Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June Goals

Every month for 2013, I am sharing goals to accomplish.  At the end of the month, I'll give myself a report card.  I borrowed this idea from Kelli at She Learn as She Goes.

My goals for the month of June are:

Get all of my vaccinations and medications in order before I go to Kenya.
All I have left are strong all-purpose antibiotics, malaria medication, and typhoid pills.

Finish packing for Kenya.
I'm pretty far along in packing, but I only have two weeks left from tomorrow before I leave, so I'd like to be completely packed as soon as possible.

Read at least one book.
This is my goal every month.  There are still a few books on my summer reading list I'd like to knock off.  Maybe on the plane headed to Africa.  

Make a prayer request list for all of those who have been supporting my trip.
This is what someone from our group did the last time I visited Kenya.  They made a list of what people could pray for each day we were gone and printed it out.  I'd like to make one of these to print out for my family, post on Facebook for my friends, and share on my blog.  We will appreciate any and all prayer!

Prepare a gift for my sponsored daughter, Lavin.
I cannot wait to see her in just over two weeks.  I'd like to bring her something special, but I'm still coming up with ideas.

What are your goals for this month?

Two years ago: My Graduation


  1. I found your blog on Kelli's link up (so I'm not a creeper or anything, haha). Kenya sounds awesome! A trip like that is something I definitely want to do some day. Good luck with your goals. :)

    1. Don't worry; people find my blog in all sorts of places, so I definitely don't think you're a creeper! Thank you! I'm pumped. :)
