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No More Excuses

Last week's article was about being different.  I strive to be different.  Not necessarily in the way I dress (although that matters too), but instead in the way I shape my actions and words.  I know I'm an example of Christ.  You may strive to be different as well. 

The biggest obstacle to being different is apathy.  I'll give you the definition of apathy, just in case you aren't familiar with the term. 

apathy ap-a-thy (āp'ə-thē) n. Lack of interest, concern, or emotion; indifference.

The chaos of life is difficult to overcome.  Believe me, as an honor student finishing my final year of high school, I get that.  Some days, I'm so exhausted that I simply want to fall into bed and sleep for three months straight.  When you're busy, apathy hits hard because you can easily become exhausted.  When you're lazy, it hits even harder. 

When you're feeling apathetic, it's easy to think, "Yes, I believe in God.  Yes, I'm different.  Yes, I abstain from what the 'bad kids' do.  Yadayadayada... but today, I don't feel like being different.  I'm not changing the world.  I'm just a kid.  What does being different even matter?  I just want to blend in with the crowd today.  I just want to be normal."  Sound familiar? 

"It's true!" you might be ready to shout at me from the safety of your computer screen.  "What does it matter if I don't do anything important today?  What does being different even do?  My life is hard right now, okay?  Why should I even care about this stuff?" 

I get it.  I promise you.  It's hard to stand up for what you believe in, and it's hard to stand out from the crowd, especially when you're feeling weary.  Especially when apathy is beginning to set in.  It's tough.  When it comes to apathy, I easily fall.  I am shy, timid, and often filled with doubts.  It's hard to stay strong.  But it's possible.

Why does it matter?  There are two big reasons why you should strive to be a city on a hill that come to my mind.  Because God called you to be different and because there are people watching.  It's as simple and as difficult as that.

God has called us to stand out from the crowd and be different for Him.  One of my favorite verses is Matthew 5:14"You are the light of the world.  A city on a hill cannot be hidden."  As a Christian teen, you are a city on a hill, meaning that you are an example to everyone around you.  If you're an outspoken Christian, then when people see the things you do, they think, "He's doing that because he's a Christian."  If you screw up and make a fool out of yourself, many will blame it on God or on Christians in general, and not only on you.

As soon as you make a confession for Christ, you're putting a burden on your shoulders.  With your words and your actions, you're showing people the words and opinions of Jesus Christ, whether you mean to or not.

According to God's Word, you're not of the world.  Your focus should not be the focus of other kids.  Miley Cyrus's latest scandal shouldn't be the first thing that comes out of your mouth.  When you log on the internet, why do you need to be watching YouTube music videos where women flaunt their skimpy clothing while dancing provocatively?  You're not a part of that world.  You're a part of God's kingdom.

A famous verse you've probably seen around before is Romans 12:2"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- His good, pleasing, and perfect will."  If that isn't clear, I don't know what is.  Many Christians read that part of the verse and take it to heart, but they leave out Romans 12:1, the verse that comes right before.  "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is your true and proper worship."  Not conforming to the world isn't merely avoiding drugs and sex.  It isn't merely knowing the cool Bible verses and wearing the clever Christian t-shirts.  It's not knowing the words to the worship songs you sing at church.  No, not conforming involves giving the entirety of your life for the purpose of following Jesus Christ, the One who died for you.

You were made to be a city on a hill and a living sacrifice for the purpose of leading others to the Lord.  That means that no matter how exhausted and weary and sick of religion you are today, as a living sacrifice, you were meant to be stretched beyond your limits.  You are a cup meant to be filled to the point of overflowing.  You were meant to go beyond the constraints of religion and into the realm of true faith.

Apathy is a difficult thing to overcome, yes, but God has called you to make that effort.  It's time to stand up for Him now.  Are you in?  

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I'm Different. Are You? : The Remedy

Hello, readers.  Earlier in the week, I posted an article called I'm Different. Are You?  In the article, I talked about how we should be different from other young people through our faith.  You may have read it.

Within the article, I was talking about being different through the things you don't do, and I mentioned something about how adults might consider you a model teen and say things like, "Look at Emily. She doesn't smoke pot or etc, etc.  You should be more like her."  At the time, I was entirely meaning to sound sarcastic because of the fact that it shouldn't be such a big deal to refrain from sin... that should be what is expected of you, not what is praised so highly!  I used myself as an example without thinking.

However, someone took the statement in a different way than I meant it and pointed out to me that it appeared like I was taking credit for my 'good' behavior rather than giving credit to Jesus.  I was absolutely floored.  When I re-read my paragraph, I realized that my statement could easily have been misconstrued in a way I didn't mean at all.  Normally, I wouldn't react to criticism from a comment this way -I never have before- but the anonymous commenter pointed out something I felt needed to be publicly corrected, as I never want to appear like I'm telling you to be like me.  In fact, if you asked me directly, I'd probably tell you to not be like me because I'm a pretty scarred individual.

