name of my school on the front.

Everyone decorated for the party, so the house looked super cute. :)

One of the funniest moments of the night was when my dad introduced one of my grandmas to our senior pastor (she actually goes to our church!) and she mistook him for a roof repairman, so when he greeted her, she responded, "It's so nice to meet you.  I'll be sure to give you a call the next time my roof starts leaking."  After a few moments of awkward silence, my dad said, "...what?  This is our pastor."  We all laughed and laughed and laughed.

So anyways, this is what has been going on in my life lately.  I don't know if any of you are interested in these things at all, but this is my blog and this is what is important in my life.  Starting in June, I'll get back to a more normal schedule.  I plan to begin my music artist reviews again, Jack pages, share a few more blogging tips, and I have a few devotion ideas in mind as well. :)  S if you don't like these journal-type posts, then I'm sorry.  I honestly am.  I just write about what's on my heart.  If you want me to continue with these kinds of posts, then please let me know and I might do more of these.

Oh, yes.  Look out during the next month or two for a blog giveaway that I have in the works right now.  I'll give you a hint.  Does anyone like Ted Dekker?

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Hey, guys.  I'd like to let you know that I'm so sorry I've missed the last couple of days.  I have a LOT of family in town right now (and even staying at my house!).  I have Baccalaureate tomorrow at 2:30.  I got a job at a frozen yogurt place.  My life is just CRAZY with all of this graduation stuff.  I'm loving it, but blogging is getting a little hectic.  After today, everything should go back to normal with daily blogs.  Thank you so much for your patience with me this week. :)  I'll be sure to share Baccalaureate photos and pictures from my graduation party as soon as possible.
In the meantime, feel free to enjoy this entertaining picture of my grandpa and one of my best friends, Zeek.  They're both 6'6 and I'm 5'1.  In this picture, we're all standing normally.

Friday, May 20, 2011

What to Take to College

Here's a checklist of some things that you'll definitely need to bring to your dorm room at college.  I compiled a list from several different lists I have been given throughout the last couple of months.  I hope this helps. :)

For school:
- Backpack
- Decent calculator
- Pencils/Pens
- Glue
- Highlighters
- Sharpies
- Erasers
- Stapler
- Staples
- Post It Notes
- Colored Pencils
- Pencil case
- Ruler
- Folders
- Notebooks
- Looseleaf paper
- Scissors
- Planner

For the kitchen:
- Plates, Bowls, Cups
- Disposable plates, bowls, cups
- Silverware
- Disposable silverware
- Cooking utensils
- Mini-fridge
- Snacks

For your health and hygiene:
- First aid kit
- Bandages
- Cough drops
- Vitamins
- Ibuprofen
- Sunscreen
- Shampoo and Conditioner
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Shaving cream
- Razors
- Q-Tips
- Cotton balls
- Dental floss
- Deodorant
- Perfume/cologne
- Makeup
- Hairbrush
- Ponytail holders
- Straightener, curling iron
- Nail clipper
- Robe
- Shower shoes
- Shower tote
- Soap
- Towels
- Tweezers
- Face wash

For doing your laundry:
- Clothes (obviously)
- Laundry basket
- Collapsible hamper (optional)
- Watch
- Detergent
- Fabric softener
- Stain remover
- Sewing kit
- Shoes
- Hats, gloves
- Rain boots/rain jacket/umbrella
- Swimwear, just in case
- Ironing board/iron (optional)

For your room:
- Comforter/sheets
- Pillow/pillow sheets
- Mattress pad
- Cleaning supplies
- Waste basket
- Calendar
- Desk lamp
- Mirror
- Hangers
- Pictures of your friends
- Bulletin board of some sort
- Wall decorations
- Storage trays
- Plants

For anything else (most are optional):
- Batteries
- Tape
- Tissues
- Hand sanitizer
- Books
- Cell phone
- Laptop
- TV
- All chargers!
- Camera
- Mp3 player and headphones
- Bike
- CD player and CDs
- Radio
- Printer/ink/paper
- Board games
- Flash drive
- Envelopes and stamps
- Rubber bands
- Bike

And don't forget the important stuff:
- Driver's license
- Social security number
- Health records
- Passport
- Insurance information
- A safe of some sort to hide that stuff

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Making Memories

It's important to make some crazy memories if you're a senior in high school, but it's also important to make good memories no matter what stage you are in life.  Do things with your friends and loved ones that make you smile both in the moment and looking back.

Here are some of the ways my friends and I have made crazy memories this year.

Citywide Scavenger Hunt
My friends and I did this for my birthday.  We made a list of challenges, like "serenading a stranger" and "trying on crazy clothes at Wal-Mart."  One of the challenges was even to kidnap a random person and take a picture of him/her tied up in the backseat!  Whoever could complete the challenges first won the scavenger hunt.  With everything we did, we had to take a picture or a video.  We had a blast.  Some of my favorite memories from this year are from that night.
Service Projects
Serve others with your friends.  This may seem like a lame idea, but it will give you that "feel good" feeling and you'll be helping others.  Serve food at a soup kitchen or go visit people at a nursing home.  If you serve people with a group of friends, you'll manage to have a great time and help somebody out.

