Friday, May 23, 2014

Counting my Blessings

It's been only two weeks that I've been back in my hometown for the summer... less than two weeks.  But I already miss the presence these girls bring into my life.

Fall semester was filled with stress and discouragement.  But there is hope.  My Father held me through the hard times and encouraged me, so often through these ladies.

We all picked a wildflower... and Sammy found a stick.

This is Sammy.  She's my closest friend and probably the quirkiest person I know.  She's always willing to be spontaneous, even if it means dropping everything, driving an hour and a half away, and purchasing baby rabbits in order to fulfill my dream of having "fat bunnies frolicking in our backyard."

This is Kelsey.  She is incredibly gifted in her artistic ways.  I feel like every week she has a new, clever project that I could never think of on my own.  She loves flowers and animals and sunshine.  She has the laugh of a Disney princess; this is part of the reason why we call her Belle.

This is Kendall.  She is a free spirit with passionate love for Jesus and for His children.  She can have an extraordinarily busy day that contains more than I can balance in a week and yet still make the time to sit down and pray for a friend or hug someone through their hurts.  This girl has freedom in Christ and knows it well!

My summer is going to be wonderful... but I sure will miss my friends.

At Texas A&M, only seniors may whoop up like this... and Sammy is the first of us to get her Aggie ring.

And next year, we will graduate together.

One year ago: Faithful
Two years ago: I like these songs.
Three years ago: I am so blessed.

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