I decided that before the day was through, I had to make it clear that I never intended to sound conceited or like I actually thought I was a perfect, model teenager that adults praise all the time... believe me, I'm not.  I'm as messed up as they come.  I've cussed, lied, hurt both myself and others, and abandoned God more than once.  Think I'm just saying that?  Here's my testimony. Read my story for yourself.

Don't bother searching for my controversial statement in my article, because I've already taken it out.  I didn't want it to be misinterpreted again, and I didn't want it to distract from what I meant to be the true purpose of my article.  The purpose was not me.  The purpose of my article was this: Our goal as Christian teens isn't to be unique. It's to be cities on a hill for Jesus Christ. 

As the last line of my article says:
 We can be different, you and I.  We're different because of Jesus Christ, and that is something we must not forget.  Amen?

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I'm Different. Are You?

If you've read this article before December 7, 2010, please read this note.

While some teenagers want desperately to fit in, many teenagers strive to be different, although not always in a good way.  I saw a cartoon once that featured two stereotypical rebellious teenagers.  They both had crazy-colored hair, baggy clothing, and studs all over their faces.  They were first encountering each other on the first day of school.  As they looked upon each other, one of them said grimly, "It's getting harder and harder to look different anymore."  Even though I'm a teen who revels in starting my own trends and not following the crowd, that cartoon sure gave me a laugh.

Being different doesn't always involve the way you dress and look.  You don't have to have purple hair and a nose ring to be different.  You don't even have to have your own unique style of clothing to be different.  People can consider you to be very different, merely by the way you act and the words you say. 

If you're a teenager and you're a follower of Christ, then you stand out from most young people.  You're different.

It's hard to be a Christian in today's world, especially if you're in between the ages of twelve and twenty.  When you're young, you're expected to rebel and do illegal things.  Most adults would say it's natural... the advantage of being young.  You're expected to experiment with sex and drugs.  You're expected to lose your virginity, dirty the air with a few choice cuss words when you get angry, and crash your car a few times because you were texting while driving.  You're expected to make low grades, sleep in until three o'clock in the afternoon, and yell at your parents when they ask you to make your bed. 

When you're a teen, you're definitely not expected to be a Christian, at least not someone who acts like it.  No way.  Why settle down and do what's right when you're young?  You have so many years left before you need to follow God, right?  Absolutely not.  But if you're like me, you know that already.

If you're a teenager and you're a Christian, then you've probably faced baffled questions from fellow teens, just like I have.  "Do you ever have fun?  Do you think you're better than me?  Why can't you loosen up and have some fun?  What makes you so different?"  Some questions are harder to answer than others.

It's easy to think to yourself, "I'm different because I'm a Christian," but a lot of people say that.  In fact, three out of four young people would easily say, "Yes, I'm a Christian," but have absolutely no idea what they're talking about and would not even be able to coherently answer the most basic of questions about their religion.  Check out this article by CNN, titled "More Teens Becoming 'Fake' Christians."  It sure gives a lot to think about. 

According to the article, "committed Christian teens share four traits: They have a personal story about God they can share, a deep connection to a faith community, a sense of purpose and a sense of hope about their future."  Is this something you have?    

As a devoted follower of Christ, what puts you in a different light from other teenagers, 'Christian' or not, is what you don't do and what you do.

What You Don't Do
If you're different from other teens, then you abstain from what many teens enjoy.  Sex, drugs, cussing, and underage drinking, for example.  Adults might think of you as a model teen because you don't do these things.   A lot of fellow teens might look at you strangely because you don't go to the drinking parties and you don't sleep around with your boyfriend.  You're different because of what you don't do.

What You Do
If you're different from other teens, then you strive to make your actions and words honorable and admirable.  You work hard to be "excellent" in your school work, because you know that's what God wants.  You use your words to honor both God and others.  You step out in your community with a will to be an example of God's crazy, awesome love.  You know that you're a city on a hill.  You're different because of what you do.

Both of these are important factors in being different from other teenagers.  Obviously, you are going to fail sometimes because you are human, but if you strive -truly strive, not just pretend to strive- at both of these things, then you're different.  You're a city on a hill and a light in the darkness.  People will look at you like you're an alien from another planet. 

According to the Bible, you're not of this world.

