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Because I'm Broken

It's New Years Eve again, a time where I look back over the last year and see how I've changed and how I've grown.  I've made mistakes this year that I regret.  I've learned things I didn't even know I needed to learn.  I went through some hard times, but I was given amazing opportunities that still make my head spin. 

While I don't throw everything into my New Year's Resolutions like most people do, I still make goals for myself and for my future.  I'll share my New Year's Resolutions with you tomorrow on actual New Years Day.  Perhaps you can hold me accountable.  Today I want to share with you some of my goals of how I want to grow as a person and as a follower of Christ. 

Next year is going to be a huge change for me.  I'll be graduating high school and entering college.  I'll be making new friends and living in a new place.  I know I'll be vastly different by the time December 31, 2011 rolls around.  By the end of next year, I want to have improved myself in the following ways.


I want to be more patient.

I want to be more self-sacrificing.

I want to be more nurturing.

I want to be more bold.

I want to be more forgiving.

I want to be stronger in Jesus Christ.

I want to be less afraid.

I want to be more confident in myself.

I want to be more confident about what God has planned for my future.

I want to be more joyful.


I want to strive to develop these things not only over the next year, but over my entire lifetime.  I am such a broken, sinful person.  There is so much work that needs to be done on my heart, and these are only a few of the areas in which I need to improve.  Thankfully, I know that if I ask Jesus to help me and if I truly work at improving myself, I am capable of becoming who God wants me to be.

New Years isn't the only time to work on improving myself or to set goals, but in a way, it is a new beginning.  It's a good reminder of the journey I've begun as a little girl striving to be like Jesus.  And each year, I think I'll get a little closer.

How would you like to improve yourself and/or your relationship with God this year?

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Overcoming Timidity

I'm naturally shy.  When I was younger, my shyness basically controlled my life.  In fact, many people have thought I am arrogant and rude because when they greeted me, I could barely stand to give a half smile and say "hi."  I could hardly even look someone in the eye. 

Shyness can easily step between you and God's plans for you.  In Mark 16:15, God called us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation.  This means that the Lord wants you to step outside of your comfort zone and start telling people unashamedly about Him.  Terrifying, right?

Even the Bible has something to say about shyness, which can also be called timidity.  Check out 2 Timothy 1:7.
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.
The Lord did not make you to be timid.  He wants you to be empowered with His love and His strength.

Many famous Biblical figures were shy.  Moses was terrified of speaking in public.  Paul was self-admittedly timid around people.  2 Corinthians 10:1 says, "By the humility and gentleness of Christ, I appeal to you- I, Paul, who am "timid" when face to face with you, but "bold" when away!"  Paul struggled with shyness just like you or me, but look at how the Lord helped him to overcome his timidity and do great things!

Over time, I've learned to stand up against my shy nature.  It's been difficult, but I've realized how much my shyness hindered me as a witness and as an individual.  Being shy has never helped me.  It doesn't define who I am.  It has only caused me to lose both potential friends and respect, and while I still struggle with timidity, I'm eager to throw it into the dust as much as I possibly can.

I've been given many opportunities to overcome my overbearing timidity.  I've served as a summer missionary through Child Evangelism Fellowship.  I've volunteered and interned at an inner city ministry where I've had to stand up and teach large groups of kids and teens about Jesus Christ.  I've traveled to ten different countries outside of the United States as a student ambassador and on mission trips.  I'm not nearly as shy as I once was, thanks to the help of my parents, friends, and Jesus Christ working through me.

You may be struggling with timidity right now.  If so, I understand what you're going through... shyness is tough to overcome.  Today I'm going to give you a few tips on how to overcome timidity and use the power and strength that the Spirit of God has given you to stand up and be a witness for Him.

Smile, even if you're afraid to talk much.
As horrifying as it might be, when you're shy, people often think you're stuck up because you don't say much, even when you don't mean to appear that way at all.  I've been in that situation more times than I can count, and I'm always mortified when I learn about the awful first impression I gave.  When you're struggling with timidity, be sure to smile, even if you can't bring yourself to speak.  I know that smiling can be difficult too, but it's vitally important.  When you have a smile on your face, you'll be viewed as friendly and sweet.  Smile at everyone, friend or stranger. 

When you keep a smile on your face, you might start to make friends without even realizing it.  You'll appear more approachable, which means that people will go to greater lengths to walk up to you and get a conversation going.  If you have an intense, serious look on your face and you're standing quietly with hunched up shoulders, you aren't going to seem very approachable and people won't want to be around you. 

Say something as simple as hi.
Force yourself to step outside of your comfort zone and say hi to people.  Say hi to your peers when you walk down the halls at school.  Say hi to the person sitting behind you at church.  Say hi to the cashier at the grocery store.  Say hi to nearly everyone you meet.  Not only will you create a new impression of yourself- people will see you as friendly if you initiate a greeting- you will also be training yourself to reach out to others.  Yes, it's frightening to take a step and say something to a stranger... but it's one word.  Just one simple word.  Be sure to say it with a smile. 

Ask yourself, "How will speaking hurt me?"
Why is speaking to strangers so daunting?  What will they do to you?  If they don't like you, it doesn't really matter, right?  When you're feeling timid and anxious, keep reminding yourself that the worst that will happen is someone won't like you, and that isn't a big deal.  Luke 21:17 says, "Everyone will hate you because of Me."  Think about what Jesus had to endure.  He was mocked, spit upon, and beaten.  He was killed.  If you're given a weird look for speaking His Name, it will be worth it if you're trying to further Christ's kingdom, right? 

Force yourself to take steps to enter conversations.
You won't be able to shake off your timidity right away.  It takes time and practice to overcome shy habits.  Take deliberate steps.  When you're standing with a group of friends, force yourself to speak up and enter the conversation.  Next, walk up to your group of friends and enter the conversation without an invitation.  Then try to start a conversation.  The more you force yourself to step out and speak to friends and then strangers, the less intimidating speaking will be.   

If you're struggling with timidity, apologize.
In some situations, you'll feel more shy than others.  If you're having trouble conversing with an acquaintance, let them know.  Say something like, "I'm sorry I'm not talking much.  I'm shy."  They'll probably understand and make a stronger effort to help you into the conversation.  Nearly everyone has felt shy at some point, so most people will be able to empathize with your situation.

Put yourself in situations that are way outside of your comfort zone.
Challenge yourself.  When you put yourself into situations where you will have to speak and interact, you'll discover how quickly you can overcome your timidity.  Sign up for the speech class at your school.  Volunteer at a ministry and ask a leader to give you a job that will involve you interacting with strangers or speaking to a group.  Become a counselor at a camp.  Start a Bible Study.  Join a Bible Study and force yourself to enter in the conversation.  Go on a mission trip away from family and friends.  Witness to someone.  Volunteer at a Sunday School class at your church and teach the class once or twice.  Serve dinner at a soup kitchen.  There are so many opportunities in which you can be forced outside of your comfort zone... and as intimidating as they may seem, all they will do is help you.   

Ask friends for help and accountability.
Talk to a close friend or two about your struggle with shyness.  She's probably already noticed.  Ask your friend to help introduce you to strangers or push you into a conversation.  A friend's gentle guidance can be all you need to help you feel comfortable in a nerve-wracking situation.  You can even find another shy friend and become accountability partners, praying for each other and pushing each other to enter new and intimidating situations that will help you overcome your timidity.

Remind yourself of God's will for you.
Read the Bible and continue to remind yourself of God's perfect plan for your life.  He wants you to be unashamed and bold.  He doesn't want your shyness to hold you back.  Place verses like 2 Timothy 1:7 and Romans 1:16 on your bathroom mirror and in your purse and in your locker at school.  Memorize encouraging verses.  Pray and ask the Lord for assistance.  The Holy Spirit is there to encourage you and strengthen you when you struggle to witness to others.  God will be there to help you when  you can't overcome your timidity on your own.  Remember that nothing is too difficult for you to overcome with God's help.

Practice, practice, practice.
Remember: the more you step out of your comfort zone and practice boldness and courage, the less you will feel timidity pulling you down.  Yes, pray.  Yes, read the Bible.  Yes, ask for advice.  But taking steps to deliberately speak to others is just as important.  You must step out and act in order to overcome timidity, however daunting that may be. 

You will be faced with situations where you will be able to share your faith and be an example for Jesus Christ.  Don't let your shyness be a burden.  It will stop you from sharing your faith.  The enemy will try to use timidity as an excuse for you to stay away from God's plan for your life.  Don't let that happen. 

Be bold.

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

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$3 Worth of God

This is something I wrote on August 3, 2009.  I wrote this a few weeks after visiting Kenya, Africa and right after volunteering at a camp called Angel Tree Camp, a place where children whose parents are in prison can relax and have fun.  I came across this piece of writing again the other day and thought I would share it on this blog.


"I would like to buy $3 worth of God, please.  Not enough to explode my soul or disturb my sleep, but just enough to equal a cup of warm milk or a snooze in the sunshine.  I don't want enough of God to make me love a black man or pick beets with a migrant.  I want ecstasy, not transformation.  I want warmth of the womb, not a new birth.  I want a pound of the Eternal in a paper sack.  I would like to buy $3 worth of God, please."  -Wilbur Rees

Isn't that what we all want?  Just enough of God to make us feel good, but not enough to break our hearts?

This summer has been exactly the opposite for me.

I've seen enough of God this summer for my heart to be broken again and again.  I have been shattered into a thousand pieces, restored, and shattered again, and yet I feel like this is something that God has been planning for me to experience over these past three months.

Seeing the street boy sin the cities of Kenya, high on glue, unable to walk straight.

The little children in the slums, shrieking with excitement over a little piece of candy.

Students, who are even sponsored, but don't have shoes that fit right... and yet they would absolutely call themselves blessed.  You know why?  Because their neighbors don't have any shoes at all.

Children sticking their scrawny arms through the gates of the school, watching the students eat lunch, wishing in vain for the education they will not have.  For a future that is not to be.

