Who does God hate?
Posted by Faith and God, My Life, Tangents, Writing
| Filed underI found something today that I'd forgotten about until now, but it amused me enough to put it on here for today's post.
A few years back, when I was in the ninth grade, I had to write an opinion article about a controversial issue for my creative writing class. My teacher ended up sending it into the newspaper, and they published it within the next week. Here is the link: the amazingness. And here is a copy of what I wrote:
Letter: Hate not part of God's plan
"God hates faggots."
This slogan has spread through America during the past few years, spoken by people who claim to be Christian, spreading hatred toward homosexuals with Web sites, speeches, banners and that motto.
I am a Christian and I believe homosexuality is wrong, but there is no reason to hate someone simply because of a lifestyle with which you disagree.
God is a God of love and mercy, not hate.
John 3:16 does not say, "For God so loved the world - unless they are gay."
God loves the world, homosexual or not, and he would not want so-called Christians going around spreading hatred in his name.
If we really want to change a lifestyle we disagree with, and teach anyone what being Christian means, we need to express our views through love, or we will convert more people to atheism than Christianity.
Emily Whelchel
Now, my dad is a doctor, and he knows a lot of people, and so all day after this was published, random people kept coming up to him and saying things like, "Your daughter's article in the newspaper was a riot!" Now my dad had no clue I had even written this article, and so when he finally got his hands on a newspaper, upon reading the first sentence, he later told me that he had to set the paper down for a moment because he was so afraid that I had written something terrible about gay people.
I tend to say what I feel about certain issues, and so I'm sure that that was a legitimate fear in the back of my dad's mind. But anyways, when I saw this article for the first time in a couple of years, it brought back some amusing memories, and I hope this made you smile too.
I still agree with myself, by the way.
Tags: childhood, controversy, dad story, God, hatred, just for laughs, laughter, love, memories