Personally, I'm terrified of water, but for my friend Rebecca's birthday, we went on a canoe ride around the creek behind her house.  If there's a lake or creek nearby, get a group of friends and go canoeing.  Be sure to take plenty of pictures.  And sing.  Everything's better with a good song.

Corn Maze
Every year for the last four years, my friends and I have gone to a corn maze on Halloween.  It's a blast.  We're sure to go after dark and we always manage to get lost.  Take a picture with every marker to show how far you've come.  It's dark, spooky, and tons of fun.

Football Games
Go to a football game or two.  Football isn't a sport I necessarily enjoy watching, but when you're with a few friends, it can turn into something crazy fun.

If you're a girl, have a crazy makeup night.
Get together for a night and celebrate being a girl.  Do each others' makeup... and be sure to do it badly on purpose.  Watch Disney movies, pig out on chocolate and ice cream... go absolutely crazy.

Start a prank war.
You may want to set some basic ground rules, like "don't do anything that will permanently damage someone's property" and etc, but a prank war can be the most hilarious way to make memories.  Divide your friends into two separate teams and go crazy.  Saran wrap each others' cars, toilet paper houses, fruit loop, fork, and the list goes on and on.  Get creative.

Again, this only works if you're a junior or senior in high school, but if you are, then get a group of friends to go to prom with you.  Agree to dance with everyone.  Have fun and enjoy the night.  Be sure to have a little party afterward to relax and make the night even more memorable.

Game Night
Have everyone bring a game, like Apples to Apples, Scribblish, and Twister.  If someone has a Wii, play games like Just Dance.  Be silly and have fun.

What are some crazy memories you've made with your friends?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blogging: Layouts

The design of your blog is actually very important.  This may seem strange, but just like how people do judge a book by its cover, they'll also judge your blog by its layout.

You can find layouts at multiple websites.  In fact, hit the Google bar and type in "layouts for my blog" or "layouts for ________ (whichever blogging platform you use)" and see how many results pop up.  There are so many websites that will offer stylish and free layouts for your blog.

If you have a less common blog platform like I do, you may have trouble finding a good layout.  Believe me when I say it took hours for me to find the layout I have right now.  The layout isn't the MOST important thing about your blog, so if your blogging platform has perks that outweigh finding a GREAT layout, then that's okay too.  Just try to go with the best layout you can find.  If you know html and all those other codes that are completely foregin to me, you could always design your own blog layout as well.

When you first begin looking for the right layout for your blog, it's easy to go crazy and pick something absolutely adorable.  Hot pink with giant white polka dots and crazy stripes.  Neon orange with black triangles.  A heavily patterned flowery design.  Cute, right?  Be very, very careful when you go all out with your blog layout.  Too much of a design can be a very bad thing.  Bright colors, big patterns, and business will overwhelm your reader and distract from your overall writing.

I was explaining this to my best friend and decided to demonstrate by showing her my simple blog layout compared with the layout of another blog I know that uses a very bright and busy layout.  "Wow!" Ali exclaimed as she tried to read the content of the other bog.  "It DOES distract me!"  Even though the text box was white, the colorful layout surrounding the page was too busy.  An overwhelming layout can and will ultimately distract people from your writing.

On the other hand, an overly simple blog layout can seem boring and unattractive to your readers.  You're basically selling your writing to people on the internet.  "Will you read what I have to say?  Do you like my blog?"  While the quality of your writing is the most important thing, if your layout is plain and white or just plain ugly, then it can turn many people away from your blog, simply because it isn't eye-catching whatsoever.

I think it's fine to use a white backkground, so long as you have SOMETHING colorful and attractive somewhere on your page, whether it's a header or several images you use.  Use SOMETHING to catch the eye of your readers.  You don't want to bore them away from your blog.

Fonts are also very important.  Stick with a basic, well-known font like Times New Roman or Arial.  Avoid using a girlish decorative font, Papyrus, or Comics Sans.  They are distracting fonts.  Did you know that the human mind has learned to skim over fonts like Times New Roman and Arial and read them quickly since they tend to be the most commonly used fonts?  When you switch to something new and unusual, you're making your reader have to adjust, which can be a headache.

Avoid changing your layout too much.  When you think back to your favorite blog, if you're a visual person like I am, then you're probably imagining the basic layout of their blog in your mind.  If you change your layout constantly, then you can distract, confuse, or even frustrate your reader.  Stick with similar fonts or don't totally change the way your blog looks for a few months at a time at least.

I hope these tips have helped you.  I'll post some more blogging tips soon.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Graduation Invitations and Announcements

A few weeks before you graduate high school, you'll begin to send out graduation invitations and senior announcements.  Depending on your individual school, you'll either be given a certain number of standard invitations that will consist of plain cards with your information printed neatly across the inside, or you'll be able to make invitations on your own.  If you have the option of making your own invitations, I recommend it.  You can choose your own colors and even share a few of your senior pictures on the front cover.

There are several different websites you can use to make your own senior announcements.  All you'll have to do is pick out a layout, upload some photos, and then type the information you want to use in the appropriate boxes.  Shutterfly is a great website that is easy to navigate and filled with cute ideas and tools, and you'll automatically receive discounts for signing up onto the site and ordering large bundles of invitations.  Ali created her announcements through Pear Tree, which had some layouts that were adorable.  I also found some cute cards on Zazzle and Tiny Prints.

