Wednesday, August 13, 2014

100 Happy Days: The Dragon Sunset

Day 51: Since Mom is gone for the week, I have a new adoring shadow. He follows me EVERYWHERE. 

Day 52: Admiring the dragon sunset.

Day 53: So... geocaching with my brother has been leading us to consistently sketchier (and prettier) places with each new adventure. 

Day 54: Few things are sweeter than sleepy Jack. 

Day 55: It has been a fun week house-sitting with my brother and our 3 attention-starved dogs.

Bonus Day: None of my friends think she is cute, but I think they're just jealous.

 What was a happy moment from your week?

One year ago: A "Typical" Day
Three years ago: Our Dumpster Diving Adventure
Four years ago: Afraid of the Unknown

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