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Day 22: Give away a Bible

Haven't heard of the 30 Days of Kindness?  Click here to find out more.  Just starting?  That's okay!  Feel free to start this challenge right in the middle.  You can make up the days you missed through November, if you like.

Give away a Bible. 
I want you to be able to have some fun with this challenge.  You can use a Bible of your own or go and bible.jpgpurchase one from a store.  Give away a Bible to someone who has never owned one before.  Send money to purchase a Bible for someone in a third world country to an organization like Voice of the Martyrs or World Vision.  Give a Bible as a gift to a friend.  Give a Bible to someone whose Bible is falling apart.  Leave a Bible somewhere in your city for a stranger to find.  It's up to you.

This has the potential to completely make someone's day... baffle someone... offend someone (yes, of course it has that potential)...  but best of all, this can plant a seed for Jesus Christ in someone's life or encourage someone who needs a friendly boost. 

Bibles don't have to be expensive, although you could use some of your money to purchase a nice leather Bible as a gift.  At Mardel or LifeWay, you can easily buy a Bible for two or three dollars, if not less.  If you give away a Bible of your own, you won't have to spend any money at all.  It's up to you.

If you leave the Bible somewhere for a stranger to find, feel free to write an inscription at the front of the Bible.  I'll provide an example:

"To a stranger,
I hope this will help encourage you.  You may feel alone.  You may feel unloved.  The truth is that Someone cherishes you.  You are loved.  Keep reading and see what God has in store for your life.
A Stranger"

I want to hear your stories!  Leave me a comment and share what you did during today's challenge.  If you have a picture or two, feel free to send them to me.  If you're blogging about today, send me the link and I'll feature it on this blog.

Stay tuned until later today to see what my friends and I did for today's act of kindness.

TOMORROW: Give away a pair of shoes!

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Day 21: Leave an anonymous letter of encouragement on the windshield of a stranger's car

Haven't heard of the 30 Days of Kindness?  Click here to find out more.  Just starting?  That's okay!  Feel free to start this challenge right in the middle.  You can make up the days you missed through November, if you like.

Leave an anonymous letter of encouragement on the windshield of someone's car.  It's one thing to write an envelope.jpganonymous encouraging note to a stranger.  It's something else altogether to write the note and deliberately leave it for a specific individual to find.  There is also a minute risk that you could be caught.  Yikes!

When you write the note, try not to sound like you know this person, or they may become afraid that they have a stalker.  You may even want to address the note as "From a stranger," or "From someone who cares".  Write things that you wish a stranger would say to you.  Perhaps mention that you're praying for this individual, whoever they are, or that you know Jesus loves them even when they sometimes feel alone. 

Make this person feel like someone in the world cares.

What a way to make someone feel special.

If you're attempting this challenge with a friend, be sure to write two separate notes and don't place them on cars right next to each other.  The drivers might notice the similar notes and the challenge will lose some of its specialness.  Drive a few blocks away to leave the next note.

I want to hear your stories!  Leave me a comment and share what you did during today's challenge.  If you have a picture or two, feel free to send them to me.  If you're blogging about today, send me the link and I'll feature it on this blog.

Stay tuned until later today to see what my friends and I did for today's act of kindness.

TOMORROW: Give away a Bible!

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