People who have NOTHING, who are STARVING, and yet want to give what they have to those who have less... or more, in my case.

A little girl at Angel Tree Camp, sobbing into my shoulder because she is so ashamed of the sexual abuse she has suffered at the hands of her own father.

Children praying over lit candles for their loved ones who have hurt them, setting the candles on a cross, and letting them float into the middle of the pond, shining through the darkness.

"We get THREE good meals a day here?  I've never had so many meals in one day in my whole life!"

A balloon pops and a girl screams out in a sudden burst of panic, thinking someone is shooting in the cabin... just like they do in her backyard.
Kids who live in MY town who have never had a pillow... pajamas... a tooth brush... underwear... a Bible... a father... a hug.

How are you supposed to take this and remain whole?  When little children are hurting, being hurt, enduring pain with silence that screams louder than sound, how can my heart not break into pieces?

But how can I ask for a mere $3 worth of God?  How can I not open my eyes to see the TRUTH?  I don't want to be blinded to the problems until things change.  And they still have a long ways to go.

I'm throwing away that tiny paper sack.  I'd like to buy a million gallon tank that's wide open for everything God has in store for me. 

Open my eyes, Lord.
Let me see the truth.
Let me see the pain.
And let me see the goodness too.
Restore me.  Transform me.  Break me.  Delight me.
I want to see it all.


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Defined by Him

Instead of a book review today, I decided to post something that has bothered me for a while now.

I want people to like me.

That's just the truth.  I want to be liked. 

Do I usually rebel against conformity?  Sure.  I often don't dress like everyone else on purpose.  I am quiet when others are loud.  I listen to my own style of music.  I value originality.  Even though I like to be unique, I desperately want to be liked.  If I'm not liked by someone, I'm bothered.  A lot.

Sometimes my struggle to be liked can be my downfall of sorts.  I often try to please everyone and end up ignoring my own needs.  Sometimes I focus on pleasing others instead of God.  Trying so hard to be liked can end up making me doubt myself as well.  I'm generally a confident person.  However, if someone dislikes me, I can quickly shut down and doubt myself. 

I'll make up an example off the top of my head.  Let's say I'm trying to reach out to some younger girls and I overhear someone say, "Emily acts so fake.  I can't believe she's pretending to like us."  I might immediately question my actions and words, asking myself and my close friends if that's how I appear.  If I feel disliked enough, I might even throw up my hands and walk away.  I think to myself, "It's not worth it.  I'm obviously bad at this.  Bah.  I give up.  Find someone else to minister to these girls, God.  I don't want to do this anymore." 

Giving up is never a part of God's plan.  When I give up, I fail. 

I hate the feeling of failure.  Don't you?

The other day, I overheard some girls at school talking about me behind my back.  I haven't been through an experience like that since eighth grade!  To be honest, their words weren't that mean.  They were mocking a leadership role I've taken at school and the way I spoke to a group of kids.  It was obvious by what they were saying that they didn't like me all that much.  At first, I wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear.  A thousand horrified thoughts flew through my head all at once.  "They don't like me.  I've failed.  I've ruined this leadership role.  I've failed at being liked at school.  I'm such a failure.  How can God even use me at all?"  For a split second, I wanted to forget being any kind of a leader, withdraw into my shy shell, and not talk to anyone ever again.  I mean, they didn't like me.  After a few moments of self-pity, I realized how silly I was acting.

Is my life defined by what those girls think of me?  Am I not a leader anymore because of the things those girls were saying?  Does God not still love me?  Has the purpose He gave me at my school been turned into nothing?  Of course not. 

People are going to dislike me sometimes because of who I am and Who I stand for, and I'm going to have to learn to deal with that, as hard as it can be.  Jesus had haters.  People murdered Him and gambled away His clothes, for crying out loud.  His disciples were all persecuted and most were even killed. 

Even though it might sting to face meanness and dislike from others, I cannot allow my hurt feelings to get in the way of what God has planned for my life.  He wants me to be a leader at my school, whether or not some kids make fun of me behind my back.  He wants me to stand up and make friends with people I don't know, even if I'll face rejection sometimes. 

God's opinion is what matters in the long run.  I just need to please Him.  Everyone else is secondary.

I've given up many times after facing dislike from others.  I've failed.  I've let down the God who gave me life.  I don't want to give up anymore.  I don't want to care so much about what other people think of me that I'll give up on plans God has for me in order to keep everyone happy.  That isn't what He wants.  I'm so thankful that God loves me enough to give me an unlimited number of second chances. 

I want people to like me.  That will never change.  If I had my way, then everyone would like each other, even though I know that's unrealistic.  I'll continue to be nice to people and smile (I am Emily is Smiling, after all).  However, I know I will not always be liked.  I don't deserve to be liked by everyone, if I'm honest with myself. 

For now, I guess I'm satisfied with the fact that Jesus Christ likes me so much, He thinks I'm to die for.


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No More Excuses

Last week's article was about being different.  I strive to be different.  Not necessarily in the way I dress (although that matters too), but instead in the way I shape my actions and words.  I know I'm an example of Christ.  You may strive to be different as well. 

The biggest obstacle to being different is apathy.  I'll give you the definition of apathy, just in case you aren't familiar with the term. 

apathy ap-a-thy (āp'ə-thē) n. Lack of interest, concern, or emotion; indifference.

The chaos of life is difficult to overcome.  Believe me, as an honor student finishing my final year of high school, I get that.  Some days, I'm so exhausted that I simply want to fall into bed and sleep for three months straight.  When you're busy, apathy hits hard because you can easily become exhausted.  When you're lazy, it hits even harder. 

When you're feeling apathetic, it's easy to think, "Yes, I believe in God.  Yes, I'm different.  Yes, I abstain from what the 'bad kids' do.  Yadayadayada... but today, I don't feel like being different.  I'm not changing the world.  I'm just a kid.  What does being different even matter?  I just want to blend in with the crowd today.  I just want to be normal."  Sound familiar? 

"It's true!" you might be ready to shout at me from the safety of your computer screen.  "What does it matter if I don't do anything important today?  What does being different even do?  My life is hard right now, okay?  Why should I even care about this stuff?" 

I get it.  I promise you.  It's hard to stand up for what you believe in, and it's hard to stand out from the crowd, especially when you're feeling weary.  Especially when apathy is beginning to set in.  It's tough.  When it comes to apathy, I easily fall.  I am shy, timid, and often filled with doubts.  It's hard to stay strong.  But it's possible.

Why does it matter?  There are two big reasons why you should strive to be a city on a hill that come to my mind.  Because God called you to be different and because there are people watching.  It's as simple and as difficult as that.

God has called us to stand out from the crowd and be different for Him.  One of my favorite verses is Matthew 5:14"You are the light of the world.  A city on a hill cannot be hidden."  As a Christian teen, you are a city on a hill, meaning that you are an example to everyone around you.  If you're an outspoken Christian, then when people see the things you do, they think, "He's doing that because he's a Christian."  If you screw up and make a fool out of yourself, many will blame it on God or on Christians in general, and not only on you.

As soon as you make a confession for Christ, you're putting a burden on your shoulders.  With your words and your actions, you're showing people the words and opinions of Jesus Christ, whether you mean to or not.

According to God's Word, you're not of the world.  Your focus should not be the focus of other kids.  Miley Cyrus's latest scandal shouldn't be the first thing that comes out of your mouth.  When you log on the internet, why do you need to be watching YouTube music videos where women flaunt their skimpy clothing while dancing provocatively?  You're not a part of that world.  You're a part of God's kingdom.

A famous verse you've probably seen around before is Romans 12:2"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- His good, pleasing, and perfect will."  If that isn't clear, I don't know what is.  Many Christians read that part of the verse and take it to heart, but they leave out Romans 12:1, the verse that comes right before.  "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is your true and proper worship."  Not conforming to the world isn't merely avoiding drugs and sex.  It isn't merely knowing the cool Bible verses and wearing the clever Christian t-shirts.  It's not knowing the words to the worship songs you sing at church.  No, not conforming involves giving the entirety of your life for the purpose of following Jesus Christ, the One who died for you.

You were made to be a city on a hill and a living sacrifice for the purpose of leading others to the Lord.  That means that no matter how exhausted and weary and sick of religion you are today, as a living sacrifice, you were meant to be stretched beyond your limits.  You are a cup meant to be filled to the point of overflowing.  You were meant to go beyond the constraints of religion and into the realm of true faith.

Apathy is a difficult thing to overcome, yes, but God has called you to make that effort.  It's time to stand up for Him now.  Are you in?  

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I'm Different. Are You?

If you've read this article before December 7, 2010, please read this note.

While some teenagers want desperately to fit in, many teenagers strive to be different, although not always in a good way.  I saw a cartoon once that featured two stereotypical rebellious teenagers.  They both had crazy-colored hair, baggy clothing, and studs all over their faces.  They were first encountering each other on the first day of school.  As they looked upon each other, one of them said grimly, "It's getting harder and harder to look different anymore."  Even though I'm a teen who revels in starting my own trends and not following the crowd, that cartoon sure gave me a laugh.

Being different doesn't always involve the way you dress and look.  You don't have to have purple hair and a nose ring to be different.  You don't even have to have your own unique style of clothing to be different.  People can consider you to be very different, merely by the way you act and the words you say. 

If you're a teenager and you're a follower of Christ, then you stand out from most young people.  You're different.

It's hard to be a Christian in today's world, especially if you're in between the ages of twelve and twenty.  When you're young, you're expected to rebel and do illegal things.  Most adults would say it's natural... the advantage of being young.  You're expected to experiment with sex and drugs.  You're expected to lose your virginity, dirty the air with a few choice cuss words when you get angry, and crash your car a few times because you were texting while driving.  You're expected to make low grades, sleep in until three o'clock in the afternoon, and yell at your parents when they ask you to make your bed. 

When you're a teen, you're definitely not expected to be a Christian, at least not someone who acts like it.  No way.  Why settle down and do what's right when you're young?  You have so many years left before you need to follow God, right?  Absolutely not.  But if you're like me, you know that already.

