Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Orphan Care and Responsibility

“Be careful. Don’t think these little children are worth nothing. I tell you that they have angels in heaven who are always with my Father in heaven.” -Matthew 18:10

No one in this world is as forgotten and unheard as the orphan. To take on the responsibility of a child is to admit you hold responsibility for that child - and few people want to do that. 

There are 34 million orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa alone, and we do have a responsibility to care for them. Whether we are American or Kenyan, wealthy or poor, our hearts should be drawn to the heart of God… and our Father cherishes orphans. 

Adoption is one way to shoulder the care of our world’s orphans. Child sponsorship is another. Arguably the most important way to help is fighting poverty so we can prevent issues such as abandonment and preventable diseases that break apart families.

Something to remember is that when you are actively serving orphans—wherever they are in the world—you are helping to keep orphans from being made in the future. You’re surrounding today’s orphans with education, trades, health, and support that will build them into capable parents and influential community-changers of tomorrow.

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