To the right, you can see my senior announcement.  Some are much fancier and more colorful than this, but I decided to go with a simple, one-sided card.  I shared my favorite senior pictures and then the information about my school and graduation times.  I made this announcement at Shutterfly and also ended up ordering a collage of senior pictures and several 5x7 and 8x10 prints to give out to family members and eventually put on my senior table.

There are generally two types of cards you could send out: an invitation and an announcement.  An invitation will share the time, location, and date of your graduation.  An announcement will simply state that you've graduated from high school and perhaps share the university you plan to attend.

Some people print out both announcements and invitations and send them out depending on whether or not they want to invite someone to their graduation.  However, I've only decided to print invitations.  If someone doesn't care to come to my graduation, then they probably won't anyways, so the invitation serves as an announcement.

Something else I'll be sending along with several of my invitations is a small profile card.  On one side will be another senior picture (I have so many favorites, I have to share them somewhere), and on the other side will be details about a private graduation party I'll be having at my house a few days before my actual graduation.  At this party, family and friends will stop by, have lunch, and share well wishes and perhaps some gifts.  The reason I decided to print the party information onto a profile card was because my party will be slightly more intimate than my graduation, so I'll only be sending party invitations to a few close friends.

Try to send out your senior announcements at least two weeks before you graduate, if not longer.  Most people who receive your invitation will place the card in a public place to help them remember the date of your graduation and to proudly display your senior picture.  The best time to send your invitation is possibly three to four weeks before your actual graduation.  You want every card to arrive on time.
Any more questions?  If you have any more links to websites that have cute graduation announcement card layouts, feel free to share the link below.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Prank War: Ambushed

A few weeks ago, Ali and Rebekah and I had gotten together to hang out.  It was pretty late at night, but it was warm outside... probably seventy degrees.  We debated watching an action movie or making a video, but then we decided to call up some friends to play cops and robbers in the park.  Last summer, we went out nearly every night, playing all sorts of games.  We'd run through sprinklers, take pictures, go star tipping, and roast marshmallows over campfires.  Those are some of the best summer memories of my life.  One of these nights was what we were aiming for.  Fun.  Laughter.  Amazing memories.
We weren't sure if we should leave Rebekah's house because it was Caleb's turn to prank us and it WAS a weekend, which is usually pranking time.  "Hey," I said after a moment of thought, "let's just invite Caleb to play cops and robbers with us.  It's better to have the enemy close by so we can keep an eye on him."  We called Caleb and agreed to meet at the park at eleven.
As we put on our all-black outfits (to blend in with the darkness) and running shoes, we briefly discussed bringing along some super soakers, just in case Caleb was planning to ambush us.  "Nah," everyone finally agreed.  Caleb wouldn't try to prank us.  Surely night.  On a game night, there are never pranks.  It's practically an unspoken law... or so we thought.
As we piled into my car and drove to the park, I began to feel a little uneasy.  We began to walk the long trek from the road to the playground, making out the two silhouettes of Caleb and our mutual friend Joel.  They sat quietly on a picnic table, waiting for us.  When we came nearer, perhaps twenty yards away from the shadowy playground, multiple forms lunged from the darkness, headed straight towards us.  Rebekah, Ali, and I shrieked and tried to run from the group, but there were too many.
We had been ambushed.
They were holding cans and fist-fulls of shaving cream.  Since Rebekah had knee surgery over Christmas, she couldn't run very well, so she was soon covered in shaving cream.  I was sprayed too, but I headed for my car because I knew it was the next target.  I managed to speed away before it was TOO covered with shaving cream.  I attempted to drive by a few times to try to get Rebekah and Ali to leap in, but they were too far away.  They were drenched in shaving cream already anyways.  There was no point in running.  All that was left was to fight back.
I parked my car in a hidden spot and walked back to the park.  I laughed when I realized that the prank had become a prank on EVERYONE.  Even the prankers were absolutely covered in shaving cream.  Everyone had turned on each other.
The moments after that were filled with hysterical laughter and fun.  After fifteen minutes, we all ahd shaving cream on our faces and clothes and hair.  But it was wonderfully fun.
We piled into the back of a friend's truck and drove to Rebekah's house, where we all washed off the shaving cream with wet towels and then hosed off my car.  Another funny thing was that their truck soon was covered in shaving cream, perhaps even more than my "pranked" car was.  Their prank had somewhat backfired on them, but not necessarily in a disappointing way.  By the end of the night, huge smiles decorated all of our faces.
And you know, even though Rebekah, Ali, and I were the ones who were ambushed, we still had a blast.  I have to give kudos to Caleb.  It was a great prank.  He "got" us, yes, but we all managed to make wonderful memories in the process.  We had an amazingly fun summer night before summer even truly began.
So there's one point for Caleb.
At first, Rebekah, Ali, and I were concerned that Caleb was winning.  After all, he's gotten us twice now.  But no worries.  We did a tally and happily discovered that we're still in the lead.
And it's our turn to prank next.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blogging: When to Write

