Recently in Poetry Category

Fall, Rain, Fall


Fall, Rain, Fall

Fall, rain, fall... fall from the sky,
In delicate sheets of pale gray.
Bring out the green in the flowers and trees,
And streak across my window pane.

Fall, rain fall... fly through the wind,
And patter against the concrete.
Leave puddles and mud upon the wet ground,
Inviting to dogs and bare feet.

Fall, rain fall... pour from the clouds.
Bring that earthy, clean scent as you come,
And light up the sky with the Promise of God,
That will fade with the coming of sun. 


(Note: I did not take this picture.  I got it from here.)

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What's Yet To Come

What I am about to show you is a poem I wrote about two days ago.  A close friend of mine was having some fears about ever finding the perfect guy for her... the future husband that God wants her to choose.  She said that her worst fear was looking back at the age of fifty or sixty and thinking to herself, "What have I done?  I didn't choose the right guy, and I made a huge mistake."  I think all (or most) young people have this fear, and we often need a reminder that even when we are unsure of our futures, God is sure... He can see ahead, and He's watching out for us along the way. 

So Ali, this is for you.  :)

What's Yet to Come

I am thinking hard tonight,
As I look out at the stars.
I cannot help but think of you,
And wonder where you are.
It feels so strange that I am here,
And you may not be far. 

I often think about my future.
What if you aren't even there?
So many things are yet to come,
And I truthfully feel scared.
I'm afraid that you will walk on by,
And I will let you, unaware.

Every girl longs to be loved,
And cherished by someone-
The one that's meant for her alone.
My search has just begun.
I am afraid, but 'till you come,
Jesus is my only One. 

March 1, 2010

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