Results tagged “abraham lincoln”

What Allegiance?

Flag.jpgToday, I overheard a comment made by a student who attends my high school.  "I'm proud of Texas, Christianity, and the Bible, but I am not proud of America." 

That saddened me.  Sure, it's true that America- like every other country- has issues and corruption within its government and politics.  Since America was established as a nation, we have suffered from various corrupt leaders and stupid choices.  And we shouldn't be proud of those things.  However, is America made up of only Clinton or Bush or Obama?  If you hate war, abortion, or health reform, does that mean that you should also hate America?

Of course not. 

As Seneca once said, "Men love their country, not because it is great, but because it is their own." America was founded with hopes and dreams for a better future and a new reality.  In many ways, our nation has fulfilled its goals.  We offer religious freedom to all.  We've provided jobs and new lives for many people.  We've grown from almost nothing to the most powerful nation in the world.  And there is no denying that we have made many mistakes along the way, but tell me this: what country hasn't?

Have you heard the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater"?  This applies to America. 

The United States is filled with corruption, violence, and hatred.  When you look around you, what do you see?  Do you see men and women being sent overseas to kill hundreds of people?  Do you see thousands of murdered babies?  Do you see the 33,300 people committing suicide every year?  Do you see the moral disintegration everywhere you turn?  Yes.  You can't live in America and escape from the symptoms of spiritual death all around you.

But are you looking for the baby?

baby-bubble-bath.jpg"There is no baby," you might say.  "The metaphorical dirty bathwater has transformed into a sizzling acid that consumes everything in its path.  Whatever was left of the baby has already been destroyed."

Not true.  The baby in the bathwater is the morality, equality, and enduring hope that Americans share.  Our country was founded as one nation under God.  We recognize a brotherhood and sisterhood with fellow Americans and we have a unity that not all nations share.  That is the baby.  The baby may be pale and sickly, thin and gaunt, but it has not yet been destroyed.  There is still hope for America.

If you are feeling ashamed and repulsed by America- embarrassed by her fraying edges and rotting core- then what do you plan on doing about it?  If you pull away from the United States completely and refuse to have anything to do with it, then how will anything ever change?  Let me give you some ideas.

Revive yourself.  America is made up of more 307,000,000 people.  When you see the corruption around you, it does not only come from a few rotten leaders.  It comes from the hearts of the citizens of your country... from you as well.  Before you start picking at other people and saying, "this is why I'm not proud of my country," see what you can do to change things.  A revival does need to start in America, but it won't just happen.  It will start with first one person and then another and another.  Why not let it start with you?  Robert G. Ingersoll said, "He loves his country best who strives to make it best."  What are you doing to make your life and your community and your country a better place?
Talk about it.  Don't just go around saying, "I hate my country.  America has turned into a bunch of liars and thieves.  No, talk to your friends and loved ones about what you can all do to change the situation around you.  Write letters to the media and to your local representatives.  Start a revival around your community.  Empty talk will change nothing.  Talk followed by actions can change a lot.  Let your voice be heard.

american-flag.jpgDo something.  If you dislike your government, then change them.  We're a democracy.  You can vote.  Vote for your president, for your senator, for your congressmen... vote for everyone you can to get the right-hearted people into office.  For my readers who are too young to vote yet, encourage your parents, teachers, and the adults all around you to vote.  If you don't like the way the government is treating the poor, then get out there and start serving them to the best of your ability.  If you don't like the way your government handles an issue, then start a petition- contact the media- write letters.  Don't sit back and fume and let it all happen.  Apathy is never the answer.

Pray.  There can be no successful country without God's help.  America was founded under God, but we are falling away quickly.  Pray without ceasing for a revival to occur in the United States.  Pray that God will help open the eyes of the lost and deceived in our nation.    

I hope this article has made you think.  If you are struggling to keep a sense of pride for your country, then do not yet lose hope.  Feel shame about the things that have gone wrong in the past.  Feel anger about the injustices.  Feel sadness for those who have been lost.  But feel hope about your future and strive to make a difference.  I'll end with a quote by one of our greatest presidents.

"I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives.  I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him." -Abraham Lincoln

Have an opinion- agreement or disagreement- about this article?  Leave me a comment.  I'd love to hear what you have to say.

The pictures come from here and here.

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