If you're a new blogger, you may be wondering how often you should post something new.  Of course, this will always be up to you.  It's not like you have to sign a contract, promising to write something five times a week or you'll be fired as a blogger forever.  Blogging is for your enjoyment, and if you don't feel like blogging for a month, nobody is going to make you.
Most new bloggers end up overwhelming themselves by deciding they will write at least one blog post per day.  If you aren't used to writing something that often, this is a huge commitment to make and can quickly become something that is no longer enjoyable.  Instead of overwhelming yourself, make a reasonable goal, like: I will post three new things a week for the next month.  At the end of the month, if you're satisfied with your writing schedule, keep it.  If you want to start writing more or less often, then change your schedule.  Do what feels comfortable for you.
Whatever you do, you don't want to burn yourself out on blogging before you've hardly begun.  I've watched several brand new bloggy friends start out their blogs while full of fervor and excitement, posting once or twice a day, but by the end of a month or even a few weeks, they've burned themselves out.  "I have to write something today because my followers expect at least one post a day, but I'm super busy.  I'd better just scribble something out real quick..."  When you feel rushed and overwhelmed, not only does blogging become a chore instead of something fun, but the quality of your writing will also decrease dramatically.
Like I said above, make a schedule for your writing.  Decide ahead of time what days each week you'll post something onto your blog.  For example: post something new every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  If you miss or add an extra day here or there, no problem, but this way, you'll know when to write and your readers will know when to come back to see what you've written.
I've been blogging for almost two years now, so I've come to the point where I try to share something new every day.  Occasionally I'll miss a day (as some of you have probably noticed) and occasionally I'll post more than one entry in a single day.  I write a lot, and my blog is an excellent outlet for the words swimming around in my head.
Most blogging sites allow you to write a blog entry that can be published in the future, meaning that today you could write three blog posts and schedule them to be published tomorrow, next week, and next month.  I schedule my posts like that often because my inspiration usually comes and goes in sporadic bursts.  I write several entries in one day and then I might not write anything for my blog the next day.  For example, I am writing this little article on April 29.  I'll probably share this with all of you in mid-May.  When you schedule your posts ahead of time, it can relieve some of the stress about feeling like you don't have enough time or inspiration to keep up with your blogging schedule.  You'll always be ahead.
If you've read everything I have to say and you still want to try to start out your blog writing something new every day, then I encourage you to use a blogging challenge.  I've taken two blogging challenges in the last year and they've both been a lot of fun.  This one I borrowed from a fellow blogger and this one I wrote on my own.  Feel free to use either of these challenges on your own blog and let me know so I can read your answers.
A blogging challenge usually consists of one question to answer every day for thirty days.  A question is a great prompt to help inspire you to write something new each day and there will be a better chance you won't get burned out with blogging.
Also remember, if you begin to feel burned out with your blog, then take a break.  You might feel pressured to keep up with your schedule, but your readers will understand that you need to take a rest from writing.  Everyone knows how stressful life can become.  It's much better to stop blogging for a few days than to stop blogging forever.  If your writer's block lasts for more than a couple of weeks, it may be time to sit down and force yourself to write.  At times, all it takes to crack a heavy bout of writer's block is... well, writing.
More than anything, try to have fun.  If blogging becomes something that is no longer fun, then there's no longer a point to keeping a blog.  This needs to be something you enjoy.  While keeping a regular blogging schedule may help you achieve more followers, it isn't that important.  If a schedule is what burns you out of blogging, then don't use one.
When it comes to blogging, write whenever it makes you happy.  Don't ever feel pressured because of your own blog.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Assurance of Salvation (Islam vs. Christianity)

Many Muslims believe it is conceited to have assurance of salvation.  However, it is not conceit that gives me (as a Christian) assurance I will live in heaven for eternity.  It is my belief in the grace of God.  In fact, it could be considered conceited to believe you might make it to heaven by your own good works rather than by the grace of God.  As it says in Ephesians 2:8-9, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith -and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast."

Even Muhammad was unsure of his own salvation.  He said in Sahih al-Bukhari Hadith 5.266, "By Allah, though I am the Apostle of Allah, yet I do not know what Allah will do to me."  If not even the great prophet Muhammad could not be sure of his own salvation, how could the average Muslim ever hope to reach Paradise?  Why would you want to follow a man who cannot even know where he'll be for eternity?  Isn't that a bit of a risk?

We cannot focus on our own works to earn salvation.  No matter how many good deeds we perform, we can never cover up the sins we have already committed without God's forgiveness.  The apostle James, brother of Jesus, said clearly in James 2:10, "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it."

Christ came into the world to give God's creation a peace and assurance of His salvation because of His vast mercy and grace.  In Luke 23:43, as Jesus was dying on the cross, He gave assurance of salvation to a thief who had certainly done many wrong things in his lifetime- enough to cause him to receive the death penalty from the Roman government.  After a lifetime of sin and mistakes, the thief was told by Jesus with confidence, "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise."

Unlike the prophet Muhammad, Jesus gives assurance that one day you can spend eternity in heaven because of the grace of the almighty God, so long as you believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior.


