Sunday, February 26, 2012

Meeting Shane and Shane

I forgot to write about this right after it happened, so here is some quite late, but still exciting news:

I got to meet Shane Barnard!

Three or four weeks ago, I went to Breakaway (a huge Bible study for students at my university).  I arrived a few minutes late because my friends and I had to walk a long ways to get to the building where they were holding Breakaway that week.  As I settled down into my seat, I noticed the usual band wasn't leading worship.  Two men were singing a song I knew well.  A Shane and Shane song.  They sang it just like Shane and Shane do.

About this time, I looked at my friend Alex who was sitting right next to me.  "Is that them?" he asked.

I beamed.  "I think it is!"

And sure enough: Shane and Shane were leading worship at Breakaway again.

If you don't know who Shane and Shane are, they're two guys who write amazing worship songs.  They're so talented.  I could listen to them all day long.  They're one of my favorite bands ever.  So when I saw they were leading worship at Breakaway, I nearly flipped out with excitement. 

After Breakaway was over and I was getting ready to leave, a couple of my friends said, "Emily, one of them is standing right down there if you want to go talk to him."  The idea of meeting one of my musical heroes was a little overwhelming, but my friend Daniel sighed and said, "Follow me."

He went right up to Shane Barnard and said, "Hello, sir.  My name is Daniel and this is my friend Emily.  She's like your biggest fan ever, but she's too shy to tell you."

So that's how I met Shane Barnard.  He seemed like a great guy. 

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