Before you stop reading this and turn off the computer with a smile on your face, reveling in the fact that "Hooray, I'm different!", please remember something important.  Being different isn't what your goal should be.  Go ahead and cover your car with "Jesus Freak" bumper stickers.  Blast that Lecrae from your stereo.  Wear the t-shirts that say witty comments like "Arrest Me: I Prayed at School Today."  But remember: your goal isn't to make people whisper and stare.  Your goal isn't to stand out from the crowd.  Your goal isn't to be unique. 

Your goal should be to become an example for Jesus Christ and that in itself will make you unique.  If you follow God's will without shame or reservation, you will stand out from this world like a flood in the Sahara Desert.  It's not the material things that matter.  It's the way you act, the things you say, and Who you follow.

We can be different, you and I.  We're different because of Jesus Christ, and that is something we must not forget.  Amen?

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The other day I came across a website that was supposed to be an encouragement for girls who are anorexic... but not an encouragement to help them turn their lives back towards normalcy.  No, this was a website that was pro-ana, or pro-anorexic... meaning that it offered support and encouragement for girls who wished to continue their anorexia.

This kind of thing honestly makes me a little angry.  I've seen kids both in my city and across the world who are malnourished and who do not have enough to eat.  They are starving and dying against their wills.  They want food.  And then I see girls who have food... and they refuse to eat it. 

If you have or have struggled with an eating disorder, please don't think I dislike you or misunderstand you or am angry at you.  I do realize that this is a disorder that stems from issues of emotional and mental health.  I empathize with girls who struggle with eating disorders.  I understand that this is something difficult to control and to overcome, and it is not something that many girls plan or want to have. 

It's not the struggling girl who makes me angry- it's websites like these that hurt girls that upsets me so much. 

I came across a list on this pro-ana website that literally made me feel sick.  It was called 40 Reasons Not to Eat and it gave forty "legitimate" reasons to help encourage anorexic girls to not eat when they're tempted. 

How can this help anything?  It makes me want to cry.  It makes me want to scream. 

It makes me want to write my own solution... called 40 Reasons to Eat.

So every other day for the next few days, I'll be posting five of the reasons not to eat listed in this article... and five reasons of my own to contradict this list. 

If you're anorexic, perhaps this can help to encourage you in the right way.  If you have a loved one who is struggling with an eating disorder, perhaps this can help you see their morphed perspective and be able to encourage them to stay strong and withstand temptations to not eat. 

So keep on the look out.  The first five reasons to eat should be posted on Thursday. :)

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Where is God's hatred?

Dear members of Westboro Baptist Church,

First of all, I would like you to know that I am writing this letter to you in love.  You can scoff at me and you can hate me, but I cannot bring myself to hate you back.  You don't have to read this letter that I am writing to you, but if you don't, it very well may be because you are afraid that my use of Biblical Scripture will prove much of your doctrine wrong... because I believe it will.  Will you read what I have to say? 

You profess that God hates Jews, homosexuals, America, and... well... pretty much everyone except for those who attend your church.  You picket funerals and teach your children to hold up signs that display graphic images and words.  If this isn't correct, then please correct me.  You claim that the Scriptures say that God hates anyone who does not obey Him- anyone who disagrees with His law.  I hope you don't mind that I've intensely studied the Bible to find what the Word says about love and I've come up with a few conclusions that contradict your own beliefs.


Does God hate the world?
This one should be pretty obvious, considering that this question is answered in one of the most famous verses of all time, John 3:16"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life."  That is Scripture.  God loves the world.  And this also shows that God does not only love the parts of the world that obey Him... He loves the entire world, including the sinful people (which is everyone, according to Romans 3:23).

Romans 5:8 says, "But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  Because God loved us sinners so much, He sent His only Son to die and suffer for us.  If we were perfect, He would never have done this.  No, God loved the world despite our sin.  He is a loving and merciful God, according to Deuteronomy 4:31

Psalm 33:5 says that the earth is full of God's unfailing love.  Psalm 13:5 talks about God's unfailing love.  If His love for the whole world is unfailing, that means that even when we sin, we will not lose His love.  Look at Isaiah 54:10.  It says, "'Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet My unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,' says the Lord, who has compassion on you." 

Nowhere in the Bible do I see a verse where God says that He has no compassion, that He has shakable, faltering love for His creation.  Lamentations 3:22 says, "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail."    

Do good works get you to heaven?  In the same way, do your sins keep you out of heaven?
It is considered boasting to say that you must be perfect and righteous to make it into heaven.  We go to heaven because of God's grace rather than our own works.  Look at Titus 3:5"He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy."  Philippians 3:9 says, "...not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ- the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith."  Try Ephesians 2:8-9, which states, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast." 

Nothing we can do can get us to heaven because everyone sins.  You have sinned since you became a 'Christian.'  When you curse and use swear words on your picket signs, you are sinning.  Ephesians 5:4 says, "Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving." 