Feel free to share your opinion about this topic, so long as you are civil and respectful.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Why I Wear a Purity Ring

I've worn a purity ring since I was fourteen years old.  My dad gave me my first purity ring as a birthday gift.  It was the typical silver band with the words "True Love Waits" etched across the front.  You can get it here.  I loved the ring.  I loved its message and simplicity.  I loved what it stood for in my life.  I loved how blunt its words were.  "True Love Waits."  Nobody would ever question what that ring meant to me.

I lost my ring last summer, much to my dismay.  My new ring is also silver, although this one displays a pearl right in the center.  You can find it here.  It isn't as obvious that it's a purity ring as my first one, but I love it just as much.  It almost looks like a wedding ring, but with a pearl instead of a diamond.

I wear a purity ring as a symbol that I choose to remain pure before marriage.  When I say pure, I mean that I won't have sex before marriage, of course, but I will also try to keep all of my thoughts and actions pure as well.  I choose to stay pure so I can honor the Lord, my future husband, and myself.  I don't want to give away something that was meant for one person.  Hebrews 13:4 says, "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure..."  I want to honor my marriage, even before I am married, as a gift to my husband.

1 Corinthians 6:18-20 says, "Flee from sexual immorality.  All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.  Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own; you were bought at a price.  Therefore honor God with your bodies."

My purity ring is a tangible reminder of my choice to remain pure.  I wear my purity ring on my left hand ring finger.  In a way, I see my purity ring as a pre-pre-wedding ring.  A wedding ring is a symbol of one's commitment to their spouse.  An engagement ring announces one's commitment to a soon-to-be spouse.  I wear my purity ring as a symbol of commitment to my future husband.

I wear my purity ring as a reminder of the commitment I've made to God, to myself, and to my future husband.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Weird Last Week

The last week of school is always the worst and best week of the whole year.  It's the best week because since it's the last one, the teachers don't bother to give any assignments, the rules are usually relaxed, and everybody is feeling happy and excited.  It's the worst week because it seems to drag on FOREVER.  Since there is nothing to do throughout the day, class time seems to drag on and on and on.
This is my last week of school.  That would normally be exciting enough in itself... but even better, this is my last week of high school.  Period.  No more twelfth grade, sure, but no more high school is even crazier.  I am stoked and a little sad at the same time.  After this week, I won't be in high school anymore!  My biggest solace is the fact that I won't technically have graduated until May 27, so technically I have a little time left to call myself a high school student.
This week has most definitely been exciting.  There is a tangible buzz whenever you're around any of the sneiors.  Our last week.  Our last week.  No more high school.  We're done.  We're done.  It's like we're all silently singing the same song.
The seniors get out a week before anyone else, so the rest of the school doesn't have the same level of excitement as we do.  I feel bad for the teachers, in a way.  They have to deal with our excied chatter, our restlessness, and our lack of concentration.  Believe me, when there are only three days left of your high school career, it's pretty difficult to pay attention to any lecture or assignment.  I think the teachers gave up on their lesson plans two weeks ago.
But hey.  We're graduating.  There is reason for excitement.
Several exciting things have happened this week, making everything even better.  I got my LASIK eye surgery last Thursday, so I can see everything now.  I don't have to worry about glasses anymore.  I feel like a Bible character, healed by Jesus.  I can see!  I can see!  That fact alone has brightened my entire week.
My friend Zeek's eighteenth birthday was yesterday, so a big group of us went out to celebrate with him.  It was so much fun to spend time together and enjoy each other's company.
On Thursday, my environmental science class will be going on a field trip to a local canyon.  We'll hike, soak in the sun, and have a good time outside.  I'll be sure to share pictures with you all.
Friday will be our last day, so I'm sure there will be plenty of excitement, silliness, and tears.
This has been one of the strangest weeks of school for me, simply because whenever I look around, I can't help but think: This is all about to end.  I won't walk down these halls anymore.  I won't see these people anymore.  I won't be a high school student anymore (which may not be all that bad).  This is about to be over.
It's only Wednesday, so I still have tomorrow and Friday, but the feeling is already there.
Half of me wants to shout, "Why am I still here?  I'm about to GRADUATE.  We're sitting around doing nothing!  Why can't I just stay home or go out with friends?!"
But then again, I'm glad they're making us come to school this week.  It's our last week.  Ever.  It may be boring at times.  It may seem to drag on forever.  But we're sitting in class for a few hours each day, hugging and talking and taking pictures.  Each moment left at school is time we're spending together as a class.  We won't get that anymore after this month.  I might as well enjoy the time I have left.
Although, when it finally ends, I'll probably be cheering. ;)
PS: I know I'm sharing a lot of ramblings about graduation and stuff right now, but once the month is over, I'll be done with all that.  This is just seriously what's on my mind and my blog is the best place to share my thoughts. :)

Check out this website! (Blog Lovin')

Hey, guys.  I thought I'd share a bit of news with everyone.  No worries... I'll post a real something or other later on in the day, so keep an eye out. 
I found this website that I LOVE and I have to advertise it.  If you are an avid follower of several blogs like I am, I think you'll love it too.
It's called bloglovin'.  And it's amazing.  Basically, you can enter in the links to all the blogs you follow and it has one main page where you can see every time the blogs are updated.  From bloglovin, you can then go straight to the new post.  No opening several different windows.  No trying to remember to check back at several different sites each day.  No feeling frustrated when your email inbox is filled with reminders.  Just one place.  And I'm lovin' it.
Again.  Bloglovin'Check it out.
Also, I'd just like to share another reminder--I think I already mentioned this before, but I will again--that I've made a new page where you can go to find me on other places on the internet, so feel free to follow me on Twitter, YouTube, or VYou.  The links are here.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Why I chose not to date.

