Friday, May 24, 2013

FKM: Poetry and Jesus

If you would like to help support my return to Kenya, Africa, you can donate directly to the Christian Relief Fund and indicate that your donation is for "Emily's Kenya Trip."

Friday Kenya Memory: July 10, 2009

Today we decided to have our driver drop us off about ten minutes away from the school, right in the middle of the slums, so we could have a better understanding of the area in which these people live.  Residents of this neighborhood smiled and waved at us as we passed by.

The slums are in such horrible conditions.  We went down one road, literally holding our breath because of the overwhelming stench of both animal and human feces on the ground.  Animals wander about freely, eating and pooping wherever they like.

After taking more sponsorship photos, I went into town to buy paint supplies for the school.  One elderly lady in the city approached me, asking for money.  We were told not to give money to beggars, but my team all gave her our coke bottles, which can be exchanged for a few shillings apiece at recycling centers in the city.

We returned to the school and held a Vacation Bible Study.  The children are all so eager to learn about the Lord.

Earlier in the day, the children had classes, so I made a guest appearance to a few of their classrooms and taught some English spelling, science, and basic mathematics.  The children listened very attentively.  They are good students. 

Lavin follows me everywhere, much to my delight.  I have loved getting to see her sweet heart.  Every time I catch her eye, she beams.  She is so precious.  She sings the song I taught her, Yesu ni Bwana, all the time.  We sing a lot here.

The children all had prepared songs and poems to recite for me today.  I am a writer and I love to encourage writing in children.  Because of this, I promised each of them yesterday that if they wrote a poem about anything and recited it today, I would give them a bracelet.  Every single one of these children is talented in his or her own way.  AIDS has affected their lives so much, so this was the topic of many of their poems.  I gave each performer a colorful rubber bracelet.  I am so touched by their creativity and abilities.  I will never forget this moment.


Writing now from 2013, let me elaborate on the paragraph above this one.  A few of the children actually wrote down their poetry and gave them to me as gifts.  Their words were so impacting.
Two years ago: Blogging: Finding Readers
One year ago: In this way, I am always the same.

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