You cannot damn others to hell because they sin.  That makes you the hypocrite.  Let God be the judge!  I'm going to show you Matthew 7:1-3"Do not judge, or you too will be judged.  For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.  Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in someone else's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"  You do not make it to heaven by your own good deeds.  You make it to heaven by faith.  According to Acts 16:31, "Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved..."

Is God merciful or hateful?
God is a merciful God.  He is a just Judge, but He is also merciful.  Once we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and repent for our sins, He forgives us and takes away the judgment that we deserve.  Those who refuse to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior are separated from God for eternity and sent to hell.  But it is not our call to decide who has done this and who has not.  You don't believe me?  According to 1 Samuel 16:7, "...People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."  Only God knows for sure who is going to hell.  You can't know this.  You can't judge which Americans and Jews and Christians and 'sinners' are headed to hell.  Only God can.  And God is merciful.  The Bible has a lot to say about this.

Joel 2:13 - "...for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and He relents from sending calamity."
Nehemiah 9:17 - "...But You are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love..."
Psalm 86:15 - "But You, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness."
Psalm 103:8 - "The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love."
Psalm 145:8 - "The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love."

Does this not make it clear to you that God is loving, compassionate, merciful... and rich and abounding in love?  These are only a few of the many verses that talk about God's unconditional and abounding love for all people.

Does God want us to judge and condemn others?
You believe that you are doing God's work by judging others, but you have been deceived.  I am going to simply list several verses dealing with this subject.  If you go by the Scripture, then you must accept all that it says.  See for yourself whether or not it is God's plan for His people to hate and judge others.

Micah 6:8 - "...And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."  
Matthew 5:7 - "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy." 
Matthew 23:23 - "But you have neglected the more important matters of the law- justice, mercy, and faithfulness."
Luke 6:36 - "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."
Ephesians 4:32 - "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."  
Colossians 3:12-13 - "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone.  Forgive as the Lord forgave you." 
James 2:13 - "because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful.  Mercy triumphs over judgment."

Are we to curse anyone?
You might believe that God wants you to curse everyone and tell them their supposed path to hell, but again, you are being deceived.  Romans 12:14 says, "Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse."  As Christians, we are called to treat everyone with love, not with curses and judgment.  This is not reflecting the true nature of Jesus, the One who ate with sinners rather than the 'righteous' pharisees.  Luke 6:37 says "Do not judge and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."  Because you refuse to do these things mentioned in Luke 6:37, it seems to me that you are very much in danger of being harshly judged, condemned, and not forgiven by God on Judgment Day.  Does that not frighten you?   

Should we show hatred towards our enemies?
Absolutely not.  Matthew 5:43-46 says, "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.  He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?  Are not even the tax collectors doing that?"  Part of being a disciple of Christ is our radical love for everyone, even the people who don't 'deserve' to be loved. 

Proverbs 14:21 is pretty clear on what the Lord thinks about this issue, when it says, "It is a sin to despise one's neighbor."  When you show hatred towards someone, you're sinning.  


I hope that my letter has made some impact on what you believe about hatred and love.  You are being deceived by your pastor.  You're being deceived by Satan.  Hatred is never a part of God's plan.  God loves homosexuals and heterosexuals, despite our sins.  God loves the soldiers.  God loves the Jews.  And God loves you and me. 

I would like to show you 1 John 4:8, which says, "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."  You have not shown love to the world as God has.  You do not have love.  According to the Bible, that means that you don't know God... at the very least, you don't come close to understanding His purpose for you.

I don't agree with what you do and say when you go out and picket others and tell them that they are headed straight to hell.   Our job as Christians is to love the lost and preach the gospel to all the world (Matthew 28:18-20).  We're supposed to win believers for God's kingdom, and when you spew hatred and condemnation, you're only turning people away.

I am praying that one day you will see and understand the true love and forgiveness that comes from believing in Jesus Christ.  Maybe one day you will apologize to the world for your cruel words and hateful signs and songs, but until then, I am praying for you.  I love you.  I am pleading to God that He will show you the full extent of His unfailing love.  When you hurt others with your words, you hurt God, but that doesn't diminish His love for you. 

You are welcome to respond to my letter.  You can comment below.  You can even email me at  You can write a paragraph or two, send them to me, and I will post your response in another blog article (with all profanity and crude language bleeped out) if that is what you want.  I would even interview you and allow my readers to see your side of the story, what you believe, and the Scriptures that you use to form your opinions.  I am trying my hardest to show you respect, even if you don't show respect to others.  I love you as Jesus still loves you.  

in Him,


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To a homosexual, from a Christian

Before I say anything, I would like to make it clear that I am not writing this to judge you, to look down on you, or to tell you that you're going to hell.  You don't need to feel defensive or offended before you read what I have to say... and I hope you don't feel that way after you finish reading.  You may not believe in God, but I do, and maybe this blog will help you see a little bit more where I am coming from as a Christian.  Will you hear me out? 

