Monday, December 31, 2012

Recap of 2012

This is going to be a stereotypical end of the year post, but before I begin, let me give some updates.
  • I made a carefree blog, where I'll be sharing little daily things I don't care to post to this particular blog.  I explain it more there.  You can find me at  If you have a clean and appropriate tumblr, follow me and I'll probably follow you back.
  • I'm on twitter @emilytheperson.
Looking back over 2012, I am seriously amazed at how things have changed and how much I have grown.  Wonderful things have happened.  Difficult things have happened.  I've seen my heart changed further and further by Christ.  

I would like to share some highlights from this year in the form of a bunch of photos.  I plan to welcome 2013 with prayer, worship, and joy.  If it's a fraction as great as 2012 was, it will be a fantastic year.

New York City
First time to ride in a limo
4th of July
Being in Alpha Asher 2012
Making some of the best friends ever
My precious BG for Impact 2012
Voting for the first time
Meeting our entire block in one afternoon
Getting accepted for Impact Omega Simeon 2013
Getting a backpack guitar for Christmas
A wonderful family Christmas
Turning twenty
As you can see, I have been blessed this year with wonderful friends and experiences.  I have accomplished goals and learned new things.  I'll share a little more about some of my goals for 2013 tomorrow.

What 2012 goals did you accomplish?  Was this year wonderful or was it difficult?  How can I pray for you as this year ends and a new year begins?


  1. This isn't quite a goal...more of a testimony of God's faithfulness. My 2nd family (known them for most of my life so they qualify) haha, has been going through a rough time in their marriage involving infidelity and repressed issues and emotions. It was taking a toll on their 2 kids and led to them setting up for a divorce. You see the wife was saved in the early 2000s and the husband was raised Hindu but determined later in life that there was no God. (on account of a rough childhood and tonnes of pride). After years of praying for his salvation we got a call December 30th that he had gone to church and received Christ! It's such a miracle and he says he gave it all to God that morning and declared "I am now a free man." They are determined to work their marriage out and keep Jesus at the centre of it all. Praise God for this perfect start for the new year!
