Day 5: You can't answer this question with your job. "What do you do?"
I read. I read quite a lot lately. I've been keeping track of every book I read in recent months, and I'm finding that I devour more pages and stories and poems than I thought I did.
I sing. Perhaps not exceptionally well, but I won't deny that my alone-time in my car is filled with much singing... as well as some moments at home with my guitar.
I learn. My roommates and I have been doing homiletics over the book of Revelation recently. I've been learning in leaps and bounds. In five weeks, we've gone over only the first two chapters of the book. It's amazing how many truths and joys are hidden in the Word. And I suppose, with most of my life spent with my nose in a textbook, that I'm learning things from my classes as well.
I wish. A piece of each day is spent passing by the framed photos in my bedroom and staring longingly at the pictures within of my time in Kenya.
I love. I have perhaps the most desirable problem someone could have. Wherever I am, I'm a bit homesick. When I'm in school, I miss my family. I feel loved beyond measure when I am at home. On the other hand, when I'm away from university, I so dearly miss my friends. God has blessed me with friends that are precious to my life.
I write. I'm trying to learn how to journal again. Mind you, not keep a diary. I don't record my day within the pages, but rather thoughts about my quiet times. I so often stumble across a truth or a treasure in the Bible, am stunned by it, and then forget about it over the course of a few days. I want to be more responsible in writing down what I learn so I can go back over the pages of my college years later on and see how the Lord has spoken to me and helped me to grow.
What do you do?
Also, in case you were wondering, the February challenge isn't working out so well. However, this challenge will be completed eventually... it just may linger into March and possibly April.
Two years ago: Earth Song
Three years ago: Not so perfect after all
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