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Breathing deep the scent of the rain in the grass,
And the whisper of wind through the skies,
I sit cross-legged on the sandy, white beach.
I lay down, close my world-wearied eyes.

All my burdens are heavy within me,
Their weight like thick stones on my back,
But the one thing that keeps me from fading away,
Is the One Thing that I'll never lack.

I see Your footprints across the damp, sticky sand,
Hear Your breath in the sweet, gentle breeze,
Feel Your hands on each slope, on each crevice of land,
Know Your presence is all around me.

So the stones fall from my shoulders like ashes.
I am new, I am healed and restored.
I will rest for eternity in the palms of Your hands,
And lift up my heart to You, Lord.

March 20, 2010

 Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email with your question, critique, or idea for a future blog topic.  I took today's picture from here.   

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What God Promises

This poem was on an old newspaper clipping that I found amongst some of my preserved notes and cards.  The words are so beautiful and encouraging. 

God didn't promise days without pain,
Laughter without sorrow, or sun without rain.
But He did promise strength for the day,
Comfort for the tears, and light for the way.
If God brings you to it,
He will bring you through it.

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Fall, Rain, Fall

Fall, Rain, Fall

Fall, rain, fall... fall from the sky,
In delicate sheets of pale gray.
Bring out the green in the flowers and trees,
And streak across my window pane.

Fall, rain fall... fly through the wind,
And patter against the concrete.
Leave puddles and mud upon the wet ground,
Inviting to dogs and bare feet.

Fall, rain fall... pour from the clouds.
Bring that earthy, clean scent as you come,
And light up the sky with the Promise of God,
That will fade with the coming of sun. 


(Note: I did not take this picture.  I got it from here.)

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What's Yet To Come

What I am about to show you is a poem I wrote about two days ago.  A close friend of mine was having some fears about ever finding the perfect guy for her... the future husband that God wants her to choose.  She said that her worst fear was looking back at the age of fifty or sixty and thinking to herself, "What have I done?  I didn't choose the right guy, and I made a huge mistake."  I think all (or most) young people have this fear, and we often need a reminder that even when we are unsure of our futures, God is sure... He can see ahead, and He's watching out for us along the way. 

So Ali, this is for you.  :)

What's Yet to Come

I am thinking hard tonight,
As I look out at the stars.
I cannot help but think of you,
And wonder where you are.
It feels so strange that I am here,
And you may not be far. 

I often think about my future.
What if you aren't even there?
So many things are yet to come,
And I truthfully feel scared.
I'm afraid that you will walk on by,
And I will let you, unaware.

Every girl longs to be loved,
And cherished by someone-
The one that's meant for her alone.
My search has just begun.
I am afraid, but 'till you come,
Jesus is my only One. 

March 1, 2010

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The One Who I Admire Most

The One Who I Admire Most

Since I have been an infant cradled gently in your arms,
You've always taken care of me and kept me from all harm.
No matter who has come and gone in this life of mine,
You're the one who has been strong, a fortress by my side.
And eventually, I'll find that guy who captivates my heart,
But until then, you were made to play that vital part.
It's hard sometimes- I realize that- but you have been the best,
To help me through my hardest trials. I am just so blessed.
Of all of those that I admire, there are so very few,
But the one who I admire most is my only father: you.

March 2, 2010

I wrote this poem in honor of my dad, whose birthday is today.  I love him so much, and have been blessed by having him in my life.  He is a great example for me in so many ways, and I'm thankful that I have a father who is a part of my life and wants to spend time with me.

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There are days when I am tired,

And I'm weary of this earth.

Sometimes I only want to hide,

When I cannot see my worth.

So I walk outside the open door,

Into the gently pouring rain.

I've been in this place before,

And here I've found myself again.

You'd think I'd learn the first time.

This isn't where I want to be.

I wish that I could find a sign,

That You're taking care of me.

I tilt my face up to the sky,

Even though the sun is gone.

I shut my fists and whisper, "Why?"

I know that I'm not strong.

I close my eyes against the rain,

As it streaks across my skin.

You love me through my tears and shame,

And you wash me clean again.

