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Day 6: Leave an encouraging note on a mirror

Haven't heard of the 30 Days of Kindness?  Click here to find out more.  Just starting?  That's okay!  Feel free to start this challenge right in the middle.  You can make up the days you missed through November, if you like.

Leave an encouraging note on a mirror.  Have you ever looked into the mirror and thought, "I am so ugly and worthless.  mirror.jpgHow could anyone like me?"  Chances are, you have.  Self-confidence is a huge issue among young people, so that's what inspired today's challenge.

Write an encouraging note.  It could be simple, like, "You are beautiful," or it could be a poem about beauty or a letter to your inner self.  Use your creativity and writing skills here.  After you've written your note, stick it on the mirror of a public bathroom, at your school, or on a mirror at a cosmetics store.  You could even stick the note on your sister's mirror or a mirror of your friend with low self esteem.  Stick the note wherever you feel that it is needed.

Someone may go up to the mirror today, thinking, "I'm worthless!"  When they see your note, perhaps their confidence will rise.

I want to hear your stories!  Leave me a comment and share what you did during today's challenge.  If you have a picture already, feel free to send it to me.  If you're blogging about today, send me the link and I'll feature it on this blog.

Stay tuned until later today to see what my friends and I did for today's act of kindness.

TOMORROW: Donate five dollars to a charity

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Lost: One Dollar Bill

I was going to go to the bank and exchange a dollar for a hundred pennies, but I simply did not have the time today.  Perhaps I'll Have a great daydo something similar later on in the month.  Today I went ahead and got a dollar bill (the last one I had, actually... lucky me!).  I wrote a little message on the bill that said "Have a great day!"  (Man, I hope that's not illegal.  Ali said it wasn't, so I believe her.) 

I looked all around my school for the perfect, obvious place to set a dollar bill for someone to find.  I finally chose a bench that sits right in front of the school.  It has little round holes all across the top, perfect places for someone to stuff a Dollar Billrolled-up dollar bill.  Best yet, those benches are where kids sit when they're waiting for their parents to pick them up.  Many times, the parents are late.  I often see these kids looking down and bored and world-wearied, ready to go home and get away from the hectic school environment.  What a great way to make one of these kids' days, by letting them find a dollar bill with a friendly message written across the front. 

I only wish I could have stuck around to watch someone come across the dollar bill.  I wish I could have seen the look on whoever's face that found the dollar.

Another fun aspect to the day.  I'm not the only one at school participating in the 30 Days of Kindness challenge, so a few dollar bills were left around the school.  At one point in the day, a boy ran into the high school building, shouting, "I found a dollar!  I found a dollar!  Yay!"  What a confirmation that we made someone's day better!

Stay tuned for Ali's story a little later in the day.

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