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Just some news

I just wanted to let all of you know that I got through my wisdom teeth operation without much trouble. 

My friends even took a video of me if you'd like to check that out on my YouTube vlog

Check in tomorrow because I will have a short article. :)

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Wisdom Teeth

Tomorrow morning at 8:45, I will be getting my wisdom teeth out.  I am nervous... actually, nervous doesn't even describe the level of worry and panic I feel right now.  In my life, I've only had two baby teeth pulled, I've never had surgery, I've never broken a bone, I've never gotten stitches... honestly, this is going to be the biggest 'operation' done on my body so far. 

Have you gotten your wisdom teeth out?

Do you have any suggestions?  Advice?  Encouragements?  Horror stories? (let's hope not!)

Overall, I'd definitely appreciate your prayers.