Wednesday, April 9, 2014

100 Happy Days: Almost Home

I'm participating in the 100 Happy Days challenge on instagram.  I've enjoyed picking out the joyful, lovely moments of my days and I thought I would share them here as well.

Day 6: Having 2 sweet roomies who work at Starbucks means I'm gifted with the most delicious treats. 

Day 7: Today I am happy because it is official that Sammy will be visiting my family for a week! The plane ticket has been bought and our summer will be a little less wrought with separation.

Day 8: Enjoying some weekend reading while snuggling with this sweet bunny.

Day 9: In less than 2 weeks I will be reunited with this guy... and that is enough to keep me smiling for the next 12 days and more. 

Day 10: Today was spent with a little bit of studying, a little bit of movie-watching, a little bit of friend time, and a little bit of snoozing bunnies. 

What are some happy things from your week? 

Follow me on instagram: emilytheperson

One year ago: CURRENTLY
Three years ago: Little Things
Four years ago: Mommy Day

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