Friday, January 31, 2014

February Blogging Challenge

I know I've been absent for a few weeks.  It has been a wonderful semester so far.  The Lord has been revealing parts of Himself to me I've never seen before, and I've been restored from my stresses of last semester in leaps and bounds.  I'll talk about this more another time, but for now... I'd like to begin a blogging challenge!

For the month of February, I will be doing a blogging challenge that I borrowed from the blog Story of My Life (and, as I always do, I changed some things around).  If you have a blog, join me!  We can exercise our writing muscles together, as well as work on the habit of consistently blogging despite a busy schedule.

February Blogging Challenge:

Day 1: The story of your life in 250 words or less.
Day 2: What are you learning?
Day 3: 5 things that bother you.
Day 4: A favorite quotation and why you love it.
Day 5: You can't answer this question with your job. "What do you do?"
Day 6: A piece of advice you have for others.
Day 7: A moment in your day.
Day 8: Most embarrassing moment.
Day 9: 10 things about you.
Day 10: What do you miss?
Day 11: An apology.
Day 12: 10 things that make you happy.
Day 13: A day in your life.
Day 14: Something difficult in your life and how you're working to overcome it.
Day 15: A photo of yourself that you like.
Day 16: 5 of your favorite blogs.
Day 17: Get real. Share a struggle.
Day 18: Your top 10 favorite posts from your blog.
Day 19: 5 songs that speak to you.
Day 20: 5 things on your mind.
Day 21: Things you've learned from school (but not necessarily in class).
Day 22: 3 positive traits about you.
Day 23: 3 traits about you that you need to improve.
Day 24: Something you've been told about yourself you'll never forget.
Day 25: What are you reading?
Day 26: A letter.
Day 27: A photograph.
Day 28: Goals.

Who's in?

Two years ago: Gambling and Walmart

1 comment:

  1. I just got back from a two-week trip, so I'm getting a late start, but I'll see what I can do, if this still interests you.
