Questions and Answers
Posted by Lists and Tips, My Life, News and Updates
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How long have you been writing?
I've been writing for as long as I can remember. The grandma of one of my childhood friends was talking to me a few weeks ago and asked, "Emily, do you still write?" Writing is a talent and a passion that God has blessed me with since childhood. I love it more than almost anything in the world. Writing is my outlet. It truly gives me joy.
Do you have anything published?
No, not yet. I'm currently working on polishing a manuscript of a novel I wrote before I begin querying agents. The novel, Before You, made the top five in an online contest at and was reviewed by HarperCollins, but they chose not to publish because of some faith issues I incorporated into the story, which I can understand. I wrote a little mini-devotional book called Set Apart a couple years back. It's available for you to buy in my Book Store, but I wouldn't even consider that "self published." It's just a little something I wrote. Maybe one day, if it's God's will, I will publish a book.
Can I find you on any other websites?
Yes! I have two YouTube accounts: my music channel and my "for fun" channel. You can find me on Inkpop and on Figment. I have a rarely-used Twitter account as well. I'm also a member of Susie Magazine's online community.
What do you want to do when you grow up?
I don't know yet. I'm a senior in high school right now and I'll be heading off to a university in the fall. At this point in my life, I'd like to major in English and minor in Business, but this is very liable to change.
Do you read all of your comments?
Yes! I love comments. I tend to be insecure about posting the things I write online for everyone to see, so when I get an encouraging comment, it lights up my entire day. I don't respond to a lot of comments I receive, unless they contain a question, but I read every single one. If you've ever commented on my blog, I've read what you had to say. And thank you.
You mention traveling a lot. How many countries have you visited?
My parents have given me so many opportunities in my life. I'm so grateful and so blessed. I've actually been to eleven countries, including the one where I live. I've visited: America, Canada, England, France, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Holland, Kenya. I've only been to the airports of Canada and Holland, but I've technically been inside of those countries, so that counts!... right? :)
Where and when do you write?
I tend to write best at night, but I write through weekend afternoons as well. I like to write in my room, at my desk, alone. If someone else is in the room with me, I struggle to concentrate. I can't have any distractions.
You write a lot of artist and song reviews. What are your top five artists/bands?
I love music. My number one favorite artist is Elvis Presley. He's amazing. After Elvis, I'm not really sure who my absolute favorites are, but I'll list some amazing artists/bands that I definitely recommend. Group 1 Crew is the coolest band ever. I adore Colbie Caillat's voice. I've loved Superchic[k] for years and years and years. B. Reith is also crazy good.
I have a problem with something you said in one of your posts. What should I do?
Tell me. I appreciate criticism, so long as it's polite and constructive. Feel free to disagree with something I said and comment with your opinion. I don't appreciate hate comments that contain cuss words and derogatory phrases like "You suck!" Those comments will be deleted. If you stay polite and respectful, I would love to hear what you have to say, even if you disagree with me.
Will you write about ________?
Very possibly! If you want me to write about a certain subject, request it in the comments. I'm always looking for new ideas to write about.
Questions for You-
1. What are your New Year's resolutions?
2. Do you have anything published?
3. Who is your favorite artist/band?
4. What led you to find my blog?
5. If you could go anywhere, where in the world would you go?
Tags: about me, africa, airport, austria, b reith, before you, book store, business, canada, colbie caillat, comments, constructive criticism, elvis presley, emilyissmiling, emilytheperson, england, english, figment, france, germany, group 1 crew, harper collins, harpercollins, holland, inkpop, italy, kenya, mexico, music, new year's resolution, online community, published, self published, set apart, superchick, susie magazine, switzerland, thelifeofemily, travel, twitter, united states, university, writing, youtube