Child of Mine
Posted by Poetry
| Filed underChild of Mine
I am sitting there on that dusty road of sins I made,
Afraid to let the memories slowly fade away.
The second I forget exactly what He said to me,
I am terrified that I'll begin to stray.
I'm tired of being that lost and forlorn lamb.
I want to be the girl that He believes in,
But as I try to keep His words focused in my heart,
I am struggling not to fall back down again.
Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in this world.
I'm expected to be someone who I'm really not.
Sometimes I walk away from the One who made me, me,
And I keep walking without remembering who I forgot.
I've been lost, an outcast in all this dirt I've gained.
I feel like I'm too filthy for anyone to love me,
And yet when I'm wallowing in all my sins and pain,
It's always He who takes me and He claims me.
And I will never forget, and yet I can't remember,
As I hold onto what He said to me.
As He whispered in my ear, He said,
"Child of Mine, My beloved baby girl,
I love you; forever I will hold your hand.
I made you to be who you really are.
I want you; in the future, you will understand.
I cherish you like the princess you are becoming.
Let Me hold you. Let Me be your Dad."
Tags: child, child of mine, childhood, memories, poem, poetry, princess, serving God, song