One day, an American pastor named Baxter Lowe went on a short-term mission trip to India.
The extreme poverty in India was evident as soon as he set foot into the slums. Everywhere Baxter turned, he saw hungry orphans, unclean water, sickness like malaria and AIDS, and so much hopelessness.
Baxter soon met another preacher: a man named John Abraham. This man began to explain the great needs of the people living in his destitute community. In fact, he said that he and his own children were going hungry and desperately needed help in order to survive. Touched by John Abraham's story, Baxter promised that after he returned to the United States, he would send money to help feed John Abraham and his family.
Baxter returned to America, got caught up in his day-to-day routine, and forgot about John Abraham for a few months. When he eventually called his contact in India to ask how and where to send money, he was told that John Abraham had starved to death while waiting for Baxter's help.
The news was devastating. Baxter was haunted by the idea of his friend waiting and waiting for promised support that never came. Nightmares began to disturb his sleep, and Baxter soon realized that God was asking him to step forward and provide for John Abraham's hungry children. So he did. He began to help more orphans in India, Africa, and Central America. Time passed, and Baxter rallied help from people living in his town... and then his state... and then around the world. John Abraham's death started a domino effect of support for orphans and vulnerable children.
The story of John Abraham is a reminder of the story of Joseph in the Bible.
In Genesis 45, Joseph encounters his brothers more than two decades after being betrayed and sold into slavery. He is overwhelmed with emotion and weeps as he reveals his true identity to the ones who abandoned him.
Joseph's reaction to meeting his brothers is profound: "Do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. ...God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance." God used the greatest tragedy in Joseph's life and turned it into something great.
Romans 8:28 says that God works all things for the good of those who love Him. A boy sold into slavery by his own brothers was used by the Lord to preserve the lives of his nation and many others. A man who served God during his life but starved to death while waiting for help was used by God to inspire a ministry that has aided thousands of vulnerable children and struggling communities. John Abraham's dream of reaching out to his broken community came true.
John Abraham's story is heartbreaking. At the time, he must have questioned God: "Why did You let this happen? Why has no one helped me?"
Even amidst the brokenness of poverty, the Lord was working in powerful ways. He used John Abraham's tragedy to to move others to help not only John Abraham's family, community, and country, but also to help save the lives of orphans from more than thirty countries around the world.
Christian Relief Fund was founded almost 50 years ago, but John Abraham's picture is still framed in the office. His story is still told. His faithfulness to the Lord is remembered. His legacy has impacted thousands. And Baxter Lowe's obedience to God's command to serve needy orphans has made a change in the lives of children to this day.
Will you sponsor a child through CRF? Sponsorship provides nourishing food, basic medical care, clothing, schooling, clean water, and Christian teaching.
One year ago: Wait.
Three years ago: Rock Star Pants
Four years ago: Green Eyes, Green Shirt, Green Earth
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