Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Highlights: Depraved Indifference, Dave Ramsey, and Elvis Presley

Every couple of weeks I would like to share a few things on the internet that have caught my attention for various reasons. 

Depraved Indifference

This video, written and spoken by Eric Ludy, convicted me to my very core.  It was first put on YouTube three years ago, but if you haven't yet heard it, I encourage you to sit down and listen to all eight minutes.

"That Son that was given suffered and died... for what?  For the cause that is being laid before us tonight.  It wasn't head knowledge about the disaster taking place in this world.  It was life abandonment unto the cause of those who were dying, unto the eternal souls that are around us.  Do we care at the level God cares?  Do we carry a burden when we go home tonight?  Will we grieve over the fact that those children are God's children and He is longing for an advocate to stand up and say, 'I'm willing, God, to fight for what is Yours.  I'm willing, God.  Burden me.'"


What Dave Ramsey Gets Wrong About Poverty

I've grown up listening to Dave Ramsey, both in school and at home.  While I appreciate Dave Ramsey's Christian advice about staying out of debt and gaining control of one's finances, he recently shared a guest post on his blog by Tom Corley titled 20 Things the Rich Do Every Day.  The list bothered me, especially points like: "63% of wealthy listen to audio books during commute to work vs. 5% of poor people."  This article has spurred a whole lot of controversy since the day it was posted, and I appreciated Rachel Held Evan's article on why what Dave Ramsey speaks out about the American poor contradicts the Bible.  Here's a quote from the article.

People are poor for a lot of reasons, and choice is certainly a factor, but categorically blaming poverty on lack of faith or lack of initiative is not only uninformed, it’s unbiblical. God does not divide the world into the deserving rich and the undeserving poor. In fact, the brother of Jesus wrote that God has “chosen the poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that he has promised to those who love him” (James 2:5). God does not bless people with money; God blesses people with the good and perfect gift of God’s presence, which is available to rich and poor alike. And that’s good news.

Baby Loves Elvis Presley

This baby, Ella Mae, knows all the words to Elvis Presley songs at twenty months old!  All I can say is that if I have children some day, they will be like this little girl.

Emmanuel's Funeral

A couple of weeks ago, a man named Emmanuel Namunyu died.  His story is incredibly powerful and I was honored to meet him this summer during my time in Kenya.  Emmanuel was a huge hero of mine and left a lasting impact on this earth.

The president of Christian Relief Fund, Milton Jones, wrote a memorial for Emmanuel that I found fitting and beautiful.

Tweet of the Week

This made me laugh out loud, so I thought I'd share it with you.

What caught your attention this week?

Two years ago: Funny Words
Four years ago: Nothing

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