Christians and homosexuals have never seemed to get along.  I've seen pictures of 'Christians' holding up signs that say, "God hates fags."  They are so wrong and I'm sorry you've had to see that and be judged and put down like that.  I mean, where in the Bible does it say, "For God so loved the world... minus the gay people."?  Nowhere.  God doesn't hate you, no matter what you've been told.  When Christians hate you, they're making fools of themselves and their so-called religion.  They aren't expressing the love that the Jesus who they claim to worship expressed when He died on the cross for everyone, despite sexual orientation.  My God doesn't hate gay people.  My God doesn't hate you, no matter what you've done. 

Honestly, you and I have an equal chance of going to hell if we're going to base it only on our actions.  Homosexual or not, if you base your salvation on actions, you're going to hell.  Ouch... right?  It's not just you though.  It's me too.  If anyone on this green earth is a sinner, I am.  I have told lies, defiled my body, and used my words to hurt others.  I am a sinner.  The only difference salvation-wise between you and I (and I'm assuming here.  You can tell me if I'm wrong), is that I repented for my sins and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior a few years back.  That's the only difference.  I still sin every day.  I try not to, but I do.  And I'm forgiven.  Don't be put off by my words here.  I'm not going to give the whole salvation plan right now.  You've probably heard it.  If not, then leave me a comment and I will talk to you for as long as you like.

Here could be a good place for me to quote a whole lot of Bible verses about how you're headed straight to hell with your gay lifestyle, but I'm not going to.  I'll go ahead and post the links to some Bible verses about homosexuality and you can read them for yourself, but I don't want to preach at you and put you down.  How do I have any right to do that?  I'm a sinner too.  I'd be a hypocrite if I judged you.  All I want to do is share with you what I know to be the truth and let you know about the sincere love that Jesus has for you.  Here are the verses that you can read for yourself about homosexuality: Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Romans 1:26-28.

If I am going to tell you the truth about what I think about homosexuality, I'll have to say this: I do think it's wrong for a man to have sex with a man and for a woman to have sex with a woman.  The Bible- which I believe is faultless- says that it's wrong to commit homosexual acts.  But do you know what else the Bible says is wrong? Adultery.  What else? Fornication- sex outside of marriage.  What else? Lusting after someone in your heart.  These are all sexual sins and I know many Christians who struggle with each and every one of them. Basically, even as a Christian, people are going to have sexual temptations.  I know young teens who are sleeping around- sinning- and are being let into church.  I know men and women who are living together, unmarried- sinning- who are being let into church.  What I want to know is why very few churches are not allowing homosexuals- whose sin is no worse (and no better) than any of these others'- into church.

I'm not going to deny that I think homosexuality is wrong.  But I'm not going to push you away from me if you are homosexual.  I'm not going to think any less of you as a human being.  I'm still going to treat you with the same dignity and respect as I would any other sinner on the face of this earth.  I have no right to say you're going to hell just because you're gay.  All I can say is that if you have not accepted Jesus Christ to be your Savior and repented of your sins, then you might have something to worry about... but because you're a sinner in general, not singularly because you're gay.

Finally, I would like to apologize to you and to all homosexuals out there for the persecution that the Christian Church has put upon you.  It is sinful, unjust, and completely ungodly to look down upon you as a person for this sin.  We need to focus on loving people instead of focusing on what they do wrong.  We should make it clear that we think that homosexuality is wrong- and I think we have- and then love you anyways.  That's what Jesus Christ did.  He makes it clear that He hates all sin, but we keep on sinning and He keeps on loving us.  So I'm sorry for what you've endured because of us.

I'm not going to say that God says it's okay to be gay, because I don't believe that.  But I am going to say that I love you the same and I wish you the best.  I am not homophobic.  I am not disgusted by you.  I'm not afraid to be friends with a gay person, so long as he or she is clear about where I stand.  I'm not afraid to talk to you about what you believe and about what I believe.  And I love you... in a sisterly way.  Leave me a comment if you have something to say.  I don't mind.

Have an amazing day.


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What Allegiance?

Flag.jpgToday, I overheard a comment made by a student who attends my high school.  "I'm proud of Texas, Christianity, and the Bible, but I am not proud of America." 

That saddened me.  Sure, it's true that America- like every other country- has issues and corruption within its government and politics.  Since America was established as a nation, we have suffered from various corrupt leaders and stupid choices.  And we shouldn't be proud of those things.  However, is America made up of only Clinton or Bush or Obama?  If you hate war, abortion, or health reform, does that mean that you should also hate America?