Beware.  Today I'm writing about romance.

I decided at the beginning of my senior year that I would not begin a romantic relationship until I went to college.  This might seem extreme to some, but there are reasons behind my decision.  I thought I'd go ahead and share my logic.  Here are a few reasons why I decided not to date my senior year.

The older I get, the more serious my relationships can become.
Since I'm eighteen, I'm technically old enough to get married.  I'm nearly ready to date "for real."  Sometime within the next couple of years, I might even meet the guy I'll end up marrying.  Even if I casually date a couple of the guys at my school or my church- because we're getting older and more mature- our fun and casual dates could turn into something more.  At this point in my life I'd like to branch out a little and meet my future spouse somewhere other than the place I've grown up.

I'm moving away soon.
Why would I even want to suffer the heartache of having to move several cities away from my boyfriend?  We're seniors.  Chances are, we'd probably attend different universities.  (And I most definitely do not want to feel pressured into attending the same university as my boyfriend just because I don't want to leave him.)  Starting college is going to be hard enough without having to try to keep up with a long distance relationship.  Plus, I'd like to enjoy being single on the college campus.  I'd like to go on dates and meet new guys.  I don't want to be held back by a guy I started dating in high school.

I want to focus on more important relationships in my life.
Right now, I don't want to keep up with the emotional roller coaster of a romantic relationship my senior year.  I'm about to move away from my family and friends.  Instead of worrying about going on dates and keeping a boyfriend happy, I'd much rather go on dates with my daddy or have a girls night out with my best friends.  I don't want to look back in a few years and think, "I wish I'd spent more time with my family instead of that guy who broke up with me three months after we started college."  There are more important relationships in my life right now and I'd like them to stay at the top of my priorities.

I need to spend more time working on my relationship with Jesus Christ.
I know my faith will be tested when I go to college, so I'd like to spend more time focusing on my relationship with the Lord.  If I'm busy with my senior year, spending time with my family and friends, and keeping up with a boyfriend, then I might lose focus on the One who matters most of all.

So that's why I've chosen not to date my senior year of high school.  Dating is fun, sure.  However, in my life right now, the emotional stress just isn't worth it.  I can wait.  You know, I don't think God has planned for me to find my future husband in my hometown.  I know I'll find him eventually, but I don't think it will be here.

The song "Wait" by Group 1 Crew just came into my head.

For now I patiently wait for you to come my way,
And I won't hesitate when you make your way right to my heart.
'Til then I'll patiently wait.

I found the photos I used in this entry here and here.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Little Things

Lately I've been trying to memorize my high school.  That might sound strange, but since I'm going to leave soon, I want to start memorizing the things I know will slip my mind later on.  There are little things- little details- that don't even cross my mind now, but they are so small I know I'll forget them later.

I don't want to forget.

The way the windows of the front office are blanketed in paintings from art class.  You can always tell which students are artistically gifted from those paintings.  There have been many groans of embarrassment, mine included, as we've walked through the lobby and caught a glimpse of a familiar- and ghastly- painting.  The way the library is full of old and musty books with titles like And the Angels Were Silent and Surprised by the Power of the Spirit.  The way the halls become almost painfully crowded when all of the classes are let out at once.  A hundred and fifty people aren't meant to squeeze together in a hallway that's less than five feet wide.

I don't want to look back in a few years and not be able to remember where I spent four years of my life.  My high school is where I've spent the vast majority of my time.  Sure, bad memories have taken place within these walls, but they've mostly been happy.  I've experienced joy here, amidst all of the typical high school boredom and stress.

I made some of my best friends in the entire world at my high school.  My teachers have shown that they honestly care whether or not I'm having a difficult time at home or if I don't do my best on a paper.  After Gatlin died, there were teachers who frequently checked up on me to make sure I was okay.  When we watched "Romeo and Juliet," I was actually sent to another classroom so I wouldn't have to watch the suicides.  My school has been great.  I have seen Christ through my teachers, principals, and friends.  I couldn't have asked for anything more out of my high school years.

You'd think some things I wouldn't mind forgetting, like the cheesy fake plants that decorate the shelves on the library walls (I'm looking at them right now) or the gaudy yellow tiles on the bathroom floor... or even the old locker room at the gym.  Ancient lockers, creaky toilets, awkward memories.  Yeah, those things don't always bring a grin to my face, but I don't want to forget them.  I never want to forget.

I'm sitting in my high school library as I write this, realizing with a touch of horror that I can easily count the number of days I have left to spend in this room.  At times, I feel like celebrating.  "No more school!  No more hours spent in this library, typing on these senile computers!  No more boredom!  No more waking up early!  No more!  No more!"  But it's sad.  A chapter of my life is closing forever.