If you're a teenager and you're a Christian, then you've probably faced baffled questions from fellow teens, just like I have.  "Do you ever have fun?  Do you think you're better than me?  Why can't you loosen up and have some fun?  What makes you so different?"  Some questions are harder to answer than others.

It's easy to think to yourself, "I'm different because I'm a Christian," but a lot of people say that.  In fact, three out of four young people would easily say, "Yes, I'm a Christian," but have absolutely no idea what they're talking about and would not even be able to coherently answer the most basic of questions about their religion.  Check out this article by CNN, titled "More Teens Becoming 'Fake' Christians."  It sure gives a lot to think about. 

According to the article, "committed Christian teens share four traits: They have a personal story about God they can share, a deep connection to a faith community, a sense of purpose and a sense of hope about their future."  Is this something you have?    

As a devoted follower of Christ, what puts you in a different light from other teenagers, 'Christian' or not, is what you don't do and what you do.

What You Don't Do
If you're different from other teens, then you abstain from what many teens enjoy.  Sex, drugs, cussing, and underage drinking, for example.  Adults might think of you as a model teen because you don't do these things.   A lot of fellow teens might look at you strangely because you don't go to the drinking parties and you don't sleep around with your boyfriend.  You're different because of what you don't do.

What You Do
If you're different from other teens, then you strive to make your actions and words honorable and admirable.  You work hard to be "excellent" in your school work, because you know that's what God wants.  You use your words to honor both God and others.  You step out in your community with a will to be an example of God's crazy, awesome love.  You know that you're a city on a hill.  You're different because of what you do.

Both of these are important factors in being different from other teenagers.  Obviously, you are going to fail sometimes because you are human, but if you strive -truly strive, not just pretend to strive- at both of these things, then you're different.  You're a city on a hill and a light in the darkness.  People will look at you like you're an alien from another planet. 

According to the Bible, you're not of this world.

Before you stop reading this and turn off the computer with a smile on your face, reveling in the fact that "Hooray, I'm different!", please remember something important.  Being different isn't what your goal should be.  Go ahead and cover your car with "Jesus Freak" bumper stickers.  Blast that Lecrae from your stereo.  Wear the t-shirts that say witty comments like "Arrest Me: I Prayed at School Today."  But remember: your goal isn't to make people whisper and stare.  Your goal isn't to stand out from the crowd.  Your goal isn't to be unique. 

Your goal should be to become an example for Jesus Christ and that in itself will make you unique.  If you follow God's will without shame or reservation, you will stand out from this world like a flood in the Sahara Desert.  It's not the material things that matter.  It's the way you act, the things you say, and Who you follow.

We can be different, you and I.  We're different because of Jesus Christ, and that is something we must not forget.  Amen?

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In Real Life

More than anything, my friends and I love to watch spy movies.  You know the type.  Mission Impossible, Taken, Red, James Bond...  Any movie involving a secret agent, crazy explosions, shoot'em ups, car chases, and neat gadgets has been watched by my friends and me at some point.  You could say we're a bit obsessed. 

There's something about watching a spy movie that causes your heart to pound and adrenaline to race through your body.  For the two or three hours of the film, you literally feel like you're a character in the movie, fighting desperately to save the world from a terrible danger.  You get to feel like a hero.

My friends and I often talk about what life would be like if we were spies: what positions we'd be, who we'd fight against.  It's exciting to think about and even better to plan.  In reality, life as a secret agent probably isn't nearly as glamorous or romanticized as the books and films make it seem, but who cares?  It's fun to dream.  Sometimes when I'm in bed at night, I stare up at the ceiling and wonder, "Would I actually do it?  If I was given the opportunity to be a secret agent, would that even appeal to me in real life?  How would I feel, pushing away those I love for their own safety, facing danger every single day, pulling a trigger and actually killing someone?"  It doesn't sound so fun and exciting when I think about it that way.  Even though I'll plan and pretend with my friends, I don't think I'd have the guts to actually make such a huge commitment. 

Being a secret agent sounds totally awesome, but actually going on a dangerous mission would be far different from talking about it with friends.  That's the simple truth.  In real life, I know I could never be any form of a spy.  You might feel the same way.

What about when it comes to standing up for your faith in God?

If you've ever gone to a church camp, youth group, Christian concert, or even a church service, you've been faced with the question: "If someone pointed a gun at your head and asked if you believed in God, would you answer truthfully?"  In the heat of the moment, it's easy to say, "Yes, of course I would!"  But think about it.  Truly put yourself in that situation.

There's a gunman pointing a deadly weapon at your head.  You're literally facing death head on... despite the fact that you know you're going to heaven, death is a dark, frightening unknown.  You're not the first person the gunman has confronted.  You've seen a few of your friends die after answering the same question, crumpling in bloody piles onto the floor.  Lifeless.  You're scared.  You don't know if the bullet will hurt.  You're young.  You don't want to die.

"Do you believe in God?" the gunman demands.  The cold edge of the weapon presses against your temple.  Your hands begin to shake.  A thousand thoughts run through your mind.  If you lie, you can apologize to God later.  You could be alive and have the opportunity to witness to thousands of people.  Your family wouldn't be devastated because of your death... if you just told one little lie. 

Makes things a bit different, doesn't it?  Not so romanticized.  People aren't cheering you on, clapping for you as you enter the gates of heaven with a huge smile on your face.  You feel alone, scared.  You might even doubt.

The other day, my sweet little brother told me something that stopped me in my tracks.  He said, "If Jesus walked by and told me to follow Him like He did His disciples, I know I would be supposed to say yes and follow Him right away, but I think I'd probably ask Him if we could have breaks before I agreed."  Oh, the honesty of a child.  But isn't that the truth? 

"Jesus, I want to follow You... if I can have some breaks... if I can go home on the weekends... if I can see my family again... if I can keep safe and warm at night... if I can stay in my comfort zone... if I can do what I want to do sometimes... if I can keep my life."

I encourage you to sit and think about what you would actually do if someone pointed a gun at your head and said, "Do you believe in God?" or if Jesus Himself walked by and said, "You, follow Me."  Don't automatically assume you'll do what Christians are "supposed" to do.  Think about what you'll do when you're put into a situation when your faith is drastically tested.

You might be honest with yourself and come to realize, "I don't think I'm going to be able to stand up for my faith if it comes down to it."  If you do, then it's time to re-evaluate your priorities.  Jesus Christ should be the number one thing in your life.  Yes, of course you should be willing and ready to abandon everything for Him, including your own life- be it through death or giving your dreams up for a life that God has planned for you to have.  It's easy to say that you will, but it's a lot harder to do in real life.

To be honest, if that gun was pressed to my head, I think I would be able to admit to being a follower of Christ without a second thought.  I'm not afraid of death.  However, if Jesus walked by and told me to drop everything and follow Him, I would have a lot of doubts and second thoughts.

Giving up your life entirely to Christ is a terrifying, difficult thing.

If you struggle with the idea of giving your life fully to the Lord, I encourage you to pray about it.  Talk to God about your struggle.  He'll give you wisdom and insight.  He'll show you that His plans for you are far bigger than anything your earthly mind could ever imagine.

In real life, I know I could never be an awesome secret agent like James Bond or Ethan Hunt from Mission Impossible.  I'm not wired that way.  But I do know that I could be an agent of Christ, because that's who God made me to be.  He wants me to give my life for Him, whether it's by putting my own life on the line to witness to others or by simply giving up my own dreams to follow God's plans.  It's going to be difficult, but I know with prayer and a lot of dedication, I'll be able to do it, because that's who I've been called to be. 

God has a purpose for you too, and He's waiting for you to offer up your life to Him.  Are you in?

Romans 12:1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is your true and proper worship.

Luke 9:23
Then He said to them all: "Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow Me."

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Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations

I read a book recently that truly brought my thoughts into perspective.  It's called "Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations" by Alex and Brett Harris.  If you haven't read this book, I recommend it, whether you're ten, fifteen, or forty-five.  It's fantastic and it smacked me in the face (in a godly way), many times.  If the title alone isn't enough to sell you on this book, does it help that Chuck Norris wrote the foreword?  Yeah, I thought so.

The title of this book is pretty self-explanatory.  It's nonfiction.  The focused audience is teenagers, but the book could easily inspire people of any age.  The back of the book says, "Most people don't expect you to understand what we're going to tell you in this book.  And even if you understand, they don't expect you to care.  And even if you care, they don't expect you to do anything about it.  And even if you do something about it, they don't expect it to last.  We do."  "Do Hard Things" is basically a book that challenges young Christians to step outside our comfort zones and do amazing things for Christ. 

What I Liked:
"Do Hard Things" was very straightforward and simply written, but it wasn't "dumbed down," as they talk about in the book.  In other words, while a young teenager or pre-teen could easily sit down and read this book without having to drag along a dictionary, the book is still challenging.  It was even difficult for me to read, a "model" teenager who many adults brag about because I haven't done drugs and alcohol, like many others my age.  "Do Hard Things" is truly the kind of book that "stabs you in the face," just like what that Superchick song talks about.  I felt so inspired and challenged after reading "Do Hard Things," and I know you will be too.

What I Didn't Like:
At times, I thought Alex and Brett Harris could use fewer examples and delve deeper into God's Word and their own writing, but this is only a very small critique, and while there are many teenage examples, many of them inspired me.

I Recommend This For:
Everyone.  Seriously.  Randy Alcorn said, "[This] will prove to be one of the most life-changing and culture-changing books of this generation.  I'd love for every teenager to read this book, but I'm just as eager for every parent, church leader, and educator to read it."  Wow.  That's all I can say.  I needed a boost during my stressful senior year of high school, and this book was just what I needed.

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Just Thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving.  I feel... thankful today.  More so, perhaps, than I have in previous years.  Notice the giant image to your left.  Read every word.  It touched me.

As a senior in high school this year, my life has come to a turning point.  I'm about to leave home in a few months and embark on a journey of my own.  My decisions from this point forward will make a huge, huge difference in my life.  When I was younger, if I messed up, it was okay.  My parents took care of everything.  I'll be on my own now, and the decisions I'll be making will be life decisions and not only little ones. 

