Sunday, June 1, 2014

Orphan Sunday: Gwynne

The first Sunday of the month, I advocate for an orphan with special needs who is waiting for a family.  Please consider supporting this child by committing to pray for them, sharing their story, or donating to their adoption fund through Reece's Rainbow.

Gwynne is a beacon of joy to everyone around her.

This month, she turns seven years old, and she has spent too long already waiting for a family.

Gwynne was diagnosed with meningocele, but she had it removed three years ago and had surgery on her legs to help with their flexibility.  She is not able to fully use her legs, but she can crawl and loves to dance and sing.  Gwynne is described as super social and a great communicator.  She is also very independent and in therapy to grow stronger. 

This little girl is an older orphan, which means that she is unlikely to be adopted unless her story is shared.  She is such a light to everyone who meets her, and her beautiful smile testifies to this.

Gwynne should never be forced to live life as an orphan.  She has so much potential and wants so much to be welcomed into a family.

Two years ago: Sanitation Grade Pending
Three years ago: Cleaning Out Your Room for College
Four years ago: When Sparrows Fall

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