Monday, September 29, 2014

What is this music?

What was your favorite food when you were a child?
I think most children look back and have a deep affection for Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. There was also a time that I consumed weekly McDonald's chicken nuggets, but I honestly think I kind of hated them.

What's the number one most played song on your iTunes?
I don't listen to music straight off my iTunes very often, so I don't know if this will share a lot about me. But the top three played songs, in order, are:
  • Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People (185)
  • Let Her Go by Passenger (174)
  • Dead in the Water by Ellie Goulding (167)
I was just looking over my most played list and some of the top songs I've never heard before in my life, so now I'm pretty sure my iTunes counts the top hits of my entire family. So discredit everything except for the song by Passenger. I do love that one.

What's one of your favorite quotes?
"There's no doubt we were unworthy, but we were never worthless. Big difference." -Louie Giglio

What's your favorite indoor activity?
Probably reading. Most lazy Saturday afternoons, you'll find me curled up in an armchair with a book balanced on my knees.

What's your favorite outdoor activity?
Pre-concussion, it was longboarding. Now it's walking. This might sound lame (and probably is lame), but I love to go on walks in the evening with a friend. Sometimes we'll make our way to a park and swing for a while. Other times we'll breathe in the fresh evening air and watch the sun set above us. 

What are your answers to these questions? 

Three years ago: Meet the Hairless Wonder
Four years ago: My Plans or God's Plans?

1 comment:

  1. Favorite as a kid? Not sure I had one......anything with meat I guess. ;)

    Number One Song Played on Your iTunes? Since I don't have iTunes I guess that answers that question. But really, like a lot of Christian Music as well as secular.

    Favorite Quote? It's long!
    “People who really want to make a difference in the world usually do it, in one way or another. And I’ve noticed something about people who make a difference in the world: They hold the unshakable conviction that individuals are extremely important, that every life matters. They get excited over one smile. They are willing to feed one stomach, educate one mind, and treat one wound. They aren’t determined to revolutionize the world all at once; they’re satisfied with small changes. Over time, though, the small changes add up. Sometimes they even transform cities and nations, and yes, the world.”
    ― Beth Clark, Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption

    Favorite indoor activity? Reading or watching tv.

    Favorite outdoor activity? Fishing! Or going on a walk and looking at the awesome blue sky!