Of course not. 

As Seneca once said, "Men love their country, not because it is great, but because it is their own." America was founded with hopes and dreams for a better future and a new reality.  In many ways, our nation has fulfilled its goals.  We offer religious freedom to all.  We've provided jobs and new lives for many people.  We've grown from almost nothing to the most powerful nation in the world.  And there is no denying that we have made many mistakes along the way, but tell me this: what country hasn't?

Have you heard the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater"?  This applies to America. 

The United States is filled with corruption, violence, and hatred.  When you look around you, what do you see?  Do you see men and women being sent overseas to kill hundreds of people?  Do you see thousands of murdered babies?  Do you see the 33,300 people committing suicide every year?  Do you see the moral disintegration everywhere you turn?  Yes.  You can't live in America and escape from the symptoms of spiritual death all around you.

But are you looking for the baby?

"There is no baby," you might say.  "The metaphorical dirty bathwater has transformed into a sizzling acid that consumes everything in its path.  Whatever was left of the baby has already been destroyed."

Not true.  The baby in the bathwater is the morality, equality, and enduring hope that Americans share.  Our country was founded as one nation under God.  We recognize a brotherhood and sisterhood with fellow Americans and we have a unity that not all nations share.  That is the baby.  The baby may be pale and sickly, thin and gaunt, but it has not yet been destroyed.  There is still hope for America.

If you are feeling ashamed and repulsed by America- embarrassed by her fraying edges and rotting core- then what do you plan on doing about it?  If you pull away from the United States completely and refuse to have anything to do with it, then how will anything ever change?  Let me give you some ideas.

Revive yourself.  America is made up of more 307,000,000 people.  When you see the corruption around you, it does not only come from a few rotten leaders.  It comes from the hearts of the citizens of your country... from you as well.  Before you start picking at other people and saying, "this is why I'm not proud of my country," see what you can do to change things.  A revival does need to start in America, but it won't just happen.  It will start with first one person and then another and another.  Why not let it start with you?  Robert G. Ingersoll said, "He loves his country best who strives to make it best."  What are you doing to make your life and your community and your country a better place?
Talk about it.  Don't just go around saying, "I hate my country.  America has turned into a bunch of liars and thieves.  No, talk to your friends and loved ones about what you can all do to change the situation around you.  Write letters to the media and to your local representatives.  Start a revival around your community.  Empty talk will change nothing.  Talk followed by actions can change a lot.  Let your voice be heard.

Do something.  If you dislike your government, then change them.  We're a democracy.  You can vote.  Vote for your president, for your senator, for your congressmen... vote for everyone you can to get the right-hearted people into office.  For my readers who are too young to vote yet, encourage your parents, teachers, and the adults all around you to vote.  If you don't like the way the government is treating the poor, then get out there and start serving them to the best of your ability.  If you don't like the way your government handles an issue, then start a petition- contact the media- write letters.  Don't sit back and fume and let it all happen.  Apathy is never the answer.

Pray.  There can be no successful country without God's help.  America was founded under God, but we are falling away quickly.  Pray without ceasing for a revival to occur in the United States.  Pray that God will help open the eyes of the lost and deceived in our nation.    

I hope this article has made you think.  If you are struggling to keep a sense of pride for your country, then do not yet lose hope.  Feel shame about the things that have gone wrong in the past.  Feel anger about the injustices.  Feel sadness for those who have been lost.  But feel hope about your future and strive to make a difference.  I'll end with a quote by one of our greatest presidents.

"I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives.  I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him." -Abraham Lincoln

Have an opinion- agreement or disagreement- about this article?  Leave me a comment.  I'd love to hear what you have to say.

The pictures come from here and here.

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The Truth Behind Speeding

If you have your driver's license, then you know how much of a temptation speeding actually is.  When you're in a hurry, when you're on an empty road, you feel like it's no big deal to speed.  At least five miles over.  Speeding is nothing... right?  As you read this, you may be thinking, "What are you talking about?  It's not wrong to speed, so long as you aren't speeding way over the limit and endangering someone's life.  Speeding a little is fine.  I do it all the time and nothing ever happens." 

You might be surprised to find out that speeding is wrong.  In fact, when you drive over the speed limit, you are disobeying God.  Let me tell you why. 

The government has set down specific speed limits for each road.  The government is your authority.  Romans 13:1-2 says, "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.  The authorities that exist have been established by God.  Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves."  When you go over the speed limit, you are disobeying a law that your government has put over you.  Even if you are speeding by only a few miles, you are still rebelling against something that your governing authority has established.  According to Romans 13, that means that you are not only rebelling against what the government has put over you, you are also rebelling against a law that God has established.  That's pretty serious, if you ask me. 

