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Nothing At All

When I see the world, its vast sorrows and shame,
And I look up to heaven and see Your pure gace,
I wonder at why our focus is off.
Why, if heaven is great and the world is so tough,
Why we do not desire the plans of Your heart.
Why we go off on our own and think we're so smart.
I know you are God, and I know I am small,
Yet I blow off Your plans like they're nothing at all.

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That sleepy day where everyone is happy...

Today is one of the most anticipated holidays of the year.  Everyone is laughing and spending long-awaited family time.  Some people are spending hours in the kitchen, carving turkeys and making stuffing and dressing and gravy and cranberry sauce.  Others (like my family) already went to Cracker Barrel and bought a "home cooked" meal.  Whatever you are doing this year, I hope it lives up to your every expectation.

Some of my family is getting together today; the rest are gathering this weekend to cook and eat yet another Thanksgiving feast.  Right now I have my aunt and uncle, my cousin Jonathan, and my grandparents all in town, and later today we are going to see The Blind Side in theaters, which should be an amazing movie.  I'm excited about it.

I'm thankful for my family, I'm thankful for my friends, and my home and my clothes and my entire life.  Everything I have, I am thankful for it.  Thank you, God. 

I look out my window, the sky is pale blue
The fall air is nippy and cold
But I'm cozy inside with a blanket and mug
And a wonderful family to hold

The turkey is large and it's filling the fridge
Everything else was long since kicked out
And the Cowboys game is blaring downstairs
While my dad cheers his team with a shout

My house is quite warm, the food is all good
Excitement stirs about in the room
For while Thanksgiving Day is a time of great joy
The Christmas holiday is coming soon

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