Friday, July 25, 2014

Highlights: #SinglePeopleProbs

What made me feel relieved to read.
6 Things Single People Are Tired of Hearing by Heather Krauss 
Please show me the place in Scripture where Jesus tells us that our goal is to prepare for marriage. I recall Him telling us to go into the world and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19), and I recall Him telling us to love Him with all of our mind, soul, strength, and heart and to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39), but I can't quite remember a time when Jesus tells us to change, transform, polish and refine ourselves solely for the sake of our future mate. Could you point that out to me? I'll wait here.

What speaks uncomfortable truth.

The White Tourist's Burden by Rafia Zakaria
This imagined simplicity of others’ problems presents a contrast to the intangible burdens of post-industrial societies. Western nations are full of well-fed individuals plagued by less explicit hardships such as the disintegration of communities and the fraying of relationships against the possibilities of endless choices. The burdens of manic consumption and unabated careerism are not as easily pitied as crumbling shanties and begging babies. Against this landscape, volunteerism presents an escape, a rare encounter with an authenticity sorely missed, hardship palpably and physically felt — for a small price.

What made me cry.
God Has a Body by Emily Maynard
God had a body, they say. But it’s not a woman’s body. ...It’s not a body that is feared and controlled and abused and abandoned and coerced, like the bodies of women all over the world. It’s not a body that is passed over for promotions and speaking platforms, equality and the ability to make decisions for the intimate parts of that body. ...It’s not a body that is raped, like one in six women’s bodies are raped in this epidemic in America right now. ...God’s body is poured out in wine and broken in bread, but it’s not a body like mine. 

What made me nod.
Why Al Mohler Might as Well Call Jesus' Teachings "Moral Insanity" by Benjamin L. Corey
Jesus cannot be explained away. Liberals can’t do it and conservatives can’t do it. ...Jesus offers a different way. A way that is neither liberal or conservative- it’s a third way. It’s an “other-world” kinda way. In fact, that’s how Jesus described it: “My Kingdom is not of this world”. It still isn’t of this world. The way of Jesus won’t support the death of the unborn any more than it will the most vile criminal. It is still, after all this time, other worldly.

What touched me.
It's Ruby's Miracle Day by A Place Called Simplicity
The God who created the world, set the stars in place and made the oceans roar - He created you for about a billion very, very special purposes, and when those medical professionals were saying, "Don't bother with her. Forget her- she'll never do anything"... God was listening. He, no doubt, smiled from ear to ear, slowly shaking His head side to side, and confidently said, "Oh really? Now watch this!"

What stunned me.
What I learned about sex trafficking from an evening with two prostitutes by Kristen Howerton
We are swimming in privilege, but I refuse to swim in guilt. This encounter only strengthened my
resolve to use my privilege, and I’m proud to share their stories here, because they want us to hear them. Their stories are important.


One year ago: Hungry Eyes
Three years ago: Things I Look for in a Guy
Four years ago: The Horse Trail

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