I'm so blessed to have what I have.  I've been given so many important things in my life, I could not even list them all if I tried.  I have...

A family that loves and supports me.  Not even all of my friends have parents who actually care where they are right now or what they're doing for Thanksgiving.  My parents love me and let me know of their affections for me every single day.  They support me in the decisions I make.  They're going to miss me when I leave home.  They'll make the effort to see me as often as they can.  My little brother is adorable, not annoying.  My little sister has a huge heart.  I have grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins who actually strive to spend time together.  No one could have a better family than me.

An education.  I'm graduating from a private school.  I'll be going to a great university.  I'm going to become whatever I want to be in life.  I've been given so many opportunities.

Three meals a day, plus snacks.  Seriously, I get all the food I need and more.  When my stomach starts to grumble in between lunch and dinner, I can easily walk downstairs, open the pantry, and find myself one of thirty different snacks.  How many people in the world have that opportunity? 

Clothes.  I have a lot of clothes.  I have a lot of shoes.  My parents have allowed me to lead an amazing, blessed lifestyle that not many people can have.  I am so grateful for the fact that I can feel cool in the summer and warm in the winter and feel confident in myself and my style.

Friends.  I have the best friends in the world.  I'm not just saying that.  I truly do.  Don't believe me?  Ask them.  I've never seen any group of high school friends so devoted to each other, so loyal, so accountable, so devoted to growing in Christ, and so drama free.  We've made lifelong relationships.

My health.  I am generally a very healthy person.  I don't have disease or disability.  I am able to run and dance and spin in circles until I fall over in the grass.  God has given me my health and I am so grateful for that.  God has also given my family and friends their health as well, which is just as important to me.

A roof over my head.  I have never been homeless.  I have always had a place to live and feel warm and protected.  I even have my own room where I can express myself and gain my own independence.  I have a comfortable, warm bed to sleep in.  I have air condition for the summer and a heater for the winter.  I have closets and a bathroom and a kitchen downstairs.  I have so much.  

I am so thankful for everything that God has blessed me with during my short lifetime.  I can't even express how grateful I truly feel.  What amazes me is how little of this I've deserved. 

Thank you, Jesus.  So much.  I owe it all to You.


What are YOU grateful for?


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My Prayer for This Year

With each year, seniors have stood before the high school and said, "Our class will be the one to help start a revival at San Jacinto.  We will not let you down."  And there have been individual seniors who have fulfilled their promises and helped bring SanJac into a new spiritual place to the best of their abilities.  However, in many cases, the promises made have been nothing but words spilled from the lips of children that fell straight to the ground like shattered glass.  It is very easy for words to remain only words.

This year is our legacy.  We are the leaders of our school for the next nine months.  It is our turn to take the step of leadership.  Our year.  We have two choices.  One, to unite as a class that is strong in Jesus Christ and help to point our school in the right direction.  Or two, to give the yearly promises like all seniors do, and then sit back and allow one or two individuals in our class to take the burden of leadership onto their shoulders alone.  Which direction will you take?  The choice is yours.

How will you be a leader this year?

Will you reach out to underclassmen to the best of your ability?  Will you befriend them, fellowship with them, and mentor them in a way that shows both respect and friendship?  Will you strive to make your words and your actions reflect maturity rather than foolishness?  Will you continue to grow in a relationship with the Lord even when life feels too difficult and chaotic?  Will you listen and allow God to mold this year into what He wants it to be?

Our class isn't perfect, and I don't think there ever will be a class that is.  But I am saying right now that I will try to the best of my ability to make this year something meaningful and worthwhile.  If you see me acting otherwise, do not be afraid to call me out.  Ask me, and I will do the same for you.  Sometimes it will be hard, but I know God has something big in store for our class and for our school this year. 

It's time to stand up, seniors.  Let's transform our words into action.  Let's transform our wishes into true faith.  Are you in?

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Reviewing: Dad's Bible (The Father's Plan)

Obviously, I am not a father, but I chose this book from BookSneeze so that I could give it to my dad after reading it.  I figured, "Hey, even if I'm a teenage girl, I can still look and see if this Bible has potential to be a great study Bible for fathers."  I am Dad's Bible.jpgreviewing after reading the book of James and the notes included within that book.

According to its description-
Dad's Bible: The Father's Plan is the perfect gift for father's, fathers-to-be, and father figures of any age.  The Dad's Bible is filled with challenging and helpful information designed to encourage and uplift fathers whose lives will be a priceless legacy for generations to come.  Whether as a personal purchase, a Father's Day gift, or "just because," Dad's Bible is sure to draw the reader into quality personal time with our Heavenly Father.

What I liked-
I liked how the inscriptions in the Bible made James seem like a man that other men could relate to.  Notes would bring up certain verses from a spiritually-growing man's point of view, from an elder's point of view, and from a father's point of view.  They seemed to cover all topics and offer a lot of encouragement.  This Bible looks nice and crisp.  The designs on the inside are appropriate for the targeted gender.

What I didn't like-
This isn't a huge critique, but I wish that this Bible went into further depth than a small paragraph here or a one-liner there.  Maybe I am missing out on some of the depth because I only read a small book, but this Bible seems to waver between study Bible and small encouragement Bible.  However, there are great tips for every Father and in no way do I discourage you from buying it.

I recommend this book for-
Fathers, obviously.  New fathers and elderly fathers alike.  No matter their place in life, this Bible seems to have notes for everyone.  Since today is Father's Day, I think this is a great last-minute gift for your dad.

Disclosure of Material Connection:
I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

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Where is God's hatred?

Dear members of Westboro Baptist Church,

First of all, I would like you to know that I am writing this letter to you in love.  You can scoff at me and you can hate me, but I cannot bring myself to hate you back.  You don't have to read this letter that I am writing to you, but if you don't, it very well may be because you are afraid that my use of Biblical Scripture will prove much of your doctrine wrong... because I believe it will.  Will you read what I have to say? 

You profess that God hates Jews, homosexuals, America, and... well... pretty much everyone except for those who attend your church.  You picket funerals and teach your children to hold up signs that display graphic images and words.  If this isn't correct, then please correct me.  You claim that the Scriptures say that God hates anyone who does not obey Him- anyone who disagrees with His law.  I hope you don't mind that I've intensely studied the Bible to find what the Word says about love and I've come up with a few conclusions that contradict your own beliefs.


Does God hate the world?
This one should be pretty obvious, considering that this question is answered in one of the most famous verses of all time, John 3:16"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life."  That is Scripture.  God loves the world.  And this also shows that God does not only love the parts of the world that obey Him... He loves the entire world, including the sinful people (which is everyone, according to Romans 3:23).

Romans 5:8 says, "But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  Because God loved us sinners so much, He sent His only Son to die and suffer for us.  If we were perfect, He would never have done this.  No, God loved the world despite our sin.  He is a loving and merciful God, according to Deuteronomy 4:31

Psalm 33:5 says that the earth is full of God's unfailing love.  Psalm 13:5 talks about God's unfailing love.  If His love for the whole world is unfailing, that means that even when we sin, we will not lose His love.  Look at Isaiah 54:10.  It says, "'Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet My unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,' says the Lord, who has compassion on you." 

Nowhere in the Bible do I see a verse where God says that He has no compassion, that He has shakable, faltering love for His creation.  Lamentations 3:22 says, "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail."    

Do good works get you to heaven?  In the same way, do your sins keep you out of heaven?
It is considered boasting to say that you must be perfect and righteous to make it into heaven.  We go to heaven because of God's grace rather than our own works.  Look at Titus 3:5"He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy."  Philippians 3:9 says, "...not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ- the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith."  Try Ephesians 2:8-9, which states, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast." 

Nothing we can do can get us to heaven because everyone sins.  You have sinned since you became a 'Christian.'  When you curse and use swear words on your picket signs, you are sinning.  Ephesians 5:4 says, "Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving." 

You cannot damn others to hell because they sin.  That makes you the hypocrite.  Let God be the judge!  I'm going to show you Matthew 7:1-3"Do not judge, or you too will be judged.  For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.  Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in someone else's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"  You do not make it to heaven by your own good deeds.  You make it to heaven by faith.  According to Acts 16:31, "Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved..."

Is God merciful or hateful?
God is a merciful God.  He is a just Judge, but He is also merciful.  Once we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and repent for our sins, He forgives us and takes away the judgment that we deserve.  Those who refuse to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior are separated from God for eternity and sent to hell.  But it is not our call to decide who has done this and who has not.  You don't believe me?  According to 1 Samuel 16:7, "...People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."  Only God knows for sure who is going to hell.  You can't know this.  You can't judge which Americans and Jews and Christians and 'sinners' are headed to hell.  Only God can.  And God is merciful.  The Bible has a lot to say about this.

Joel 2:13 - "...for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and He relents from sending calamity."
Nehemiah 9:17 - "...But You are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love..."
Psalm 86:15 - "But You, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness."
Psalm 103:8 - "The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love."
Psalm 145:8 - "The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love."

Does this not make it clear to you that God is loving, compassionate, merciful... and rich and abounding in love?  These are only a few of the many verses that talk about God's unconditional and abounding love for all people.

Does God want us to judge and condemn others?
You believe that you are doing God's work by judging others, but you have been deceived.  I am going to simply list several verses dealing with this subject.  If you go by the Scripture, then you must accept all that it says.  See for yourself whether or not it is God's plan for His people to hate and judge others.

Micah 6:8 - "...And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."  
Matthew 5:7 - "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy." 
Matthew 23:23 - "But you have neglected the more important matters of the law- justice, mercy, and faithfulness."
Luke 6:36 - "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."
Ephesians 4:32 - "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."  
Colossians 3:12-13 - "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone.  Forgive as the Lord forgave you." 
James 2:13 - "because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful.  Mercy triumphs over judgment."

