Monday, February 3, 2014

When the Christian Bubble doesn't work.

Day 3: 5 things that bother you

1.) The Christian Bubble.  Let me clarify: It is important to be involved in a strong Christian community for fellowship and accountability.  I frequently find myself sitting smack in the middle of the "Christian bubble" at my university.  But I begin to feel uncomfortable with this bubble when...
  • ...Believers (new or old) feel hesitant to ask questions for fear of being judged or patronized.
  • ...Unbelievers feel excluded, unwelcome, or judged when entering the "bubble."
  • ...Missional evangelism (and I'm talking about discipleship, not just sharing the Gospel and retreating back into our comfort zone) is easily forgotten over community-building activities.
  • ...Being in the Christian bubble becomes a trend or spirituality contest rather than spurring each other on to share the Gospel and grow in our relationship with Christ.
2.) Saying that we should not serve the needy internationally because we have poor people in our own backyard.

3.) Saying that we should not serve the needy in our own backyard because they are not nearly as impoverished as the poor living around the world.

4.) Bending the words of Jesus for the cause of a political party.

5.) Mega-churches that focus largely on increasing their numbers, hosting celebrity pastors, and having the most high-quality worship bands/screens/buildings.

What are 5 things that bother you?

One year ago: Who deserves respect?
Two years ago: I'm like an ice cream sundae...
Three years ago: What's your glass?

1 comment:

  1. Emily, I just wrote two posts on my blog, in response to this and your two previous posts.
