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Stay Tuned for Upcoming Saturdays and Sundays

I am one of those people who loves music.  It doesn't matter what genre, what artist... so long as it sounds good, I will thrive in it.  This passion of mine can sometimes be my downfall.  It can be hard to not want to listen to the secular artists with amazing sounds, but terrible messages.  However, when I stop and listen to the actual words of a song, I suddenly realize the anti-Christian message that I have been pushing into my mind all along.  These song are pleasing to the ear... they make you want to jump up and dance.  But are they healthy to our spiritual walk with Jesus? 

Philippians 4:8, NLT, says, "Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." 

There are times when I have to sit back and ask myself, "Is what I am listening to honorable?  Is this song pure and admirable?  Is there truth in these lyrics?"  If the answers to any of these questions are no, then it is definitely time to begin to clean out what has piled up on my Pandora channel and my iTunes. 

Every Saturday starting with next week, I am going to write a review on a popular secular artist.  I will give you my opinion on whether their songs follow the example of Philippians 4:8.  I will use examples of their song lyrics, their lifestyles, and their personal quotations.  I will also share Bible verses that contradict what this featured artist is promoting.  I hope that not every secular artist that I feature will fail my Bible litmus test.  However, I do fear that there are artists who will fail horribly... and some of these I probably listen to on a weekly basis. 

Then, on the following Sunday, I will write a review on an admirable Christian artist who has a similar style, good music, and shares lyrics that follow the guidelines of Philippians 4:8. 

What I am trying to do will help me improve my personal choice of songs, and it will hopefully give you a glimpse of the truth behind what you might be playing into your ears.  I hope to encourage you to strengthen your spiritual walk with the Lord by only putting admirable things into your head.  

To do this, however, I would like your help.  If you have an opinion- agreement or disagreement- on what I write about an artist, then tell me.  If you would like me to review an artist on this blog- secular or Christian- then ask me, and they will most likely come up in a future blog.  Feel free to comment on each blog post, or send me an email at, and I will try to get back to you soon.

Try to prepare your hearts and minds to accept the fact that there is a chance that what you are putting into your thoughts may not be wholesome, and ask the Lord to give you the humility and the strength to realize the truth about what He wants you to hear.  Pray about the artists that you listen to, and stay tuned for next Saturday and Sunday.

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Regrets, regrets

First off, I'd like to say... I'm sorry!  I haven't written more than one or two entries a week for the past month or so, and I really need to get my act back together and start writing.  My life has been extremely busy lately, but I am determined to get a grip.  I need to write more.  I need to post more. 

Reece's RainbowAnother thing, if you want a small, mostly unheard of Christian agency to support, I would like to strongly recommend Reece's Rainbow.  It is an organization that helps raise grants to assist families that want to adopt children with physical and mental capabilities.  If you cannot afford to financially sponsor Reece's Rainbow, then you can also become a Prayer Warrior.  They will hook you up with a picture of a child and some information, and your duty is to pray over this child every day until they are adopted and given a permanent home. 

Who has been watching American Idol lately?  Lacey Brown is from my city, so check her out.  She had a slightly rocky song this week, but I'm still hoping to see her next week. 

Feel free to send me an email at

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