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Day 31: Make up your own kind gesture

Today is the official, for sure last day of the 30-(one?) Days of Kindness Challenge.  Are you not sure what I'm talking about?  Click here to read more.  You're welcome to do this challenge on another month. 

Make up your own kind gesture.  My biggest hope is that this challenge will become more than a series of difficult yay.jpgchallenges.  It will become a habit.  A lifestyle.  Kindness and chivalry will become things that we're used to performing and seeing in our every day lives.  I want there to be more days made and smiles caused.  I want to see more love.

We've already taken steps to achieve that.

I'd like to ask some questions.  Please feel free to answer any of them in the comments.
1.) What did you think of the 30 Days of Kindness?
2.) Did you participate in all of the days?
3.) Which was your favorite challenge?
4.) Which was your least favorite challenge?
5.) What are some challenge suggestions for next year?
6.) What would you change about the 30 Days of Kindness if you could?
7.) Do you think we should do it again next October?

I don't know about you, but my friends and I had a ton of fun with this.  I loved seeing all of the beautiful smiles that resulted from the daily challenges.

I would love to hear your stories.  If you have pictures, stories, videos, or blog corn.jpgposts, link them to me or share them in the comments below.  I'll even feature them on my blog if you're willing.  The more widespread gestures of kindness, the better.

Keep an eye out to see stories and pictures of what my friends and I chose to do as our last kind gesture of October. 

Again, thank you so much for participating this month.  And by the way, Happy Autumn! :)

Over the month of November, my blog posts will consist of tips for writing a novel from a fellow writer (in honor of NaNoWriMo), some modest trend articles, and some of my usual poetry.

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Day 30: Buy someone a thoughtful gift

Haven't heard of the 30 Days of Kindness?  Click here to find out more.  Just starting?  That's okay!  Feel free to start this challenge right in the middle.  You can make up the days you missed through November, if you like.

I can't believe that today is the thirtieth day of our 30 Days of Kindness Challenge.  It's a little sad and a little bit of a relief at the same time.  I hope that the end of this month does not mean the end of our kind gestures.  We can still make little kind gestures wherever we go, even if they aren't on a schedule. 

Buy someone a thoughtful gift. 
You don't have to go and burn $200 on a giant gift for a loved one.  You could go and gift.jpgpurchase a cute singing card from the store.  Get a bracelet for a friend.  A little wooden cross.  A Dr. Pepper.  All this challenge requires is some creativity... and for you to spend a few dollars to show a friend that you were thinking about them.

Show a friend that he or she is appreciated.  Perhaps even buy a thoughtful gift for your mother or brother or grandmother instead.  Make a loved one smile.  Make their day. 

I want to hear your stories!  Leave me a comment and share what you did during today's challenge.  If you have a picture or two, feel free to send them to me.  If you're blogging about today, send me the link and I'll feature it on this blog.

I'm currently out of town visiting A&M, so I'll try to post today's story tomorrow or the next day for you to read about.

This was such a fun challenge.  It was a blast, and I'm so glad you participated.  This has been a life-changing month for me.  Kindness is such a beautiful thing. 

Since October (this month) is technically not quite finished, tomorrow I'll go ahead and make the topic: Make up your own kind gesture! 

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