Do you carry the opinion that speed limits aren't that strict- that really, a speed limit is only a loose guideline for you to follow?  When you think that speed limits are only guidelines, then you are rationalizing something to yourself that isn't true.  You are deceiving yourself.  Speed limits are not guidelines.  What happens when a cop catches you speeding even five miles over the limit?  He pulls you over, gives you a ticket... you have to pay a fine for breaking the law.  If speed limits were only loose guidelines, don't you think that you wouldn't get in trouble for loosely following those guidelines?  No, of course they aren't guidelines.  They're laws.  They've been set into place with a purpose.  When you speed whatsoever, you are breaking the law

Also, when you speed, you are endangering someone's life.  Did you know that in 2009, 46% of road deaths were caused by speeding?  That's nearly half of all road deaths.  How would you feel if you caused an accident that took someone's life?  If the police discovered that you were speeding before you were in an accident, you would be given a large fine or even arrested.

I'm one of the only teens out of my friends who chooses not to speed.  Because of this, the way I drive is often criticized.  My friends jokingly tell me that I drive like a grandma.  Although I'm often teased for driving the speed limit, my mind will not be changed.  I strongly believe that when you speed, you break God's law, and that means that you are sinning.  A friend of mine, Caydence, has willingly agreed to participate in a small interview about speeding.  Caydence believes that speeding is okay as long as you stay careful, but watch how her opinions slowly start to change by the end of the interview.     

ME: Do you think that speeding is wrong?
CAYDENCE: I don't think it's wrong as long as you aren't driving recklessly.  Like, if the speed limit on a major road was 40, I think that's a little ridiculous. 

ME: How fast would you go on a major road with a 40mph speed limit? 
CAYDENCE: That depends on if I'm late...  Normal: 45- or 50 if I'm not stuck behind someone.  In a hurry: Well... in the middle of the day when there's plenty of room and nobody right in front of me, maybe 60?
ME: How fast do you have to be going for speeding to be wrong?
CAYDENCE: Kind of depends on if they're reckless, but sometimes- like 60 on a 40- honestly, I think that is wrong... In neighborhoods, I think it's really dangerous to speed, and I don't because I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hit a kid who ran out in the street.  On the highway [60mph limit], 90 would be "okay" if there's lots of room, but 100's pushing it.  But there's not any specific rules or anything, it mainly just depends on if you're under control [while] driving. Driving recklessly is always wrong; you need to be in control, especially if you're speeding. 

ME: What is the farthest you've gone over the speed limit?
CAYDENCE: 125 on the [60mph limit] highway... but it was at 4:30 in the morning.  [I was] running late and there was no one else on the road.  I actually screamed out loud and my car freaked out, then I went back down to 100.

ME: Have you ever texted or talked on the phone while driving?
CAYDENCE: I always talk on the phone while driving, but I wait till I'm stopped to text. If I don't finish the text when the light turns green, I finish it and send [it] really fast while going extra slow or [I] just set it down and wait to finish it.  If it's important, I'll ask either [a friend] or my brothers to text for me when I'm driving.

ME: Do you think that you are disobeying God when you speed?
CAYDENCE: When I think about it, yes. I know the speed limits are to keep people safe. That's why I started cutting back [recently], but I tell myself I'm in control, so it's okay.

ME: Did you know that 46% of road deaths last year were caused by speeding?  Does that change your opinion on speeding at all?
CAYDENCE: I didn't know that, [but] yes, it changes my opinion.  I didn't think about it being so dangerous before, but I heard about a lot of people being killed and decided it's definitely not worth it.  And when I think about it, it's selfish of me to speed, putting other people in danger, but in the moment I didn't usually think about that.  

Maybe some of Caydence's thoughts echoed your own.  Maybe you're shocked by her answers to my questions.  Unfortunately, my friend's responses are similar to the thoughts of many drivers (especially teenage drivers) today.  If you are a speeder, I would like to encourage you to pray about what you are doing.  Ask God what He thinks about speeding.  And if your opinions are still not changed about speeding, then please remember to drive carefully while on the roads.  One reckless action can change your life forever.

What do you think about this article?  Do you have any opinions?  Do you think speeding is okay?  If you want, answer my questions on your own and post them as a comment.  I'm curious to see what other drivers believe.  If you don't have your license yet, answer the questions anyway.  What do you plan to do when you drive?  Thanks for reading.      

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Oh, Obama... look out for 2012!

