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Meg's Story

Day 19: A talent of yours

I believe that my biggest God given talent is my gift of writing.  I've loved to write ever since I was a little girl.  Before I could read, I would sit down with a picture book and make up stories from the pictures.  I would dictate my stories to my mom while she typed them out on the computer.  While my little friends jumped on the trampoline or played basketball, I would write stories about our pretend adventures on sheets of white printing paper.  I've always loved to write.  It's always been a talent of mine.  I'm not sure how God will use this in my life, but I know He gave me this gift for a reason.

You can read a book of mine on  It's called Before You

Before You 2.jpgBefore You

Book: Romance, General Fiction

In a heartfelt letter to her newborn child, Meg shares the story of her challenges as a teenage mom at a Christian school.

Before you were born, I was a junior at United Light Christian Academy. The school keeps a few rules: no drinking, no drugs, and no getting pregnant out of wedlock. If a student gets pregnant, she is kicked out and sent to public school. However, the father of the baby gets to stay, no questions asked.

I guess it's kind of obvious that I got pregnant. I'll most likely be kicked out of school. Your father, Ben, is an amazing football player. He has a chance at getting a scholarship to a prestigious university. I don't think Ben will let me start a new school without him, but if he leaves ULCA, he's going to lose a great opportunity.

I'm writing to you so that you can learn from my story. Ben and I have made a lot of mistakes in the past and we'll probably make a lot more. When you come into our lives, every regret will fade away.

But this story is about our lives before you.

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My beautiful bedroom

Day 18: A photo of your favorite room in your house

My favorite room in my house would have to be my bedroom.  I've worked on it and worked on it until it has completely fit my personality to the smallest of details.  I'll use this blog to show off my amazing (in my opinion) bedroom that I absolutely adore. 

Here is a photograph of my kinda messy bed.  Black and white and blue are my favorite colors, in case you didn't notice.  I have a map of Africa by my bed so I won't forget to pray.  Records are scattered all over my walls, along with an Elvis hang-up.  I also love my spelled-out name.  I believe it was bought from Pottery Barn. 

Bedroom 1Over beside my bed is one of my book shelves with some books.  You can see some posters and my bulletin board of Africa photos.  I also love my crazy lamp.  My Elvis guitar bank and keyboard are also key accessories in my bedroom.  I have band posters everywhere!

Bedroom 2 I love my long strips of photographs where I hang pictures of me and friends.  I also have a homemade calendar that you can design at  Do you see all of my Elvis decorations? :)

Bedroom 3My desk is the most populated area of my room.  My laptop and writing information is scattered over here, along with another home-designed calendar, photographs of friends and family, records, a window seat, and another map of Africa.  I like my comfy green chair and my giant shoe rack.  I also love all of my posters on this wall.
Bedroom 4Here you can see my other window seat, another Africa bulletin board, and two more of my book shelves.  Yes, I read a lot!  I also have a string of photobooth pictures, a gourd from Africa, and my prayer calendar from Voice of the Martyrs.
Bedroom 5By my window, I love my curtains and my giant Elvis poster.  You can see my guitars, amp, and music stand.  That's basically my music corner.
Bedroom 6My bathroom is connected to my bedroom, so I thought I'd share a couple of pictures.  I love the verse on the wall and my little messy jewelry section.  You can also see a corner of my mirror here.
Bedroom 7Finally in my bathroom, you can see my shower, counter, and through the reflection of the mirror, you can see the framed photographs of me and my friends.
Bedroom 7I love my bedroom! 

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