So in a way, I will miss the fluorescent lights that are glaring down on me right now.  I'll miss the saggy, half-empty beanbags that have served as a bed when I come to school and nap for an hour (I have a free period every day).  I'll miss the old clock that has hung crooked on the wall for as long as I can remember.  I'll miss the out of place 4th of July decorations and the pumpkin-shaped pots of peppermints and jolly ranchers.  I'll miss the bright yellow trashcan.  I'll miss the stacks of musty, aging books.  I'll miss just being here.

On the last day of school, I'll probably feel sad.  I'll know that there will be no more time spent bantering with teachers, whispering in the bathroom with Ali to avoid having to go back to class, trying to write under the curious stares of my classmates (I hate writing when people watch me), and opening my familiar old locker every day.  Number 33, the one with the taped smiley face on the front.  I'm not the one who put the face there, but I've never had the heart to remove it.

I haven't said goodbye yet.  Not for good.  But I know the goodbyes are coming.  I can feel them already.

I know one day I'll miss these times, so I'm trying to memorize everything while I can.  Every corner, every quirky wall decoration, every scuff on the walls, every near-forgotten memory sparked by a crooked poster or a dented locker.  I want to remember every detail.

I will not forget.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Blogging: The Right Name

Today I'll be sharing more tips for new bloggers.  A few days ago, I talked about creating an overall theme for your blog so you can focus towards a certain audience.  Today I'd like to talk about finding the right name for your blog.  I've had conversations with three or four different people who say things like, "I'd make a blog and write about ______ if only I could think of a clever name."

To be honest, a blog title isn't that important.  So long as it's memorable, you'll be fine.  Your blog doesn't have to have a hilarious or incredibly witty title to work.

My blog name -EmilythePerson- isn't all that clever, but because it's a title I've used for the past six or seven years, I knew it would be the name of my blog before I even started blogging.  I made up Emily the Person because of my attempt in the sixth grade to be my own person rather than be another member of a stereotype like many of the other kids in my class.  "Emily is smiling" was one of the first Facebook statues I posted after I'd finally begun to realize I was truly joyful after I had struggled with a long bout of severe depression.  So you see?  Neither of the two titles of my blog are extremely clever.  But they work for me.  I can't even count how many questions I've gotten about "Emily the Person," so I figure it's memorable enough.

Try to think of a title that fits you.  If you're stuck, ask a friend or family member for help.  And remember: you can always change the title of your blog, even if you can't change your domain name.  Don't let the stress of picking the right name keep you from starting a blog.

Avoid cliche titles that use words like: ramblings, scribbles, random thoughts...  Everybody uses those words in their blog titles.  They'll make the name of your blog difficult to remember and unoriginal.  Surely you can do better than that!  If you can't, then your writing quality will most likely outshine your boring blog title, so no big deal... but I recommend that you try to avoid overused blog titles.

Your blog address can be different from your blog title.  For example, my blog address is, but my blog title is "Emily is Smiling."  They're different.  You can do the same thing, but make sure the actual address of your blog is easy to remember.

If your last name is difficult to spell or remember, then you probably don't want your blog to be  That's too difficult.  No one will ever remember your blog's name when they try to return.

Don't use numbers in your blog address, like or even just  Numbers can be tough to recall.

Try to avoid purposeful misspellings too, like or when your name is actually "Sammy."  If you use your name, that's fine, but try to keep things very simple.  When it comes to your blog address: the simpler, the better.

No matter what you decide to use for your blog title, remember that your blog's name doesn't have to define your blog.  Even if you end up picking out a lousy name, if you write what people want to read, they won't ignore your blog just because of a lame name.  Don't worry.  Like I said, Emily is Smiling is a pretty boring name... but people still read what I have to say.

I'll share some more blogging tips next week.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below and I'll try to answer them in a future blog entry.

How Jesus's Sacrifice Can Make Sense to Muslims

Jesus became a sacrifice for the sins of the world by dying on a cross.  Muslims do not believe that a sacrifice can help them reach Paradise.  They believe in a works-based salvation.  The Qur'an says in surah 23:101-2, "Then those whose balance (of good deeds) is heavy, they will attain salvation: but those whose balance is light, will be those who have lost their souls, in Hell will they abide."  However, what kind of Paradise would this be if it was full of unchanged and unforgiven sinners?

If a murderer was taken into court and acquitted without reason, the judge would be unjust.  There must be a judgment for all sin.  If sins against God go unpunished, then God's character becomes flawed.  A pure and holy God cannot be near sin, but if one goes to heaven based on works, He is not being forgiven for the sins He has already committed.  Yet God cannot allow a sinful being in His presence.  Do you see how this is an impossible situation?  There must be a sacrifice to take the punishment for sin in order for the sinner to be forgiven.

Just as sin came into the earth through one man, God also made a way for eternal life to be gained through one man's death on a cross.  Jesus Christ lived on earth without sinning.  He was both a human being and God, and He brought moral perfection into the picture, allowing Himself to become a sacrifice for the world's sins.