This is a song I wrote in honor of our president.  This wasn't meant to offend anyone.  This was written in a joking manner, and I hope that you can enjoy it with me.  I may publish the song onto YouTube in the future. 

Oh, Obama

Oh, Obama... everybody thought that you would,
Bring the change.  You guaranteed us,
But now people are seeing the kind of change you really meant.
Oh, Obama... passing this new health bill,
Knowingly against our wills...
It's hard to stay respectful to you, Mr. President,
Now I know that my kids will have to pay for what YOU spent.

(I guess all that I can say now: careful what your votes can do.
If you voted for some change, has he changed enough for you?)

Oh, Obama... everybody's pretty mad now.
You better make things better fast now.
Socialism isn't what our fathers had in mind.
Oh, Obama... you may have the right intentions,
But if you only paid attention,
And followed what America REALLY wants next time.
Don't you see your actions are disrupting many lives?

(I guess all that I can say now: careful what your votes can do.
If you voted for some change, has he changed enough for you?)

Dear Obama... use your power while you have it,
But don't get comfy just yet.
The year of 2012 is looming very near.
Yes, Obama... you can hurt us while you can now.
I just had to make a shout out.
'Cause guess who's old enough to vote for REAL change next leap year?
Good luck, go nuts... you only have two and a half more years.
Oh, Obama...

I took the picture from here.

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Who does God hate?

I found something today that I'd forgotten about until now, but it amused me enough to put it on here for today's post.

A few years back, when I was in the ninth grade, I had to write an opinion article about a controversial issue for my creative writing class. My teacher ended up sending it into the newspaper, and they published it within the next week. Here is the link: the amazingness. And here is a copy of what I wrote:

Letter: Hate not part of God's plan

"God hates faggots."

This slogan has spread through America during the past few years, spoken by people who claim to be Christian, spreading hatred toward homosexuals with Web sites, speeches, banners and that motto.

I am a Christian and I believe homosexuality is wrong, but there is no reason to hate someone simply because of a lifestyle with which you disagree.

God is a God of love and mercy, not hate.

John 3:16 does not say, "For God so loved the world - unless they are gay."

God loves the world, homosexual or not, and he would not want so-called Christians going around spreading hatred in his name.

If we really want to change a lifestyle we disagree with, and teach anyone what being Christian means, we need to express our views through love, or we will convert more people to atheism than Christianity.

Emily Whelchel

Now, my dad is a doctor, and he knows a lot of people, and so all day after this was published, random people kept coming up to him and saying things like, "Your daughter's article in the newspaper was a riot!" Now my dad had no clue I had even written this article, and so when he finally got his hands on a newspaper, upon reading the first sentence, he later told me that he had to set the paper down for a moment because he was so afraid that I had written something terrible about gay people.

I tend to say what I feel about certain issues, and so I'm sure that that was a legitimate fear in the back of my dad's mind. But anyways, when I saw this article for the first time in a couple of years, it brought back some amusing memories, and I hope this made you smile too.

I still agree with myself, by the way.

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My eyes are still burning...

Yesterday, some of my friends and I did not have the class period after lunch, so we went to a store called T.J. Maxx, which my friends said is a "knock off store"?  I think that means that this is a store that carries things that are less expensive than if they were a a name brand store.  Anyways, it was quite fun to explore this place.

We found a doll that pees and poops, a figurine of a black Santa Claus (something that I had no idea existed and almost purchased), and some amazing old-fashioned hats.  I believe that we could have spent hours in this store and we would not have grown bored.

Towards the end of our exploration, we went to the book aisle, and I found something that shocked and appalled me.  It truly left me speechless. 

My friends were wandering to the picture frames when they returned to see me staring at this item with huge eyes.  I was almost catatonic. 

Maybe I should have poured bleach into my eyes.  Maybe I should have fled the store, screaming at the top of my lungs.  Now, all I can say is that I am traumatized for life... possibly even longer.

Are you curious now?  Are you already scrolling down to see what this horrible thing is?

Well, go ahead and look at your own risk.  I accept no liability for any side affects or PTSD that may occur from what you are about to see. 

Here we go.

All I can ask is why? 

He had to try to destroy our ears when he was a contestant on American Idol.  Why burn out our eyes too?  Why do this to us?

Why draw out his fifteen minutes of infamy any longer than he has to?

Why this title?  "Dancing to the Music in My Head: Memories of the People's Idol."  He wasn't the people's idol.  He was the people's terror.  And "dancing to the music in my head" sounds almost schizophrenic. 

What on earth could he have endured in his life that is fascinating enough to write about in memoirs other than his frightening hair and murderous voice? 

No, I did not purchase this book.  I could not bring myself to endure the humiliation of having it in my book shelf.

My eyes are still burning.  Where is the bleach again?

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