Are we to curse anyone?
You might believe that God wants you to curse everyone and tell them their supposed path to hell, but again, you are being deceived.  Romans 12:14 says, "Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse."  As Christians, we are called to treat everyone with love, not with curses and judgment.  This is not reflecting the true nature of Jesus, the One who ate with sinners rather than the 'righteous' pharisees.  Luke 6:37 says "Do not judge and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."  Because you refuse to do these things mentioned in Luke 6:37, it seems to me that you are very much in danger of being harshly judged, condemned, and not forgiven by God on Judgment Day.  Does that not frighten you?   

Should we show hatred towards our enemies?
Absolutely not.  Matthew 5:43-46 says, "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.  He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?  Are not even the tax collectors doing that?"  Part of being a disciple of Christ is our radical love for everyone, even the people who don't 'deserve' to be loved. 

Proverbs 14:21 is pretty clear on what the Lord thinks about this issue, when it says, "It is a sin to despise one's neighbor."  When you show hatred towards someone, you're sinning.  


I hope that my letter has made some impact on what you believe about hatred and love.  You are being deceived by your pastor.  You're being deceived by Satan.  Hatred is never a part of God's plan.  God loves homosexuals and heterosexuals, despite our sins.  God loves the soldiers.  God loves the Jews.  And God loves you and me. 

I would like to show you 1 John 4:8, which says, "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."  You have not shown love to the world as God has.  You do not have love.  According to the Bible, that means that you don't know God... at the very least, you don't come close to understanding His purpose for you.

I don't agree with what you do and say when you go out and picket others and tell them that they are headed straight to hell.   Our job as Christians is to love the lost and preach the gospel to all the world (Matthew 28:18-20).  We're supposed to win believers for God's kingdom, and when you spew hatred and condemnation, you're only turning people away.

I am praying that one day you will see and understand the true love and forgiveness that comes from believing in Jesus Christ.  Maybe one day you will apologize to the world for your cruel words and hateful signs and songs, but until then, I am praying for you.  I love you.  I am pleading to God that He will show you the full extent of His unfailing love.  When you hurt others with your words, you hurt God, but that doesn't diminish His love for you. 

You are welcome to respond to my letter.  You can comment below.  You can even email me at  You can write a paragraph or two, send them to me, and I will post your response in another blog article (with all profanity and crude language bleeped out) if that is what you want.  I would even interview you and allow my readers to see your side of the story, what you believe, and the Scriptures that you use to form your opinions.  I am trying my hardest to show you respect, even if you don't show respect to others.  I love you as Jesus still loves you.  

in Him,


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When Sparrows Fall

I intern at an inner city ministry that serves the needy in my community.  This week, I've helped with a VBS for some of the kids in one of the poorer areas of my city.  We have a climbing wall, a Slip 'n' Slide, bouncers, and more.  The kids have a blast, get a free lunch, and are able to learn about Jesus at the same time.

During the Bible lesson, some of the kids in the back of the group began to gasp and whisper.  The small commotion was distracting everyone away from the lesson, so I attempted to sneak over and see what the problem was.  A small bird had fallen from its nest above bird-2.jpgright onto the shoe of one of the girls.  The bird was tiny, weak, and helpless.   Its eyes were sealed shut, its fragile wings had not yet developed, and it had only a few tufts of feathers.  It looked as if it had just hatched from its egg.  It was pitiful. 

This incident obviously distracted the children.  They crowded around the tiny bird, moaning and murmuring until we managed to gather everyone back up to finish the lesson.  After the kids got their daily dose of Jesus, they returned to examine the pitiful bird.  It was so small, obviously unable to survive for very long without its mother.  The fact that the bird would die was frightening to the children.  They prayed over the bird.  They shaded the bird.  They temporarily abandoned their lunches on a picnic table to care for the bird... kids who need food because they don't have any at home abandoned their lunches to take care of this bird. 

A helper for the week saw the distress on the faces of these children and stepped up to the plate.  He propped a ladder against the ceiling of the lean-to where the little bird's nest was.  While everyone watched, this man climbed up the wobbly ladder, risked his safety and well-being, and gently placed the baby bird back into its nest, safe and sound.

The relief that spread across the tiny group of children was heartwarming.  Once everyone knew that the bird would (hopefully) be okay, they could return to their lunches without worry.

This story reminded me of Matthew 10:29.  "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?  Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care." 

The inner city kids in this group have been through a lot.  Many of them have faced hunger, abandonment, and abuse from their own families.  These kids are forgotten by everyone around them, left to fend for themselves in a harsh world.  And yet these kids who carry the weight of the world on their shoulders wanted nothing more than for a baby bird to be safe once again in its cozy nest.

In some ways, the inner city children can relate to that tiny bird.  They're neglected and forgotten... voiceless in a world that never seems to care.  Many are considered to be doomed from the start, left to die a spiritual death while living in poverty and hopelessness.  That will never be God's plan for them.   

The Lord took a part in this situation.  He was able to use the story of the baby bird- fallen to the ground, but carried back to safety- to teach these kids that He does care.  Many of the little girls knelt to pray for the bird, pleading with God for the little creature's life, and God showed these kids that He hears their prayers.  He cares about that tiny bird... and if God cares about a newly hatched bird, then He must care so much more for the kids who wanted to save it.  And so many of those kids believe they're unlovable. 

God loves those children more than words can express.  God has a specific purpose for each of them, no matter their circumstances at home.  And God showed them that today through the fate of one tiny bird.

Matthew 10:31
So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.   

Neither photo is credited to me... I used pictures from Photobucket that fit the story. :)

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My Testimony

I grew up in a Christian home.  Some of my earliest memories are of Sunday School and AWANAS.  When I was younger, I thought that the faith of my parents could get me to heaven.  I didn't bother to believe for myself when my family could believe for me.  I accepted my parents' faith without question.

Me as a kidWhen I was eight years old, Twin Towers were attacked.  This tragedy shattered my young mind to pieces.  I was a little girl who did not understand why the same bad men who killed so many people in New York wouldn't come to my town in Texas and hurt me too.  I began to suffer from severe anxiety, depression, and panic attacks.  I wouldn't eat or drink without being forced.  I wouldn't go outside and play with my friends.  I couldn't bring myself to cross the street to get the mail in the good neighborhood where I lived.  I couldn't sleep at night.  My panic attacks would cause me to be nearly unable to breathe.  My heart would race in my chest, skipping like a rabbit.  One severe panic attack even sent me to the emergency room.  I was a little girl who suffered with big issues and my parents were at a loss of what to do.  My mom began getting up thirty minutes earlier than the rest of the family to pray that God would save me from my fears.

The day before my tenth birthday, I was reading a book called "Left Behind" by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins.  The book was about the rapture and everything involving that subject.  I began to think about what it would be like if Jesus came and took all of the Christians up to heaven and left everyone else behind.  I knew that I would be the only one out of most of my family and friends that would be left.  I would be alone.  This frightened me to the core.  I finally realized that I could not rely on my parents to believe in Jesus for me.  I had to shoulder my own faith and believe in the Lord because I knew it was true.

I got on my knees right where I was and told Jesus Christ that I was a sinner, I believed that He died on the cross for my sins, and I accepted Him as my Savior and as my God. 

Almost immediately, there was a change in my life.  I was transformed overnight.  The panic attacks went away.  I could sleep through the night without fear.  I was able to travel the world without my parents.  I could finally smile again.

Me as a middle schoolerI was around twelve years old when things began to change.  I've always felt a huge empathy for poverty and those in need.  I began to wonder, "If God really does love everyone, then why does He let so many kids starve to death every day?  He can't love us."  And I started to doubt.  Doubt, if not put in check, can easily spread like wildfire.  I soon began to dismiss God completely.  I openly denied to several of my friends that He even existed... and if He did, I thought that He surely must hate the world.

Depression and feelings of worthlessness hit me hard after I dismissed my faith.  I felt stupid, ugly, and unlovable.  I was more depressed than I had ever been before.  I began to cut myself... occasionally at first, but then it became a dangerous habit and an outlet for me to release my anger and sadness and pent up emotions that I would never let anyone else see.  I wanted to hurt.  I felt like I deserved the pain I caused myself. 

When I was thirteen, I attempted suicide and failed. 

My parents found out about my self injury and obviously panicked.  They were once again at a loss of what to do.  I was depressed, miserable, and I put a wall up against everyone around me. 

The summer before my freshman year of high school, I made a 'deal' with God.  I basically said,

"God, if You exist, then I want You to show me a sign.  Prove that You can work through me.  Prove that You exist.  If You don't, I'm going to kill myself (and make sure it works this time) before school starts in August.  If You give me reasonable proof that You can work in my life, then I'll give my life to You.  You can have it.  I can't control it any more." 

I thought that this was an easy way out of my problems... I could justify everything with God. 

Me and ShadrackThat summer, my parents sent me to a nine day training program that teaches teens how to witness to kids.  I was mortified.  I didn't want to share my so-called faith in a God I hardly believed in.  I wasn't allowed to quit the program, so I simply shut down.  On the fourth day, they took me and some other teens out to the park to witness to random people.  I had to share my 'faith' with a nineteen year old girl.  I spoke in a fairly monotone voice, inwardly begging the girl to ignore my words.  The girl was quiet and shy but she accepted Christ that day, explaining that she had just graduated from high school and received a Bible for graduation.  She hadn't known what to do with it until I came along and explained to her what it all meant.

This crushed me.  I went home that night and cried because I realized that God had used me, even though I was fighting against Him with all of my might.  He still used me to further His kingdom. 

I went to Mexico City on a mission trip soon after.  I was able to see poverty, serve the needy, and witness to the lost through an interpreter.  I went to Angel Tree Camp and shared a cabin with several young girls whose parents were incarcerated.  Most of these girls had been abused and neglected throughout their lives and a few of them also accepted Christ.

By the end of the summer, I was able to lead more than thirty people to the Lord.  Me- a young, timid girl with wavering faith.  There was no denying that God had worked through me.  I had my end of the deal to keep.  My life was His.

