Encouraging Thoughts
| Filed underI loved today's challenge. I made my encouraging note during Study Hall while I was at school. It wasn't super creative- I'm not very good at art, art- but I enjoyed thinking of something encouraging to say. You can see my note below.
I put my note right beside our bathroom mirror at my high school so that the girls could read it when they looked in the mirror and possibly felt bad about themselves. I like encouraging people. It makes me feel good too, to be honest.
Me: Ali, what did you do today?
Ali: I wrote an encouraging note for a younger girl that I know, and I just, I hope that she likes it- I don't know yet! But, you know, I always love receiving encouraging notes, so it always hopes me and I hope it kinda helps her, and it at least brings a smile to her!
Today's challenge has been one of the most fun so far, in my opinion.
Me: Ali, what did you do today?
Ali: I wrote an encouraging note for a younger girl that I know, and I just, I hope that she likes it- I don't know yet! But, you know, I always love receiving encouraging notes, so it always hopes me and I hope it kinda helps her, and it at least brings a smile to her!
Today's challenge has been one of the most fun so far, in my opinion.
Tags: 30 days of kindness, bathroom mirror, encouragement, encouraging note, note on a mirror