Monday, March 31, 2014


I am weary. I am tired.
My patience is wearing thin.
I only wish to go to bed 
And start the day again.

You told me You delight in me.
I know that I am blessed.
It's hard to lift my eyes to You.
I'm aching for Your rest.

I want to know the answers.
I want to shine Your light.
I can hardly hold the lantern. 
It's been a lonely night.

Father, even when I'm worn,
You know my longing heart.
Eventually the dawn will come,
And a brand new day will start.


Monday, March 24, 2014

The Hidden Treasure

The Hidden Treasure

I was wandering through a grassy field in the morning light.
Something sparkling in the sun happened to catch my eye.
I sank to my knees, looked deeper into the muddy earth,
And found a hidden treasure of immeasurable worth.
Joy overwhelmed me, seeping through my very being.
For what was cradled in my hand I would give everything.
So I stood and went back into town. That day I sold it all
To buy that field, that empty land, to gain what no one saw.
Most people didn't understand, scoffing, "You foolish girl!"
They hadn't found the grassy field, that precious hidden pearl.
I lost what I once loved that day, but my joy did not wane.
Abandonment brought treasure that became my greatest gain.


The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. -Matthew 13:44

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Orphan Sunday: Mirabel

The first Sunday of every month, I will be advocating for an orphan with special needs who is waiting for a family.  If you are interested in supporting this child, you can commit to prayer or donating to their adoption fund through Reece's Rainbow.  (Since I am beginning halfway through the month, today will be our Orphan Sunday, but you can expect the next to be on April 6.)

Mirabel is in danger.

This beautiful little girl lives in an orphanage, but since she is now four years old, she is facing imminent transfer to an institution.  In these institutions, care is often extremely poor and adoptions are rare.  If transferred, Mirabel will likely spend the rest of her life in a small bed without anyone to show her love. 

Mirabel has many health problems, including congenital malformation of the central nervous system, cerebral hernia, hydrocephaly subcompensated, and flail legs.  Her body is weak and broken, but she has so much room to grow and improve!

A family that visited Mirabel's orphanage last August wrote to Reece's Rainbow: "We saw Mirabel this morning.  She is in the laying down room.  The nannies were carrying them outside.  She can’t hold her head up, support herself, sit, or stand.   It looks like she has no control over her legs at all…flopped to the side when the nannies carried her.  She does, however, have good use of her arms.  She kept reaching up to try to touch me.  I gave her a set of the rings to play with.   She was SO happy to have something to play with.  She kept smiling at me.  I really think that there is a smart, aware little girl in that broken body.”

Right now, Mirabel must be so very lonely and bored in her crib every day.  Imagine how she could excel if put in an environment of stimulation and love.

One year ago: Currently
Two years ago: How to Overcome Homesickness at College
Three years ago: Corny Blog
Four years ago: The "Good" Song

Large families and older parents are welcome to pursue adoption of this precious little girl.

Mirabel does not have much time left.  Please help to share her story and consider donating to her adoption fund.  There is a family somewhere who are looking to adopt a sweet little girl with a big smile and a lonely heart.