MeI'm seventeen years old now, an upcoming senior in high school.  I have no doubt that God has worked in my life.  I'm still growing in Him every day.  There are still difficult times that I have to struggle through, but Jesus has held my hand through each trial.  Hard situations that would have broken my faith a few years ago now strengthen my relationship with the Lord.  I haven't cut in more than three years.  I'm not depressed.  I have a joy and a hope inside of me that is indescribable.  You can't know how it feels unless you have it for yourself. 

I want to allow Jesus to control my life now because He is so much wiser than I am.  Believe me, I've tried to run my life on my own.  It never works.  I am so glad I made the decision to stay alive.  I've been able to do and experience so many things that I never would have imagined three years ago.  I've gone to Africa, mentored young girls who have problems with self injury or depression, wrote music, made many friends, wrote a book, and I am now interning at an inner city mission that is focused on spreading the gospel (and giving food) to the needy in my community.

I've never been happier.  And it's not just happiness that I feel... it's joy. 


I put up a video where I share my testimony on my vlog channel on YouTube.  You can watch it here

What's your testimony?  How has God transformed your life?  Feel free to share your story in a comment below.  I'd love to hear it. 

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What's your story?

What were you like before you became a Christian?  What are sins that you have struggled with in the past?  It can be frightening and difficult to open up about your story.  Many Christians struggle with the concept of witnessing in general and especially with the daunting task of sharing their own testimony.  What's so difficult about this simple idea?  It's scary to talk about your past and your sins.  You may be afraid that you will be judged, discredited, and put down because of your story.  You may be afraid that you will say the wrong thing.  You may think that your testimony isn't "big" enough to impact anyone.

dandelion seeds jpgI've always learned that there are three basic steps to giving your testimony:

1.) Who you were before Christ.
2.) What happened to change all this.
3.) Who you are now.

Easy, right?  Not always.

Do you know how to tell your testimony in a way that will impact those around you and make them want to know more about Jesus Christ?  If not, keep reading.  I want to help you out. 

How to share your testimony. 
A testimony is basically the story of how you became a Christian and how Jesus Christ has changed your life.  Your story can be short or long.  You can share details about your childhood or you can give a few basic points from your life before Christ.  When you give your testimony, try to relate to your listener.  Remember to include the three things that I mentioned above. 

Who you were before Christ- Mention a specific sin that you struggled with in your life before Jesus.  Talk about your unhappiness, that incomplete feeling you had inside.  Talk about how you were lost in your sin and you never could have made it to heaven on your own.  Make sure that your listener realizes that you were a sinner. 

What happened to change all this- Talk about what made you realize that you needed Jesus.  What led you to Christ- your parents, your pastor, a camp, the Bible, a book?  What did you tell God when you admitted that you were a sinner?  What emotions were running through your head?  (These emotions may be what your listener is feeling at this moment.) 

Who you are now-  Describe the joy and peace you feel that comes from Jesus and only Jesus.  Have you overcome your aforementioned sin since you became a Christian?  Be sure to mention that you still face challenges at times, but you have a new hope and confidence in Jesus.  How has God changed your life for the better?  

Why is sharing my testimony so important?
Sharing your faith is a crucial part of being a disciple of Christ.  In Matthew 28:19, 20, Jesus commands us to go and make disciples of all nations.  Jesus did not ask us- He commanded us to share the gospel with the world.  When have you last shared your faith? 

Telling your story is a great way to witness because it involves getting personal with a friend or acquaintance and sharing your own story of how you came to Christ.  Personal testimonies are often impacting and thought-provoking.  Have you ever been to a Christian concert candles blowing in the jpgwhen one of the artists stood up and gave a touching story of how they came to Christ?  Did you not get chills?  Were you not brought to tears?  Testimonies go beyond saying, "You should become a Christian because the Bible says so."  When you give your testimony, you're saying, "This is what Jesus Christ did for my life and this is what He can do for you."    

Is sharing my testimony Biblical?
The Bible never gives a word-by-word, step-by-step description of how you should tell people about Jesus.  What the Bible does say is that you should go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.  In 1 Timothy 1:12-17, Paul briefly gives his testimony to fellow believer Timothy.  In Acts 22, Paul gives a more detailed testimony to a large crowd in Jerusalem. 
I have a horrible past.  I'm afraid that others will judge me if I give my testimony.
Everybody has sinned.  It may be frightening and embarrassing to admit what your life was like before Christ.  Maybe you were an alcoholic or into drugs.  Maybe you robbed banks.  Maybe you were a compulsive liar or extremely depressed.  Maybe you had an abortion or slept around.  The truth is: yeah, no matter who you are, you've messed up at some point in your life. 

The good thing about giving your testimony is the fact that you can use your mistakes and your bad choices to help lead someone to the Lord.  You don't have to share every detail about who you used to be.  Your description of your past may consist of something like, "Before I became a Christian, I was into drugs and really depressed.  My life was miserable until..." and that could be as far as you go. 

No matter what you struggled with as an unbeliever, there are people who are struggling with that same issue right now.  Your story could be what helps them realize that they need Jesus.  Pray for the Lord to give you courage to share your story to those around you.  Your testimony can help impact someone for Jesus and your life-changing transformation will reflect glory on Him.     

pink-flowers-on-crown-of-thorns-euphorbia-milii-plant-400x600.jpgI became a Christian when I was very young.  I don't really have a good testimony.
I've heard so many people- especially young people- give this excuse when faced with the challenge of sharing their testimony.  "I got saved when I was five.  Sure, I was a sinner, but I never really did anything that bad.  My story can't impact anyone."  Honestly, testimonies aren't supposed to be some competition about who has the most life-shattering story.  That's not how it works.  Sharing your testimony means you telling someone about how you became a Christian.  You don't have to have some crazy, action-packed life before you became a Christian.  Your story can be "small."  People will still be touched, because you're telling about what changed you

Your testimony can go something like this: "I grew up in a Christian environment.  I always went to church.  Even though I was a little kid, I still messed up.  I disobeyed my parents, I lied, and I fought with my brother.  When a kind lady at church told me about how Jesus had died on the cross for my sins, it hit me.  I asked Jesus into my heart right then and admitted that I had sinned and needed Him.  Ever since then, my life has been changed.  I still struggle with sins like lying, but Jesus has given me a peace and a strength that I wouldn't have in my life without Him.  I'm truly joyful because Jesus is in my heart."   

See?  You can use your story to describe what Jesus has done for you.  It may not be shocking enough to fill a book, but your story can always be used to impact others for the Lord.   

What's your testimony?
I'll post my testimony on this site tomorrow, so check back to read my story.  You can use my testimony as an example in which to write yours or you can simply read and see how Jesus Christ has changed my life.  If you're not a Christian, be sure to read my story and find out what Jesus has done for me and where I come from as a Christian.

What's your testimony?  Leave it in a comment below.

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To a homosexual, from a Christian

Before I say anything, I would like to make it clear that I am not writing this to judge you, to look down on you, or to tell you that you're going to hell.  You don't need to feel defensive or offended before you read what I have to say... and I hope you don't feel that way after you finish reading.  You may not believe in God, but I do, and maybe this blog will help you see a little bit more where I am coming from as a Christian.  Will you hear me out? 

Christians and homosexuals have never seemed to get along.  I've seen pictures of 'Christians' holding up signs that say, "God hates fags."  They are so wrong and I'm sorry you've had to see that and be judged and put down like that.  I mean, where in the Bible does it say, "For God so loved the world... minus the gay people."?  Nowhere.  God doesn't hate you, no matter what you've been told.  When Christians hate you, they're making fools of themselves and their so-called religion.  They aren't expressing the love that the Jesus who they claim to worship expressed when He died on the cross for everyone, despite sexual orientation.  My God doesn't hate gay people.  My God doesn't hate you, no matter what you've done. 

Honestly, you and I have an equal chance of going to hell if we're going to base it only on our actions.  Homosexual or not, if you base your salvation on actions, you're going to hell.  Ouch... right?  It's not just you though.  It's me too.  If anyone on this green earth is a sinner, I am.  I have told lies, defiled my body, and used my words to hurt others.  I am a sinner.  The only difference salvation-wise between you and I (and I'm assuming here.  You can tell me if I'm wrong), is that I repented for my sins and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior a few years back.  That's the only difference.  I still sin every day.  I try not to, but I do.  And I'm forgiven.  Don't be put off by my words here.  I'm not going to give the whole salvation plan right now.  You've probably heard it.  If not, then leave me a comment and I will talk to you for as long as you like.

Here could be a good place for me to quote a whole lot of Bible verses about how you're headed straight to hell with your gay lifestyle, but I'm not going to.  I'll go ahead and post the links to some Bible verses about homosexuality and you can read them for yourself, but I don't want to preach at you and put you down.  How do I have any right to do that?  I'm a sinner too.  I'd be a hypocrite if I judged you.  All I want to do is share with you what I know to be the truth and let you know about the sincere love that Jesus has for you.  Here are the verses that you can read for yourself about homosexuality: Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Romans 1:26-28.

If I am going to tell you the truth about what I think about homosexuality, I'll have to say this: I do think it's wrong for a man to have sex with a man and for a woman to have sex with a woman.  The Bible- which I believe is faultless- says that it's wrong to commit homosexual acts.  But do you know what else the Bible says is wrong? Adultery.  What else? Fornication- sex outside of marriage.  What else? Lusting after someone in your heart.  These are all sexual sins and I know many Christians who struggle with each and every one of them. Basically, even as a Christian, people are going to have sexual temptations.  I know young teens who are sleeping around- sinning- and are being let into church.  I know men and women who are living together, unmarried- sinning- who are being let into church.  What I want to know is why very few churches are not allowing homosexuals- whose sin is no worse (and no better) than any of these others'- into church.

I'm not going to deny that I think homosexuality is wrong.  But I'm not going to push you away from me if you are homosexual.  I'm not going to think any less of you as a human being.  I'm still going to treat you with the same dignity and respect as I would any other sinner on the face of this earth.  I have no right to say you're going to hell just because you're gay.  All I can say is that if you have not accepted Jesus Christ to be your Savior and repented of your sins, then you might have something to worry about... but because you're a sinner in general, not singularly because you're gay.