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A Thousand Blue Eyes

A Thousand Blue Eyes
Like a thousand blue eyes in a field of green sun,
The garden comes to life with the wind in its lungs.
The rain starts up like a child, gentle and sweet,
Before rearing up bitterly and coming in sheets.
The flowers rear back as their petals are bruised.
The leaves of the grass become torn and abused.
But then it all passes, and the storm goes away,
Like a thousand blue eyes in a field full of day. 

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Dusk... or is it Twilight?


Like a father's gentle touch,
The sunset slowly fades.
The striking colors disappear
In a sweet farewell to day.
A music box, the crickets come,
A shadowed symphony.
The moon shines like a lantern,
Keeping stars good company.
A breeze begins to gently blow,
Chilling the newfound night.
Creatures tuck their young to bed,
And await the morning light.

May 24, 2008

Formerly called "Twilight"- before I had even heard of the popular book/movie series- this is something I wrote at the end of my Freshman year in high school. 

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Every Breath

Every Breath.JPG
Every Breath

If I was a flower, then You'd be the sun. 
I'd soak in Your love with each breath of my lungs,
And know that You would not fade.
If I was a river, then You'd be the ocean,
Giving me life through Your power and grace,
And I would feel so in awe of You.

You search each heart and You know my name.
You give me a hope that I can't explain.
And all I can do after all that You've done,
Is give You my every breath.

If I was a garden, then You'd be the rain.
You'd fill me with breath, and You'd keep me sustained.
And I'd feel the care that I don't deserve.
If I was an acorn, then You'd be the tree:
The Maker, Protector, Creator of me,
And each day, I'd grow more like You.

You search each heart and You know my name.
You give me a hope that I can't explain.
And all I can do after all that You've done,
Is give You my every breath.

The stars can't contain You.
The world can't restrain You.
And with everything You have done in me,
I will give my all to You.

You search each heart and You know my name.
You give me a hope that I can't explain.
And all I can do after all that You've done,
Is give You my every breath.

February 7, 2010

The draft of a song I wrote... I don't know yet if I'll put this one on my Youtube account, but I do like the words, and I thought I'd share.

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Too sick for school...

Something I wrote when I was about eleven years old.  I think it was a joke.


I'm sick, Mother.
I don't know why.
I feel real bad.
It's not a lie!

I might have a stomach bug,
Or maybe the flu.
I'm coughing so badly,
It could be the croup.

My tongue feels real dry,
And my throat is so sore!
But I liked that cough drop.
Could I have some more?

I vomited two weeks ago...
That counts, right?
And I think I turned bright green,
Sometime late last night.

My bones have all been broken,
And my poor ears ache.
I'm hot... no, wait! I'm cold! That's it!
I shiver and I shake.

My nose is runny.  I feel funny.
Can I stay home today?
Yes, that's great! No, I don't want tea.
I'm going outside to play.

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God's Greatness

Something I wrote two years ago.

God's Greatness

Tears are quickly falling against the rose in child's hand.
Too young to know true heart ache, she shouldn't understand.
What do you tell a girl when a drunkard took her mom?
Can you tell her just to smile and be happy and move on?

Crying can't be useful, so he ducks his aching head.
Every day this boy is punished in his younger sister's stead.
Bruises fade, but pain does not, and what's the point to hide?
Three long years from today, he'll commit suicide.

We break, we cry, and we feel pain as our loved ones fly away.
What is the point of living here if we're to die anyways?
Trust in Christ, the Mighty God, because His love never fails.
The price for pain was covered up with a wooden cross and nails.


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The dark-haired princess

The Dark-Haired Princess

She read storybooks before bed time,
About dragons and great knights.
She dreamed about their grand heroics,
And about their daring fights.

But one thing kept this girl awake,
One thing the stories lacked.
Each princess had hair like fair gold,
And this girl's hair was black!

"Is there no princess with dark eyes?
Without locks that look like gold?
If no such princess can be found,
I'll have to make my own."

So she took out a pen and paper,
And she tried her best to write,
But her rhymes were poor and simple,
And nothing came out right.

