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40 Reasons to Eat (21-25)

21. Do you want people to say, 'For ____ sake get off me, you're crushing me; I can't breathe!' or 'You are soo light.'? - I actually can't bring myself to say much about this, other than, "What on earth are you doing on top of someone in the first place?"

22. Underweight, a.k.a. perfect body. - According to who?  Barbie?  I don't understand why you think the picture to your Starving.jpgright is beautiful.  I don't understand that at all.  To me, a healthy, natural weight is a perfect body. 

23. Ballerina? Or beanbag? - This made me laugh a little.  Your reasons not to eat are getting limper, so I'm not having to actually provide much of an argument to make them look silly.  Let's see.  No matter what you look like, you aren't going to be a beanbag... because a beanbag is an inanimate, cloth object with little white beans inside.  No matter how much you eat, you can't be a beanbag.  You can only be a ballerina if you take years and years of classes and practice and teaching.  And being a ballerina takes strength and muscle.  If you are underweight or malnourished, you cannot be a ballerina.  You won't be strong enough. 

24. I want to be light enough so a helium balloon could lift me and carry me to the in my reoccurring dream; I love that dream. - That is impossible.  You would have to be less than a pound for that to ever happen.  A seven pound newborn baby can't be carried by a helium balloon.  A little chihuahua dog can't be carried by a balloon.  A candy bar can't be carried by a balloon.  Once a teacher of mine gave everyone in my classroom a helium balloon.  They were each weighted down with a tiny DumDum sucker.

25. I want to walk in the snow and leave no footprints. - Again, even a tiny four ounce bird will walk through the snow and leave footprints.  This is impossible unless you are some sort of ghost.  So you will be dead.  Not good.

Check in on Sunday for the next installment of 40 Reasons to Eat.  

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40 Reasons to Eat (16-20)

16. Only fat people are attracted to fat people. Do you want pigs to like you because you are one of them? - Wow, this writer is starting to become kind of rude.  Incredibly rude, actually.  Something this rude doesn't even deserve a clever Fat and skinny.jpgretort.  I guess I'll just give you a picture instead. 

17. Anyone can have 'inner beauty,' but few can earn real beauty, inside as well as out. - This is warped.  This is the opposite of what little girls are taught.  Personally, I know very few girls who have achieved inner beauty.  Not just anyone can have it.  When you have true inner beauty, it literally shines through your smile and makes you beautiful, no matter how much you weigh.  On the other hand, can you think of that really pretty girl at your high school who has a gorgeous face and body... but is the biggest jerk in the world?  Now imagine a friend of yours or someone you admire who is sweet and kind and very pretty.  Which of those would you rather be compared to?

18. You'll be able to move as quietly and skillfully as a spider. - There's your Spider2.jpginspiration, girls.  Lose weight and you'll look like a spider.  What a cute little guy. (I'm one of those people who fear spiders more than death.  And you want to be like this?!)

19. Only thin people are graceful. - I wish I could find this video, but I was watching the dance show, So You Think You Can Dance, one day during an episode of auditions.  A dancer who was overweight came and danced beautifully.  She made everyone cry.  She was very graceful. 

20. If you slap a fat person, you can see a shockwave ripple over their skin. That's disgusting. - You would have to be pretty fat for that to actually happen.  But honestly, are you planning to be slapped any time soon?  Is getting slapped something you look forward to?  Maybe if you had a little bit of fat, people would refrain from slapping you.  Yikes.

Stay tuned for Friday to read the next installment of 40 Reasons to Eat. 

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