Finally, I would like to apologize to you and to all homosexuals out there for the persecution that the Christian Church has put upon you.  It is sinful, unjust, and completely ungodly to look down upon you as a person for this sin.  We need to focus on loving people instead of focusing on what they do wrong.  We should make it clear that we think that homosexuality is wrong- and I think we have- and then love you anyways.  That's what Jesus Christ did.  He makes it clear that He hates all sin, but we keep on sinning and He keeps on loving us.  So I'm sorry for what you've endured because of us.

I'm not going to say that God says it's okay to be gay, because I don't believe that.  But I am going to say that I love you the same and I wish you the best.  I am not homophobic.  I am not disgusted by you.  I'm not afraid to be friends with a gay person, so long as he or she is clear about where I stand.  I'm not afraid to talk to you about what you believe and about what I believe.  And I love you... in a sisterly way.  Leave me a comment if you have something to say.  I don't mind.

Have an amazing day.


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You actually thought the sky was blue?

What color is the sky?  It's blue... right?

(Actually, some of you scientific folks may have something to say about how the sky isn't actually blue.  It absorbs all other colors and orange sky jpgblue light is the most easily scattered, etc, etc... but the sky appears blue, so that's what I'm talking about here.)

New evidence has come out that the sky wasn't always blue.  Wha...?  This means that if you went up to Adam and Eve and started talking about the blue sky, they may have looked at you like you were crazy. 

In light of new evidence, it appears that the sky originally may have been orange, according to a large component of methane in the earth's atmosphere.  After a time, a "Great Oxidation Event" occurred (possibly the Great Flood?), causing a change in climate that caused the color change (and I'm not going to go on and on about the details of this... you can go here to read into the scientific parts, minus the evolutionary standpoint that this all occurred billions and billions of years ago.) 

Of course, there is no absolute proof that the sky was orange, considering that there is no photographic evidence, but it's neat to consider the idea, isn't it?  And can you imagine if the sky was orange before the Flood and blue after?  What a shocker for Noah and his family! 

I'm no scientist, but I must admit that the thought of an orange sky is pretty cool.

Credit for the picture goes here

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What Allegiance?

Flag.jpgToday, I overheard a comment made by a student who attends my high school.  "I'm proud of Texas, Christianity, and the Bible, but I am not proud of America." 

That saddened me.  Sure, it's true that America- like every other country- has issues and corruption within its government and politics.  Since America was established as a nation, we have suffered from various corrupt leaders and stupid choices.  And we shouldn't be proud of those things.  However, is America made up of only Clinton or Bush or Obama?  If you hate war, abortion, or health reform, does that mean that you should also hate America?

Of course not. 

As Seneca once said, "Men love their country, not because it is great, but because it is their own." America was founded with hopes and dreams for a better future and a new reality.  In many ways, our nation has fulfilled its goals.  We offer religious freedom to all.  We've provided jobs and new lives for many people.  We've grown from almost nothing to the most powerful nation in the world.  And there is no denying that we have made many mistakes along the way, but tell me this: what country hasn't?

Have you heard the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater"?  This applies to America. 

The United States is filled with corruption, violence, and hatred.  When you look around you, what do you see?  Do you see men and women being sent overseas to kill hundreds of people?  Do you see thousands of murdered babies?  Do you see the 33,300 people committing suicide every year?  Do you see the moral disintegration everywhere you turn?  Yes.  You can't live in America and escape from the symptoms of spiritual death all around you.

But are you looking for the baby?

"There is no baby," you might say.  "The metaphorical dirty bathwater has transformed into a sizzling acid that consumes everything in its path.  Whatever was left of the baby has already been destroyed."

Not true.  The baby in the bathwater is the morality, equality, and enduring hope that Americans share.  Our country was founded as one nation under God.  We recognize a brotherhood and sisterhood with fellow Americans and we have a unity that not all nations share.  That is the baby.  The baby may be pale and sickly, thin and gaunt, but it has not yet been destroyed.  There is still hope for America.

If you are feeling ashamed and repulsed by America- embarrassed by her fraying edges and rotting core- then what do you plan on doing about it?  If you pull away from the United States completely and refuse to have anything to do with it, then how will anything ever change?  Let me give you some ideas.

Revive yourself.  America is made up of more 307,000,000 people.  When you see the corruption around you, it does not only come from a few rotten leaders.  It comes from the hearts of the citizens of your country... from you as well.  Before you start picking at other people and saying, "this is why I'm not proud of my country," see what you can do to change things.  A revival does need to start in America, but it won't just happen.  It will start with first one person and then another and another.  Why not let it start with you?  Robert G. Ingersoll said, "He loves his country best who strives to make it best."  What are you doing to make your life and your community and your country a better place?
Talk about it.  Don't just go around saying, "I hate my country.  America has turned into a bunch of liars and thieves.  No, talk to your friends and loved ones about what you can all do to change the situation around you.  Write letters to the media and to your local representatives.  Start a revival around your community.  Empty talk will change nothing.  Talk followed by actions can change a lot.  Let your voice be heard.

Do something.  If you dislike your government, then change them.  We're a democracy.  You can vote.  Vote for your president, for your senator, for your congressmen... vote for everyone you can to get the right-hearted people into office.  For my readers who are too young to vote yet, encourage your parents, teachers, and the adults all around you to vote.  If you don't like the way the government is treating the poor, then get out there and start serving them to the best of your ability.  If you don't like the way your government handles an issue, then start a petition- contact the media- write letters.  Don't sit back and fume and let it all happen.  Apathy is never the answer.

Pray.  There can be no successful country without God's help.  America was founded under God, but we are falling away quickly.  Pray without ceasing for a revival to occur in the United States.  Pray that God will help open the eyes of the lost and deceived in our nation.    

I hope this article has made you think.  If you are struggling to keep a sense of pride for your country, then do not yet lose hope.  Feel shame about the things that have gone wrong in the past.  Feel anger about the injustices.  Feel sadness for those who have been lost.  But feel hope about your future and strive to make a difference.  I'll end with a quote by one of our greatest presidents.

"I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives.  I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him." -Abraham Lincoln

Have an opinion- agreement or disagreement- about this article?  Leave me a comment.  I'd love to hear what you have to say.

The pictures come from here and here.

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Is hell real?

Controversy over the existence of hell has plagued people for centuries.  In fact, the belief about hell is often considered to be a strong dividing line between Christian denominations and cults.  Christian denominations believe in a hell.  Cults and non-Christian denominations believe that the lost simply stop existing after death- a belief that some call "soul sleep."  Which is true?  According to a survey by The Barna Group, only 31% of adults believe that hell is an existing location.  You may not believe in hell.  The thought of hell often seems contradictory to the loving and merciful nature of God.  A truly loving God wouldn't allow His children to burn in eternal torment... right?  I'm going to do my best to answer some of the questions that you may have about hell in this article. 

Hell is real, hell is a horrible place, and yet God is still a loving God. 

fire-at-solstice.jpgWhy would God create hell?
God originally created hell as a place of eternal torment for Satan and His angels (Matt 25:41, Isaiah 14:12).  He created humans to be good.  We were made in His image.  We were meant to worship Him forever.  His plan was never for us to perish in hell (2 Peter 3:9).  God set down certain commands for His children to follow, starting with Adam and Eve in the garden.  When Adam and Eve- and all of humanity- broke God's laws, that meant that we as sinners could never dwell with a perfect God.  Because of this, just as an earthly judge must place a verdict on a violator of the law and send him to prison, God will have to judge each person for the sins that they have committed... and the judgment will be the same each time.  Guilty. 

Is hell eternal?
Many people believe that hell is not eternal, that the soul simply vanishes after death or it burns into disintegration.  The Bible makes it clear that hell is an eternal punishment.  When you sin against God, your punishment lasts forever.  Your soul will always exist, be it in heaven or hell.  Matthew 25:41 says, "Then He will say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and His angels."  In verse 46, Jesus says, "Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."  In this passage, Jesus is talking to those who refused to help the needy in their distress.  If you take His Word to be the truth, then that means that unbelievers who don't give assistance to the poor will burn in an eternal fire that was first reserved for Satan and his angels.  Isaiah 66:24 says, "...their worm will not die, nor will their fire be quenched..."  Here, the Lord is talking about the punishment on Judgment Day for those who have rebelled against Him.  The thought that a tormenting worm won't die and a continuous fire will not be quenched is frightening, but it is also proof that hell is an eternal punishment and not something that only lasts for a short time.  Daniel 12:2 says, "Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt."  Again, the Bible uses the term "everlasting," meaning that hell is forever.  Revelation 20:10 says, and I quote, "...They will be tormented day and night forever and ever."  When you go to hell, your soul is doomed eternally.

Why would a loving God send His own creations to a horrible place like hell?
This is a question that is difficult to answer and to understand.  First of all, when God sent Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins, He gave us the option to choose life over death... to be forgiven for our sins and redeemed with the Lord so that we could go to heaven to be with Him after we die.  When we rebel against this gift, we choose hell for ourselves.  Imagine if God sent no one to hell.  Would heaven truly be heaven with people like Hitler and Stalin and Saddam Hussein wandering around?  No.  God is a just God.  He punishes the unrepentant wicked for their actions.  Atheist B.C. Johnson is quoted as saying, "The idea of hell is morally absurd."  On the contrary, it would be morally absurd to allow the wicked to go unpunished.  

little baby from Africa jpgDoes God send babies and little kids to hell?
Remember that God is a just judge.  He is not going to do what is unjust.  Because of this, we can assume that He takes into consideration whether or not a baby is too young to understand the gospel.  In Matthew 19:14, Jesus has the children come to Him because "the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  If the kingdom of heaven belongs to little children, then surely that means that little children go to heaven rather than hell.  Take a look at the story in 1 Samuel 3, when the Lord first reveals himself to young Samuel.  In verse 7, it is mentioned that, "Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord: The Word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him."  This hints at the fact that Samuel had previously been too young to be able to understand what the Word was saying to him... it had not yet been revealed to him because of his youth.  In Nehemiah 8:2, Ezra reads a scroll to an assembly of "men, woman, and others who could understand."  Presumably, the ones who could not understand would be the young children and the mentally retarded, and if they were unable to understand the truth of God's Word, then they must have been exempt from the punishment until they could fully understand. 