As the Son of God and as the sacrifice for the world's sins, only Jesus Christ has the authority to forgive sin and grant assurance of salvation.  He has offered the gift of eternal life to the world, to anyone who believes in Him, according to Acts 16:31


Agree? Disagree? Feel free to share your opinions below.  Any uncivil or disrespectful comments will be deleted.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Healing Eyes, Wii Battles, and Hiccups

Thank you all for your prayers, guys.  I got through my surgery great and I thought I'd go ahead and share my Lasik story.  Please mind any spelling errors because my eyes aren't completely clear yet.  I'm wearing an awful pair of eye shields with tape across my field of vision... and it's only been ten hours since my surgery (as I write this).  So please bear with me!  If you want a laugh, I'll go ahead and share that I'm typing this entry in a big font so I can read what I'm writing better. :)
Here is one of the last images you'll ever see of me in my glasses.  This is incredibly exciting for me, since I've become so sick of them lately.  I loved my contacts, but since I've become allergic to them, I've had to wear my glasses every single day for the past several months.  It can get quite frustrating.

As soon as I arrived at the eye clinic, I went to the front desk and they gave me a Valium.  I've never taken Valium before, so I was expecting to become entirely loopy, but it didn't affect me a whole lot... well, at least I don't think it did.

After I took the meds, I was led into a waiting room with a few other people.  We had to wipe off our faces, put our hair in white caps and our feet in little slippers.  I waited for a little while and then was taken into the operating room and told to lay down on a gurney-like bed.  They put a thing under my knees to hold my legs still and they put my head onto a circular rest.  One nurse held my hands and one helped to hold my head completely still.  (I was trembling like a leaf at this point.)
The entire operation lasted only about six minutes--three minutes for each eye.  It was basically painless.  I had some mild pinching with one of the clamps, but that was bearable.  Pretty much, all I had to do was stare at a green light for a few minutes while they did nerve-wracking things to my eyeball.
From what they tell me, they suctioned my eye to keep it still, cut a flap in the middle of my eye and pulled it backwards like a hinge, and then used a laser to fix my vision.  After that, they put the flap back down, rinsed my eye with cold saline water, and sponged it down. 
After I was done with the surgery, they put me in a wheelchair, which I found funny at the time because my eyes were operated on, not my legs... and I could see fairly well.  However, the medication did make me a little dizzy, so after I tried to walk later on, I realized why they made me ride in a wheelchair.
They brought me into a post-op room and put terribly ugly shields over my eyes, taping them shut.  And then I was done.  I wasn't at the clinic for more than an hour.  Awesome, right?
Here is a picture of me with my ugly, ugly eye shields. ;)

Since I had to stay awake for six hours during the procedure, the amazing Rebekah came over and brought me a Starbucks vanilla frap and played Wii with me for a couple of hours.  She even had to take senior pictures this afternoon, but she still took time out of her day to play with me.  Something funny... I totally destroyed her at Wii, even though I was half blind.  We laughed and laughed.

The day is finally almost over.  I'm going to bed right after I finish this blog post, which I'll share with you guys tomorrow morning.  I started out seeing everything like I was in a fog... I guess because my eyes were so inflamed.  I can see a lot better now.  I was even able to watch a movie--Princess Diaries--with Ali when she came home.  I can't wait to hopefully see 20/20 tomorrow morning.
Random note... I got the hiccups four times today.  Does anyone know what causes something like that?  Nervousness, perhaps?  I don't know.

I have a few continuing prayer requests.  Thank you so, so, so much to those of you who have been keeping me in your prayers. 
One, that my eyes will heal and not have any complications. 
Two, that I now have 20/20 vision so I won't have to get an enhancement and go through all of this again.
Thanks so much, you guys.  Your prayers have meant so much to me.  I have an appointment at eight tomorrow morning, so I'll continue to keep you all updated.

One Day Without Shoes

I'd like to share pictures from the One Day Without Shoes that took place on April 5.  Ali and I couldn't celebrate all day, since we went to a stockyard for a field trip.  I guess we could have gone without shoes during that time... but we weren't that enthusiastic about getting foot diseases.  However, we wore shoes as little as we possibly could and had a great time.

The photograph above was based after a picture that was taken of me and Ali last year on the One Day Without Shoes.  It's become a tradition.  I actually almost wore my Fireflight shirt today, but when I realized that I wore it last year, I was too creeped out.
Ali and I decided to go on a walk, but we soon realized that walking barefoot on gravel roads can be quite painful.  In fact, we could hardly walk at all.  At one point, Ali decided that perhaps running across the gravel street would be easier than walking, but all she managed to do was embed tiny pieces of rock into her feet.  At that moment, we empathized with children who don't have any shoes more than ever!
We managed to take several pictures of each other... some featuring our bare feet and others just featuring us.  I love taking pictures.  Perhaps Ali is right and I am a "Picture Hoarder."  One of these days, you'll see me on that TV show called Hoarders, but all that's hoarded will be on my computer... thousands and thousands of pictures.
There's a tiny park near our house.  It's only about a half mile walk away, although it seems incredibly long when we're traveling barefoot.  At the park, we finally had peace.  When you're swinging, you don't have to worry about your feet touching the ground!

We also enjoyed the scenery.  Even though things haven't quite turned green yet, wildlife in general is beautiful.  I just love God's creation.
Overall, it was a great day.  TOMS does amazing things, so be sure to grab a pair the next time you're looking for an awesome pair of shoes.