Recently in My Life Category

Curious George Flies a Kite... and puts me to bed.

This picture was obviously taken many years ago, scanned onto my computer with help from my dad. 

SCAN0055-2.JPGI am the little girl in this photograph.  I don't remember when this was taken, but I can deduce a scenario from the picture.  I'm wearing a nightgown, so I must be getting ready for bed.  The chair was my grandma's, so I suspect I was staying at her house. 

I call my grandma Nawnie.  What I like about the look on her face is that she appears to be much, much more interested in the story than I am.  In fact, she seems completely absorbed.  Curious George... ahh, I believe that was my favorite book as a little girl.  See how worn out that is?

I like the coziness of this picture.  We're wearing warm winter clothes and we're nestled into a cozy arm chair, snuggled nice and tight. 

The look on my face is priceless.  You can tell that I'm much more excited that my grandma is reading me a book than that a book is being read to me, if that makes any sense.

There are many details about this picture that I love, like the head of a stuffed puppy you can see sticking up in the picture.  I must have insisted that he be allowed to hear the story as well.  I think it's cute that a small, silver ring is visible on my finger.  I gotta say, in this picture, I'm very cute.  I look very happy here.  Very content.

What was your favorite storybook as a little kid? 

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Jack the Dorky Yorkie

I have gotten a lot of positive feedback on my new Yorkie puppy, Jack.  Everybody seems to think he's the cutest puppy in the whole wide world, and I'll have to agree. :)  Because of this, I thought I'd go ahead and share several pictures of the little guy.  Because Jack is an attention-loving ham, I'm sure he won't mind.  Check them out and feel free to vote on which of these pictures is the absolute cutest.

Jack.jpgThis is one of the first pictures we ever took of Jack, the night we got him.  He was six and a half weeks old at the time and very, very cute, as you can see.  His hair was so short and fuzzy, he looked like a little teddy bear!  See how small he was compared to my fingers?  I miss him being that size.  He's a full two pounds now, while he was only half a pound at the time this photo was taken.  My sweet boy.  And yes, that was me in the background.

DSC09132-1.JPGThis next picture is of Jack during one of the first times we took him outside.  The world must have seemed very strange and big to the sweet little guy.  Although the grass in our front yard was short-cropped, it reached all the way up to Jack's little chest.  He was very nervous about being outside.  He wouldn't venture far from my side.  He was still brave, though.  He didn't tremble and shiver, like a lot of small dogs do.  Although hesitant, he cautiously ventured out and sniffed at my big cat, Oreo.  You can catch a glimpse of the tiny collar I picked out for Jack the day before we got him.  It was the smallest size they had available at the store.  It's red with little bones decorating the sides.

DSC09180-1.JPGIn this next picture, Jack is being his usual hammish self and playing.  He seems to think that he more closely resembles a full grown Great Dane than a half pound Yorkie puppy.  Because of this, even when we first got him, he would eagerly attack my fingers and growl furiously at me.  If his sharp little teeth ever pinched too hard, I would cry out really loud, so he soon learned to only play bite very gently.  You can see how small Jack is in this picture compared to my hand.  I love his colors.  He's turned very silver and gold now that he's a month or two older, rather than the black and copper color he was here.  Jack was just so stinking cute. 

This would have to be my favorite Jacky picture of all
Anime.JPGtimes.  He's cuddled up in a blue blanket that my grandma made with me several years back.  Jack just looks so small here!  One of my friends called him the anime puppy.  Can you see the resemblance?  I love Jack's huge eyes, nose, and ears.  His head looks way big for his body.  His stubby little legs make him look even cuter.  And look at the expression he has on his face.  So cute.  This might even be one of those gag-worthy cute pictures I hear guys talk about.  Just so cute!  I love you, Jack!

Well, there's Jack.  Which of these pictures was your favorite?  What did you think about this blog entry?  Do you like Jack pictures?  Would you like to see more?  These were all taken within the first week I had Jack, so he's a bit older now and I have about 8,000,000,000,000,000 pictures of him.  If you'd like to see another blog full of Jacky pictures, please let me know in the comments.        

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