What about the people who die without having ever heard about Jesus?  Do they go to hell?
This is a tricky subject because nobody can truly know for sure until we ask the Lord in person.  However, we can make educated guesses using the evidence that God lays before us with His Word.  Romans 1:20 says, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities- His eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."  This implies that no person can be unexcused for not knowing God because proof of God is everywhere.  Psalm 19:1 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands."  All of this is evidence of a Greater Being- of God.  In other words, nobody can have an excuse for not believing in the existence of a Higher Power.  There should be no doubt in anyone's mind that there is a God. 

But what about those who know that there is a God somewhere, but they do not know Christ because nobody has ever told them?  Romans 2:14-16 talks about this issue.  "(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.)  This will take place on the day when God will judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares."  This discusses how that Gentiles (people who aren't Jewish) don't know the law (ten commandments) given by God, but they still know what's right and wrong.  Look at the ancient cultures who lived without God.  There was still punishment for murder, lying, theft, and adultery.  You can find God's law in every civilization because it is written in our hearts, according to the Bible.  This is another reason why men are without excuse when they break God's laws.  Acts 17:27 talks about how God wants people to seek Him and reach out to Him so that they might find Him, because He isn't far from anyone.  This hints at the fact that God is available to anyone- even to those who haven't been told about Him.
The Lord knows that many people die without hearing about how Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world.  Romans 10:14-16 says, "'How, then, can they call on the One they have not believed in?  And how can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard?  And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?  And how can they preach unless they are sent?'... But not all the Israelites african kid little aww so jpgaccepted the good news."  God realizes that people cannot call on Him if they haven't ever heard about Him.  He knows that they can't believe on someone whose Name has never entered their thoughts.  We must trust in the Lord and trust that He judges each person individually, based on their specific circumstances... and He takes each person's situation into account.

Where is hell?
The location of hell can only come from speculation, but it is a physical location.  It is more than a spiritual place.  The most common opinion is that hell actually exists within the center of the earth- a harrowing idea, but possibly the truth.  Look at Matthew 12:40 "For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."  Assuming that Jesus went to hell after He died on the cross and was temporarily forsaken by God, this is huge evidence that hell is located in the "heart" of the earth.  Ephesians 4:9 says, "(What does 'He ascended' mean except that He also descended into the lower, earthly regions?)"  The center of the earth would be a conceivable place for a "lake of burning fire."  Scientists have estimated the earth's core to be in the range of several thousand degrees, surely a suitable place for eternal torment, don't you think?  However, we can only guess about where hell is located.
What is hell like?
Trust me when I say that you don't want to go there.  Matthew 8:12 talks about hell being an outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth- two expressions of extreme anguish, pain, and grief.  Revelation 20:10 describes a lake of burning sulfur where its recipients will be tormented day and night forever and ever.  Hell is a place where an eternal fire is not quenched and a tormenting worm never dies, according to Isaiah 66:24Revelation 20:15 says, "If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire."  There are many other verses that talk about lakes of fire, eternal punishment, and a place of shame and torment.  Hell is the worst place imaginable.   
Who could deserve a place like hell?
God is the Creator of everything and everyone.  He set down laws for us to follow.  Romans 3:23 says, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."  God had the right to set down His commands in the first place and He has the right to choose our punishment.  If we are judged by God's laws, then each one of us is guilty.  Hitler deserves to go to hell.  Jack the Ripper deserves to go to hell.  President Obama deserves to go to hell.  George Bush deserves to go to hell.  You deserve to go to hell.  I deserve to go to hell.  What is proof that God is a loving God?  The fact that He has given each person on earth a second chance and the ability to escape hell and go to heaven to be with Him forever- that is proof of a loving, merciful God.  All you have to do to receive eternal life in heaven is to repent from your sins and accept the gift that He has given you.   

I'm not trying to scare you into becoming a Christian.  I'm simply trying to warn you about the truth because I want no one to have to suffer the eternal torment of hell.  If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your heart, then please think about what I've told you today.  According to God's Word, hell is a real place... and it's something to be concerned about.  Your salvation is a matter of eternal life or eternal punishment. 
Do you have any questions, opinions, or disagreements about today's article?  Please add your comments and inputs.  I'd love to know how you feel about this controversial topic.

Credit for the pictures used in this article go here, here, here, and here.  

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The Truth Behind Speeding

If you have your driver's license, then you know how much of a temptation speeding actually is.  When you're in a hurry, when you're on an empty road, you feel like it's no big deal to speed.  At least five miles over.  Speeding is nothing... right?  As you read this, you may be thinking, "What are you talking about?  It's not wrong to speed, so long as you aren't speeding way over the limit and endangering someone's life.  Speeding a little is fine.  I do it all the time and nothing ever happens." 

You might be surprised to find out that speeding is wrong.  In fact, when you drive over the speed limit, you are disobeying God.  Let me tell you why. 

The government has set down specific speed limits for each road.  The government is your authority.  Romans 13:1-2 says, "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.  The authorities that exist have been established by God.  Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves."  When you go over the speed limit, you are disobeying a law that your government has put over you.  Even if you are speeding by only a few miles, you are still rebelling against something that your governing authority has established.  According to Romans 13, that means that you are not only rebelling against what the government has put over you, you are also rebelling against a law that God has established.  That's pretty serious, if you ask me. 

Do you carry the opinion that speed limits aren't that strict- that really, a speed limit is only a loose guideline for you to follow?  When you think that speed limits are only guidelines, then you are rationalizing something to yourself that isn't true.  You are deceiving yourself.  Speed limits are not guidelines.  What happens when a cop catches you speeding even five miles over the limit?  He pulls you over, gives you a ticket... you have to pay a fine for breaking the law.  If speed limits were only loose guidelines, don't you think that you wouldn't get in trouble for loosely following those guidelines?  No, of course they aren't guidelines.  They're laws.  They've been set into place with a purpose.  When you speed whatsoever, you are breaking the law

Also, when you speed, you are endangering someone's life.  Did you know that in 2009, 46% of road deaths were caused by speeding?  That's nearly half of all road deaths.  How would you feel if you caused an accident that took someone's life?  If the police discovered that you were speeding before you were in an accident, you would be given a large fine or even arrested.

I'm one of the only teens out of my friends who chooses not to speed.  Because of this, the way I drive is often criticized.  My friends jokingly tell me that I drive like a grandma.  Although I'm often teased for driving the speed limit, my mind will not be changed.  I strongly believe that when you speed, you break God's law, and that means that you are sinning.  A friend of mine, Caydence, has willingly agreed to participate in a small interview about speeding.  Caydence believes that speeding is okay as long as you stay careful, but watch how her opinions slowly start to change by the end of the interview.     

ME: Do you think that speeding is wrong?
CAYDENCE: I don't think it's wrong as long as you aren't driving recklessly.  Like, if the speed limit on a major road was 40, I think that's a little ridiculous. 

ME: How fast would you go on a major road with a 40mph speed limit? 
CAYDENCE: That depends on if I'm late...  Normal: 45- or 50 if I'm not stuck behind someone.  In a hurry: Well... in the middle of the day when there's plenty of room and nobody right in front of me, maybe 60?
ME: How fast do you have to be going for speeding to be wrong?
CAYDENCE: Kind of depends on if they're reckless, but sometimes- like 60 on a 40- honestly, I think that is wrong... In neighborhoods, I think it's really dangerous to speed, and I don't because I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hit a kid who ran out in the street.  On the highway [60mph limit], 90 would be "okay" if there's lots of room, but 100's pushing it.  But there's not any specific rules or anything, it mainly just depends on if you're under control [while] driving. Driving recklessly is always wrong; you need to be in control, especially if you're speeding. 

ME: What is the farthest you've gone over the speed limit?
CAYDENCE: 125 on the [60mph limit] highway... but it was at 4:30 in the morning.  [I was] running late and there was no one else on the road.  I actually screamed out loud and my car freaked out, then I went back down to 100.

ME: Have you ever texted or talked on the phone while driving?
CAYDENCE: I always talk on the phone while driving, but I wait till I'm stopped to text. If I don't finish the text when the light turns green, I finish it and send [it] really fast while going extra slow or [I] just set it down and wait to finish it.  If it's important, I'll ask either [a friend] or my brothers to text for me when I'm driving.

ME: Do you think that you are disobeying God when you speed?
CAYDENCE: When I think about it, yes. I know the speed limits are to keep people safe. That's why I started cutting back [recently], but I tell myself I'm in control, so it's okay.

ME: Did you know that 46% of road deaths last year were caused by speeding?  Does that change your opinion on speeding at all?
CAYDENCE: I didn't know that, [but] yes, it changes my opinion.  I didn't think about it being so dangerous before, but I heard about a lot of people being killed and decided it's definitely not worth it.  And when I think about it, it's selfish of me to speed, putting other people in danger, but in the moment I didn't usually think about that.  

Maybe some of Caydence's thoughts echoed your own.  Maybe you're shocked by her answers to my questions.  Unfortunately, my friend's responses are similar to the thoughts of many drivers (especially teenage drivers) today.  If you are a speeder, I would like to encourage you to pray about what you are doing.  Ask God what He thinks about speeding.  And if your opinions are still not changed about speeding, then please remember to drive carefully while on the roads.  One reckless action can change your life forever.

What do you think about this article?  Do you have any opinions?  Do you think speeding is okay?  If you want, answer my questions on your own and post them as a comment.  I'm curious to see what other drivers believe.  If you don't have your license yet, answer the questions anyway.  What do you plan to do when you drive?  Thanks for reading.      

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