She shared her problem with her mom,
And said, "I really tried my best!
I guess I was wrong. I cannot write,
Of a dark-haired princess."

Her mother thought with loving eyes,
Then said, "Those tales aren't true.
There are princesses without gold hair,
And one of them is you."



I wrote this poem after my friend, Ali, who is Hispanic, told me that it always used to bother her as a little girl that the storybook princesses would only have blonde hair and blue eyes, and never black hair and brown eyes.  So I changed things up a little.

And of course now, we do have princesses of all colors, thanks to the Disney movies!

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The Ocean


I stand on the beach, my toes in the sand,
Looking out to the depths of the sea,
Of the ocean that's You, the wonder of You,
And the nothing at all that is me.

The wind and the waves foam with Your rage,
But the birds are still fed by your love.
And I stand under the weight of Your glorious strength,
Drowning, but not getting enough.

I look up to the sky; You are in the clouds,
The sun and the moon and the stars.
And I let myself sink in the ocean of You,
Seeking the wonder You are.


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Blue Flowers

Just something that I wrote today to show my friend, Ali, that all it takes to write a poem is a recurring theme (in this case, blue flowers), and a simple story.

Blue Flowers

She walked through the field of blue flowers,
Barefoot, with her eyes all aglow.
Her pretty black hair shone in the sun,
As she sat and watched the flowers grow.

He sat by the gurgling creek bed,
All tousled hair and freckled cheeks.
Eleven years old; a long, lazy day,
By those flowers, he fell fast asleep.

They met when he was but eighteen,
And she a mere sixteen years old.
They wandered the fields with a rod and a reel,
And they watched all the blue flowers grow.

Three years passed, and they wed in a chapel.
She wore pretty blue flowers in her hair.
They were young, with no cares about them,
And love lingered in the sweet summer air.

He built a snug cabin soon after,
Nestled right in the midst of the flowers,
With a porch out in front, so when babies came,
They could sit out and rock through the hours.

Many years and the children had all gone,
From the cabin and peaceful, old land,
But the two stayed in the field of blue flowers,
Telling stories and holding hands.

(I did not take this photo.  I got this photograph from here.)

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Dance the Night Away

Hope Candle.JPGA song about hope.

This is actually a slightly-revised and re-recorded edition of a song I wrote a couple of years ago.  You can listen to the song on my YouTube Link:


Dance the Night Away

She lies awake; she cannot sleep.
Her life is hard; she feels so weak.
The night is cold; she wants to cry.
She puts a knife against her wrist,
Clenches her hands into a fist.
She cries inside.

She's wishing, she's wanting,
She dances the night away.
Her world is so shaky.
She fights through the pain.
She's hoping, she's dreaming,
That she will find a way through the night
And she cries

Some days she can only crawl.
She feels so helpless and so small.
If you could see behind her eyes...
Hiding her arms when she's at school,
All of her friends can be so cruel.
She wonders why.

She's wishing, she's wanting,
She dances the night away.
Her world is so shaky.
She fights through the pain.
She's hoping, she's dreaming,
That she will find a way through the night
And she cries

Don't leave her here, please hold her hand.
All she wants is someone to understand.

She's wishing, she's wanting,
She dances the night away.
Her world is so shaky.
She fights through the pain.
She's hoping, she's dreaming,
That she will find a way through the night
And she cries

Find hope again, find hope again, find hope again, yeah, yeah
Find hope again, find hope again, find hope again, yeah, yeah, yeah
And she smiles...

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The Prayer

I declare my awe for You, Lord. 

You created the mountains, the ocean... You created life itself.

It was You who gave me my passions and my personality. 

Without You, I would not have the quirks and talents that make me, me. 

These are things that You gave me... things that make You love me even more.

You were there when I took my first breath, and You will be there when I take my last breath.

I have messed up so many times in my life. 

I have stumbled, and I have fallen hard... yet You have never left me.

You have always remained by my side, just like You promised.

I am in awe of Your love... there is no other God like You.

I devote my life to You.

I devote my all to You.

Continue to strengthen me as I strive to follow Your plan.

Keep me on Your path.

