Group Prayer: The How to's and The Houdinis by Jon Acuff
"Summarize the last worship song the group sang. 'God. You are the everlasting God. ...You lift us up on wings, wings like... eagles."
What is a powerful message.
Dear World: Let's Stop Giving Our Crap to the Poor by Kristen
"The poor may not have wealth, but they have dignity. I’ve met people without electricity or running water who swept their dirt floors daily, pressed their clothes neatly, walked miles to work on muddy roads, dodging sewage and never had a speck of dirt on them. They value their own worth, we should too."
What is thought-provoking.
Pronouns: Or, why I still use masculine pronouns for God by Sarah Bessey
"We live our lives not only for ourselves but for those with whom we are in community. And, yes, I do see myself as “in community” with those who read my work or come to hear me preach. ...It was for this same reason that my husband and I chose to have a “dry” wedding without any alcohol all those years ago. ...We make those choices, not out of shame, but out of love and respect."
What is true about blogging.
Not Everyone Likes You by Jamie the Very Worst Missionary
"So while five years ago the intent of a blog was to draw people in, these days it's to be drawn out - to be shared. We used to want to know how to get people to come to our blog, but now we're asking how to get our blog "out there” to the people."
What made me laugh.
17 Songs Every Youth Group Kid Still Knows by Heart by BuzzFeed
""Shout to the Lord" by Darlene Zchech. Memorable for: High notes pretty much no one could hit (not that that stopped everyone from trying)."
I'm a person who is perfectly content in my singleness until I find a spider on the wall next to my bed.
— Emily Whelchel (@EmilythePerson) November 1, 2014
Remembering God’s faithfulness in the past is one of the keys to having sanity in the present.
— Louie Giglio (@louiegiglio) November 3, 2014
The gospel must be used to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
— Timothy Keller (@timkellernyc) October 28, 2014
Siri, here to help when a word is at the tip of my tongue but I can't remember what it is. #writinglife
— Emily Whelchel (@EmilythePerson) November 4, 2014
#1 Rule for writers: Write like no one will ever read this.
— Tosca Lee (@ToscaLee) October 31, 2014
Three years ago: The Impact
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