I am young, and I know I need the wisdom that only You can give me.

Thank You for allowing me to be Your child.

Thank You for saving me, God.

I am Yours completely.

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Give Me Hands

Give Me Hands

Give me hands to feed the children, Lord.
Give me hands to lift them up.
Give me a heart to feel their suffering.
Give me a heart to fill their cups.

Give me feet to find Your path for them.
Give me feet to travel across.
Give me ears to hear the cry of the hopeless.
Give me ears to hear the lost.

Give me eyes to see all the blindness.
Give me eyes to find what is true.
Give me tears to cry for the hurting.
Give me tears for those clueless of You.

Give me a song to sing to the broken.
Give me a song to share with the earth.
Give me breath to speak to Your children.
Give me breath to spread Your Word.

April 8, 2009

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I Was There

Something I wrote around a year ago. 

I Was There

The rain is falling as I trudge down the street.
I'm looking for a place where I can get off my feet.
The shops are all closed and the crowds gone away,
But I see an old bench, so I sit there and wait.

My jacket is thin and my shoes all have holes.
I shiver and tremble in the night's freezing cold.
As I sit, memories start to flash into my thoughts,
Of the life that I've lived and the friends I have lost.

The wind blows around me, an upcoming storm.
I look up when I feel a soft touch on my arm.
It's a man dressed in white despite of the rain.
He has scars on His hands and His eyes have seen pain,

But He smiles at me with a joy that is true,
And He says, "I've been waiting a long time for you.
I have always wanted to call you My own,
When you hid from Me and thought you were alone,

But I was there when the rain made it hard to see.
I was there when you scoffed at the mention of Me.
I was there when you cried with nowhere to turn.
I was there when you faltered and suffered and learned,

And I am here at this moment; you never could hide,
But you can't be My child until you decide."
I looked at this man and His kind, loving smile,
And I thought it'd be nice to rest there awhile,

So I moved a bit closer and He held out His arms,
And I found that the rain had slowly transformed.
The sun started shining; there was warmth in the air,
And I realized that Jesus had always been there.


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Child of Mine

This is a poem/song that I wrote right before I started the ninth grade.

Child of Mine

I am sitting there on that dusty road of sins I made,
Afraid to let the memories slowly fade away.
The second I forget exactly what He said to me,
I am terrified that I'll begin to stray.

I'm tired of being that lost and forlorn lamb.
I want to be the girl that He believes in,
But as I try to keep His words focused in my heart,
I am struggling not to fall back down again.

Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in this world.
I'm expected to be someone who I'm really not.
Sometimes I walk away from the One who made me, me,
And I keep walking without remembering who I forgot.

I've been lost, an outcast in all this dirt I've gained.
I feel like I'm too filthy for anyone to love me,
And yet when I'm wallowing in all my sins and pain,
It's always He who takes me and He claims me.

And I will never forget, and yet I can't remember,
As I hold onto what He said to me.
As He whispered in my ear, He said,
"Child of Mine, My beloved baby girl,
I love you; forever I will hold your hand.
I made you to be who you really are.
I want you; in the future, you will understand.
I cherish you like the princess you are becoming.
Let Me hold you.  Let Me be your Dad."

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The Dollar

Here is a poem that I wrote when I was ten years old.  I think that it shows that I have had a calling to help the needy since I was quite young.  It's poorly written, but I think it has a sweet message.

The Dollar 

A little girl got a dollar for her birthday.

She went out with her mother to spend it.

It was very dark and cold outside,

And the streetlights were brightly lit.

A rabbi at the temple called to her,

"I need that money! Do you know why?

Because my temple must be made bigger!"

But the little girl just passed on by.

A storekeeper selling dresses called to her,

"I need that money! Do you know why?

I have my family to feed, so please buy a dress!"

But the little girl just passed on by.

A homeless child sat on the street, hungry and alone.

"Girl, you need that money.  Do you know why?

So that you can spend it on things to make you happy."

But the little girl didn't pass on by.

What the little girl saw was a humble child,

Who had never had anything new,

So she reached out and gave the money to him.

I would! Wouldn't you?


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